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Everything posted by deliyuerek85

  1. I have a question. I hope this is the right thread for it. How can I add a transition to a custom image? This is the code what I have so far: <TextBlock x:Name="PlatformIcon1" Visibility="Collapsed"> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Deliyuerek/Images/Icons/Platforms/{0}.png"> <Binding Path="ActivePlatform.Name" /> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Text> </TextBlock> <Image DockPanel.Dock="Right" Source="{Binding Text, ElementName=PlatformIcon1}" Margin="0,-13,5,0" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" /> I want the image to fade but I don't know how to assign the transition. I hope someone can help.
  2. Ok, thanks anyway. And sorry again.
  3. Thank for the effort Jason. I don't want to be nitpicky (after all, you didn't want to inplement it yet), but I have added a portable PDF Reader as an Emulator to open PDF files. Will it use the setting of that Emulator, or that of the game where the app is located?
  4. I'm sorry. I did not mean to blame you for something. I know you can not answer to every post in here. I only felt that I was ignored because my topic is not interesting enough.
  5. That the feature is meant to run an app WITH the game makes no sense, because if you don't activate one of the options that launches the app before or after the game it starts seperately. I have never used rocketlauncher and don't ever want to use it. Why should I launch a game to read an article about it or to watch a comercial. That makes no sense neither. It only makes sense for manuals or guides. Anyway, I don't want to bother the thread with this topic.
  6. Yeah of courso you are right. But my frustration is because that I have so many "additional applications" for most of my games now. For example, it is weird that the a game startup screen appears if I open an article/pdf or play a commercial video of that game and it closes with a "game over" screen. For my understanding, the "additional apps" section meant not only for alternate versions of that specific game. If that is so, than I obviously misunderstood the concept of that section. Please don't get me wrong. I am wery much appreciating the hard work that Jason is putting into this project. I'm only a little bit frustrated, that something that I was completely satisfied with, is changed now. ?
  7. Ok, there is no response to my last comment ? I will no longer bother you with my requests, which seem to not interest any other person. Sorry.
  8. I understand. It may be a rare case for the most people. But for some games I have many additional applications like TV commercials, game magazine articles or game guides. For example, some are launched via .bat files. After the startup screen the command window does not disappear like it normaly should. PS: It would be good if you could choose which additional applications are affecting the "play count" of a game.
  9. @Jason CarrCould you add an option to deactivate startup an shutdown screens for additional applications?
  10. Very cool plugin. Is there a way to implement the values to your own theme?
  11. @Jason CarrThe loading and end end screens are cool and I am looking forward to the pause screen. I have one question. Could you add a "completed" button to the game details view. I don't want to switch back to Launchbox to mark a game as completed after finishin it. It would be cool if you could implment it.
  12. Cool, thanks. That's a feature that I was wishing for a long time. I hope it will not take a long time to implement.?
  13. @Jason Carr Hi Jason, playlists are still not updating automatically, if I add a new game to a platform via the "Add" button. The new feature to automatically generate categories is really cool. However, it would be cool, if you could add a "sort by" button in BigBox within the platforms/playlists. You could add the button into the sidebar next to the search button for example. I dont want to create a playlist for example for "Playstation (sorted by year)", "Playstation (sorted by title)", Playstation (sorted by date added)" etc.
  14. @Jason Carr sorry that I respond late but I had no time to test if my issue with teh "relese date" playlists has been solved or not. Something has changed but unfortunately it is still not fixed. The play lists seem still to be emty at firs. But if I go to the playlist edit menu and save the playlist again, than the games appear in the playlist. however, if I close Launchbox and start it again, than the games are gone and the playlists are empty again. I have a general problems with trefreshing of the playlists since the nested categories update. If I add a new game to the collection, my playlists are not adding the new game automatically. I need to go to the edit menu of the playlist and save it again. But in contrast to the "release date" playlists, the new game stays in the playlist after a restart.
  15. @Jason Carr Yes, I think too that it has to do with the date format of my country or something. I live in germany an our date format is dd.mm.yyyy. I will let you know if it is fixed in the next beta. Thanks!
  16. Hi @Jason Carr in the new beta I still have the issue with the 'year' playlists. ? In the edit window the games are there.
  17. @Jason CarrYes, it could indeed have something to do with my regional settings. My Windows is set up for germany. The date format is therefor dd.mm.yyyy. But it had worked in the past.
  18. Another bug I have detected is, that my playlists do not update anymore if I add new games to any platform. The new added games are not visible in the playlists.
  19. You misunderstood the concept. Think of it like folders. A category is a folder, where you can add another category, a playlist or a platform. But you can not add categories into a platform or a playlist. It is not what this feature is intended to do. If you want something like PLATFORM --> GENRE --> SUBGENRE, than you need to create a category that is named like the platform, than within this category you add another category with the name of the genre, and within this category you add a playlist that is populated with games of this platform and the specific subgenre. Example: category(name: Arcade) --> category(name: Shooter) --> playlist(name: Twinstick-Shooter) I hope it's understandable. It's simpler than it sounds.
  20. I still have this problem in the new beta. ? EDIT: And the games in my other playlists are still in wrong order in BigBox.
  21. I've sent it to you.
  22. I have noticed, that the games in the Playlists are not sorted correctly in BigBox. For example, I have a playlist, where the games should be sorted by "Date added". But they are now sorted randomly. But that issue is only in BigBox. Another bug that I have discovered is, that my playlists, where the games should listed, that are released between a specific time period, are not populated anymore: But in the edit menu they can be seen:
  23. Ok, now the Platforms are shown in the root. But now the contents of the root folder are not sorted correctly in BigBox. I don't know in which order they are listed. It seems to be random.
  24. Nice new feature Jason. I have waited for that a long time. But I have one little wish. It would be nice, if the platforms that are added to the "root" folder show up in the root of the platform category view in BigBox. In Launchbox you can see them in the root.
  25. @Jason Carr I must say, I don't like this change at all. I have used playlists in the platforms view from the beginning. I like it, when everything is on one place. I would appreciate if you could add an option to allow that. Please....
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