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Posts posted by cleverest

  1. 2 hours ago, Starbuck said:

    Currently setting at 70,000. No dupes. The one thing I do have is for most of my systems, I have sub categories for homebrews, hacks, conversions and prototypes. These categories are forever growing and many of them are fun to play.

    Would you be willing to enable counts in LB and post screenshots of your platform lists? I have 43k and have no idea what I could be missing....besides a lot of ps3 and several hundred ps2 games I cannot fit...also, what is the total size of your collection? Mine barely fits on a 8TB drive.

  2. 2 hours ago, spycat said:

    When you hide a game via it's tickbox option within the Edit Game window it's automatically hidden in BigBox but will still appear in LaunchBox unless the Show Hidden Games option in the View menu is disabled. This applies to All as well as the hidden game's Platform.

    That would be perfect is only hid comics and magazines this way, but I also hide adult game titles, which I DO want to show in the main launchbox view (but not BigBox for when I stream to my TV)

    Oh well, thanks for clarifying that though.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jason Carr said:

    Unfortunately this seems like too much of a confusing or a user-specific request. There are other ways to hide games, such as marking them as Hidden or Broken.


    Thanks for responding, but marking stuff hidden doesn’t remove anything from the ALL games list in launchbox...it only hides it in bigbox. I mark all my adult game titles hidden, I don’t really want to mix magazines and game comics into that. I guess this isn’t the product for having anything other than games; even if it’s game related; Darn. ?


  4. 46 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

    When nesting is finally added is when I'm going to add my comics but it is going to be its own separate build just for comics no games included. I hate to say it but I really doubt you will get any love on this as the program is focused on games only with all suggestions of other media being add pretty much snubbed by all official channels and while yes the program supports any type of files really I know from my and others past request for other media that you are not likely to get any support on this one.

    I do have a seperate build for comics *mostly, I've just kept video game related magazines and comics in this collection. That's too bad.

  5. Would it be a simple enough addition/request to accommodate to allow filtering out of the ALL GAMES view any files that end with a certain EXTENSION?  I know LB is not really created for Magazines and Comics, but I do have those in my collection, and would love the option of simply not having them show up in the all games listing...not to mention people who import films..

    For example, if they end in .CBR, .CBZ or .PDF

  6. 1 hour ago, DOS76 said:

    When you said particular series I didn't take it in the right way I thought you meant the series itself as in all the issues of that series not the setting in LB. I opened one of my platform xml files and the series tag is in there so unless the backup you used was made right after you made your changes I don't know what the issue is.series.png.bb14e4aaa0c91ffbf234e9b745b4fbfe.png

    The files themselves were bulk edited and SERIES was changed there....but all the files themselves are all under one platform in this LB build (it's under COMICS)...they are separated into many playlists....based on the series...so when I overwrote the wrong series...it killed my playlists...UGH, what a mess..I wish I could just "roll it back".

  7. 5 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    you can look in the backup folder and see if there is an older xml for your platform then rename it and replace it in your platform folder inside of the data folder. This is why everyone should have a backup of their Data folder on a different computer or in the cloud.

    I replaced the platform.xml already with a backup that was older, but it didn't change the series at all...is this stored somewhere else?

  8. Any chance this awesome plugin could be updated? I think it's buggy sometimes, and I got this crash after using it for about a 30min session... (right when submitting a URL to an image, for a game) - I'm using the latest NON-BETA v8.3)


    Value of '-7696600' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'minimum' and 'maximum'. Parameter name: Value

    App: LaunchBox Version: 8.3 Type: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException Site: Void set_Value(Int32) Source: System.Windows.Forms

    at System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar.set_Value(Int32 value) at ImageSearch.frmDownload.client_DownloadProgressChanged(Object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e) at System.Net.WebClient.OnDownloadProgressChanged(DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

    Recent Log:

    11:48:30 AM Music.Stop Start 11:48:30 AM Music.Kill Start 11:48:30 AM Music.Kill Finished 12:01:23 PM Music.Pause Start 12:04:49 PM Music.Stop Start 12:04:49 PM Music.Kill Start 12:04:49 PM Music.Kill Finished 12:07:57 PM Music.Stop Start 12:07:57 PM Music.Kill Start 12:07:57 PM Music.Kill Finished 12:09:34 PM Music.Stop Start 12:09:34 PM Music.Kill Start 12:09:34 PM Music.Kill Finished 12:10:59 PM Music.Stop Start 12:10:59 PM Music.Kill Start 12:10:59 PM Music.Kill Finished 12:11:46 PM Music.Stop Start 12:11:46 PM Music.Kill Start 12:11:46 PM Music.Kill Finished 12:18:35 PM Exception


  9. Can this be fixed? I have platform categories I'm viewing as my main view...using my licensed build of LaunchBox (a second install) for Comics, and of course it does the same with games, but anyway... see the photo.....the amount of titles in the category below Comics are all divided in PLAYLISTS, etc....the top platform category should show half of what it actually shows, but it doubles the total count of all files ....looks funny cause it says ALL above it, and that amount is much less..

    Is it possible this could be fixed or is there some easy way I can fix it?



  10. 48 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

    Yes, that's why I noticed, I loaded up the beta and had no sound, had to turn the knob up. :) 

    That's alright Neil you like playing with the knob.

    Me too, that’s why I wish there was a Raunch box!

  11. I tried to edit with many titles selected, and it won't let me do this...only lets me change the PLATFORM in bulk...not the CATEGORY...

    If I change to playlist view I can't do anything with playlists themselves (wish there was some right-click functionality in this view)... and can only right-click individually the playlists and change PLATFORM CATEGORY one at a time...

    Any way to do this in bulk with a .INI maybe?

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