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Posts posted by cleverest

  1. 36 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Its still to be implemented but it will be, as others have stated several times everything that is in the standard will be implemented into next, but not everything came be magically done at the same time, so things have to be prioritized. If you click the option to show versions it does pop a coming soon box, so yeah coming soon.

    Where IS the option to show versions BTW? I can't find that anywhere...

  2. 13 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Its still to be implemented but it will be, as others have stated several times everything that is in the standard will be implemented into next, but not everything came be magically done at the same time, so things have to be prioritized. If you click the option to show versions it does pop a coming soon box, so yeah coming soon.

     No problem, just pointing it out because it seems like something minor that’s really easy to miss.

  3.  And launchbox.next does not display version along with the title...I  used to hate that it did, but then I started to like it, ( it’s easier to remove it in mass by using edit all, then it is to add different versions to different games/mags/comicsfor mag/comics I put the month/year there) 

    I hope that can be added back as an option (per platform )to display version after title or not...

  4. 2 minutes ago, Djungelurban said:

    I have 4GHz i7 with 16GB RAM so I don't think it's a hardware thing... I do have many games in there though (over 20000)...

    I have 8Gb and 55,000 titles (although 8k are an unorganized total DOS mess being removed as I add and finish my smaller Exodos imports...

    And LB NEXT is much faster for me. It’s not a hardware issue for sure. My  processor is a core i5 3.4ghz  I run my collection off of an external USB 3 hard drive. (8TB)

  5. 3 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    That's what I tested in. Looks like another member is having same issue. I have some more changes to make later so I will report back if I had the issue show up. 

    Thank you for working on this, please do the following:

    And to an existing platform, on the left platform i have one by itself (in platform category view) called ALL COMICS

    ...choose a few items, edit them,  choose SERIES, type something ....save...

    Then inside the same platform, choose a few different games, and do the same (but type something new for series) and make note if it adds/ changes  the previous ones,  as if they were still selected...

  6. 12 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    @cleverest I tried to replicate your issue, but could not. I can bulk edit a group of games (either existing or after new import) and make a change (series, genre, etc...) then click a different file or group of files and edit as well and it does not affect the prior group of files. At least I think I am understanding your issue and tried my best to replicate it. 

    I was adding new playlists so trying to test this worked out since I was using the bulk edit already. 

     It only happens in LaunchBox next, not the regular LaunchBox 

  7. Okay, got a bug that seriously just cost me some time....
    This worked fine before .NEXT version...

    When I select multiple titles and make an edit (for example I just added some comics, and I do this in batches to add SERIES, so I will select several of them (shift or CTRL-click as needed) and make the changes (usually to series or genre, or version), say NO to more changes, and then I can click off the batch selection and click another in the series, and make a modification to a few of them or ONE...well not anymore with careless ease...

    with LB.next even if I select one file after doing this the first time....no, it wants to do a batch edit of the previous + the one I clicked on, and if I do another multi-select and EDIT, it will seem to work, but without me realizing it and without the previous titles selected it will ADD those changes to the previous multi-selected files as if they were still clicked and chosen! ARGH! 

    To work around and I have to click on another platform and back into the comics platform (or whatever) and then it resets it..

    Please fix this!  I use genre and series bulk edit a lot. Thank you!

  8. "Cuz I know how much of a pain in the ass PS2 storage is; that’s like 4-8 gb PER GAME!!!  "

    Just want to point out that a lot of PS2 games run anywhere from 15MB (yes MB, EX: Retro Classics - 8 Arcade Classics from Yesteryears (Europe) ), to 7.3GB (XenoSaga Episode 1) , but I use real-time .GZ compression for my PS2 games, setting 9 to achieve this, with many PS2 games, in the 300MB to 3GB range..it makes it much eaiser to store on the cloud if you wanted to (not to mention a drive) and with .GZ I don't sacrifice any speed once the game launches at least one time in my collection, it stays compressed and it's in real-time.

    My Nintendo GC cames run 338MB to 1.4GB, so it's not that much of a difference, depending on the game we are talking about..

  9. 1 minute ago, DOS76 said:

    It's not a bug ?  but it is something that a lot of users aren't happy with hopefully Jason will figure something out to change it. I know I for one don't like how it looks and other users have commented on it also.

    I think even if the containers themselves (when smaller) were enlarged to match the other larger/normal container sizes, it would look much better. (even if the image itself stayed the same size)

  10. In LB.Next Under OPTION / GAME DETAILS, please bring back the option to CHECK "SERIES", it's missing for some reason, the normal view has it, and I reference that a lot when going through games to see if they are assigned to a series or not, thanks!

    * Nevermind, I missed it somehow, it is there.

    Series and Genre's still need some love though... (see my above request)

  11. See screenshot, when I click each of these game icons to select them (including a pictured COMIC) they all load the same exact GAME DETAILS on the right...which is for 1943 Battle of Midway...in COMPLETE VIEW / AL GAMES and search for text string 194  (to find 194x series games)

    I clicked away from the view to another, then back and now I cannot replicate it....don't know if it needs to be looked into more...



  12. 3 hours ago, Dane said:

    Something has changed with this it seems. I remember my 3DS games working with the Citra core in RA but now the two Citra cores won't even load manually in RA let alone launch a game from LB or BB. Has anyone else lately tried with the 3DS with the RA core and failed as of late?

    I use the standalone Citra, so I'm not sure...sorry.

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