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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. neil9000


    lol little polymorph77 is tired
  2. neil9000


    external emus?
  3. neil9000


    Talking my mouth.
  4. neil9000


    Apologies no offence meant or intended, but yeah I use a external ps emulator..
  5. neil9000


    not really theres 2 versions, hw or not, neither really work. standalone I can crank right up, no issues.
  6. neil9000


    lordmonkus, yep thats why I did not recommend it. I don't get it its my problem somewhere? psx hw nope garbage speed.. stand alone 4x res etc
  7. neil9000


    3.4 no overclock.
  8. neil9000


    good call, I'm using a i5 gtx 770 and having issues ps1 on retroarch, epcsxerearmed however!!
  9. neil9000


    You know what @lordmonkus I had never thought about that, different ones for different games, mmmm, I might might crawl back into my hole, and research.
  10. neil9000


    I bought a battery powered sensor bar a few years ago, was about £5 on amazon. You can use real wii remotes and nunchucks with dolphin now.
  11. neil9000


    I don't use MAME so sorry pass. In my experience ps1 and 2 yes standalone is better in my opinion. I have very good luck dreamcast wise in retroarch but there is no save option, n64 I use retroarch at higher resolution than my tv can render and it looks and runs great, gamecube, dolphin, wii dolphin.
  12. neil9000


    Everything lordmonkus Said. Thank you sir, I ramble.
  13. neil9000


    Hello again, you are using cue and bin for Saturn I assume? at least that's what my two roms are, they just work for me. as for adding retroarch, once you have pointed launchbox to its .exe launchbox will auto populate that associated platform list. You only need to touch it if you are using a different emulator than default or are adding one not auto populated. edit, I'm on Windows 10 also.
  14. neil9000


    OK just checked, Sega Rally just launched no probs with yabause in retroarch, Not sure what this mounting stuff is about.
  15. neil9000


    @ckp Hi again, retroarch supports I think 5 controllers, arcade sticks are above my pay grade, but I don't see why not, in the input setup you set them up individually controller 1, 2 etc. Retroarch does support ps1, although it always runs awfully for me so I use standalone for that. Correct ps2 gamecube and wii are not supported so I use separate emulators for those systems. I don't use Saturn a lot only have 2 roms, but yaubuse is there and works fine with my 2 roms. Hope that helps, any more questions crack on and ill do my best.
  16. neil9000


    Also I should say I use retroarch for every console except ps1, ps2, gamecube and wii. Retroarch also has save states for 99% of the emulators that can be used with a controller, very handy for bigbox, no keyboard required.
  17. neil9000


    Hi ckp, the reason I use retroarch is for ease of use, once you setup your controller in the front end it "should just work" with all the emulators. Of course if you need to change it you can do that on a per emulator level. yes you can also change video options per emulator and save to just that emulator. You can set whatever screen resolution or aspect ratio you want in retroarch so u don't ever have to see it as a front end, launchbox will just launch your rom fullscreen with controller support auto configured.
  18. neil9000


    Hi ckp, This should help But yes it is a frontend itself and also has many emulators included for everything up to PlayStation 1.
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