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dragon57 last won the day on September 4 2024

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About dragon57

  • Birthday July 12

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Community Answers

  1. Some of your items are addressed in this thread: As to your 'to zip' or 'not to zip' is user preference, but you have to realize how some things will be affected by either choice. I personally 7-zip all my console roms, but many find it easier to just have no of the small console roms compressed as large disk drives are pretty cheap these days. There is no right or wrong here.
  2. dragon57

    Bezel Clipping

    While the TV surround can cause a very slight clipping if you don't use a shader to match the round corners like CRT-GEOM (the intent of that TV surround), what you are seeing is way more than you should have. What does your lay file look like for this game? Here is mine. <!-- bezel.lay --> <mamelayout version="2"> <element name="bezel"> <image file="bezel.png" /> </element> <view name="Bezel Artwork"> <element ref="bezel"> <bounds left="0" top="0" right="16" bottom="9" /> </element> <screen index="0"> <bounds left="4.625" top="0" right="11.375" bottom="9" /> </screen> </view> </mamelayout>
  3. LaunchBox pulls from the same Github, so updating with LB should be fine.
  4. Have you updated your bezels for MAME very recently? The new ones we just pushed to Github should have correct lay files for all the vertical games.
  5. Note: the MAME bezels were just updated a couple of weeks ago. Depending on the age of your files, you may want to reinstall them. Here is my lay file: <!-- bezel.lay --> <mamelayout version="2"> <element name="bezel"> <image file="bezel.png" /> </element> <view name="Bezel Artwork"> <element ref="bezel"> <bounds left="0" top="0" right="16" bottom="9" /> </element> <screen index="0"> <bounds left="4.625" top="0" right="11.375" bottom="9" /> </screen> </view> </mamelayout>
  6. Yes, should not be a problem. Did you download just png files, or a matching set of cfg and png files for each system? Show us a pic of what you downloaded and where you put them.
  7. Here is how mine is setup.
  8. Totally agree. Retroarch has a ton of tweaks you can do, but unless you have lived and breathed Retroarch/Libretro over time and understood those tweaks as they evolve, it can be difficult for users to figure things out in a simple way. Keep giving us data and info and I am sure this can be figured out.
  9. I have seen a number of people who say behavior seems to change when launching Retroarch from LaunchBox versus launching from Windows. Not always, but usually it is related to what is defined in the command line arguments for the Retroarch Emulator section. Have you checked to see how LaunchBox is launching Retroarch? I doubt that command line is basically blank.
  10. This has been a bane to all users of Windows Retroarch and the cores that support more than one system. I work on the Bezel Project team and am well aware of this issue and I am currently working on a solution to this. My testers have told me my latest method works well for them and I hope to roll this out in my Bezel Project Windows app very soon. While my efforts address the issue you bring up more widely than just for bezels, my bezel solution should address what you are stating. I have reached out to the LaunchBox team about integrating my new method, but I can't say more than that at the moment. I have no timeline yet for broad release. Just know a potential solution is forthcoming.
  11. My Bezel Project for Windows app supports writing out the config and overlays directories along with a readme file that SHOULD work on your android device (at least I have no reports recently that it no longer works). You can download the app from here: https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject-Windows As far as I know, LaunchBox does not as of now support Bezels on Android.
  12. All, an updated themed and system art bezel pack for MAME has just been released. This builds on the original MAME sets that were targeting an older Retropi build. These updates attempt to provide a bezel for every 'working' game MAME supports as of the 0.270 release. If you happen upon a game that is missing a bezel, please go to Github for the particular repo in question and open an 'issue' ticket with what is being requested. Also, the issue where the Bezel Project app for Windows disables the overlays setting in Retroarch has finally been identified and should be fixed. A new build of the app (V1.1.13) has been uploaded. Existing installations of the app should reinstall this new release as it contains a new file required for MAME. The app has better support for native MAME installations for games that use more than one monitor for its display. If you want to know when a new version of the app is released, follow this post as I will be announcing it here. You can also watch the repository on Github: https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject-Windows Finally, the game list required for LaunchBox has also been updated.
  13. You have two options in my mind. 1. Do some manual pixel offset measuring in a graphics program using those bezels in question, then edit the MAME lay file for the same bezels, then you should be good. 2. Go into the MAME Tab section with the bezel showing and modify the video graphics settings to get the MAME viewport to fit the bezel transparent display port section.
  14. That indeed is the correct flow. #3 is a big pain point for our Bezel Project. I plan to see what I can do about that sometime coming up. All the old requested bezel repos for consoles/system will be done very, very soon (probably a week). Then the plan is to hit every repo for outstanding issues and see if a bullet point structure will alleviate the problem of using a core for multiple systems.
  15. It sounds like you have a core cfg file saved with menu_show_overlays set to false. You will have to force save an updated core cfg file inside of Retroarch after changing this to true, or manually change the value inside the questioned cfg files (make sure Retroarch isn't running if you manually edit anything).
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