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Posts posted by cleverest

  1. 1 hour ago, eXo said:

    I just sort of took his word for it, as I don't know the ins and outs of launchbox as well as most. 

    I'm a bit buried in other things right now. Can we put this off until all 5 packs have been released? At that point I can at leats make a master list of "adult" games without having to worry about going back and updating it again later when the next pack hits.

    Sure man, really appreciate it.

  2. 14 hours ago, eXo said:

    Glad you fixed it! All adult games are marked as adult. Can you sort or filter by rating?

    When it was a meagre only collection it asked during install if you wanted to remove adult games. I disabled that though as to do it in launchbox would require XML edits.

    I suppose I could create two versions of each pack. One with adult and one without, and then it asks which one you want on install.

    In the mean time though, Jason told me that marking them as adult games would give people the ability to delete or hide them.


    eXoDOS, you said that Jason said that it would let me delete or hide them, but I have no way to filter them in Launchbox and see which games are which...I'll look around more...

  3. eXoDOS, would you happen to have a list of the adult games provided in your packages, specifically for 3.0+ releases...I just need to be aware of what to remove if I share these with my friends...some won't be into that. 

    I think I found all of them that is in RPG and ADVENTURE, but I'm not sure....I only found one in Strategy (Teenage Queen) so far, but wanted to ask before I went though 1,367 titles...

    Thank you for all your help and your hard work on this awesome collection. 

  4. FIXED it...ridiculous way too...There was another MS-DOS XML in platforms that I had RENAMED once to back it up, like MS-DOSpreviousversion.XML...

    I ZIPPED that file and deleted the actual XML, now it loads all games...somehow Launchbox was loading that despite it being renamed....lesson learned!

  5. 1 hour ago, JamesBond@ge said:

    This reminds me of the time when Cleverest didn't know how to switch his PC on. The whole forum was helping him for about 3 months ;)

    That's extra funny since I work in IT and have for 20 years.  Made me really LOL!

  6. 7 hours ago, cleverest said:

    Ran the setup.bat in my launchbox, and it goes for awhile with all the DOSBOX stuff and then tells me, this erro, but then continues, into the !dos stuff...should I be concerned?



    Could the issue be related to it not finding a file at this part that I posted before about, before the !dos copy process begins?

  7. 1 hour ago, eXo said:

    That's right... You have the newer version of the torrent. In the XML folder should be a MS-DOS.xml file which is the three .game files combined with a header and footer added. Try putting it in your launchbox platforms folder over whatever version is in there.

    Just tried again (after downloading the torrent over again to be safe) - same issue, stuck at 1400 MS-DOS games....copied over the XML file to platforms folder in launchbox

    :-(  I wish I knew what I did wrong....I got the other two packs installed fine...

  8. eXoDOS, the STR.game file shows this as the first two lines....is this wrong?

        <ApplicationPath>eXoDOS\Games\!dos\PrmMan3\Premier Manager 3 (1994).bat</ApplicationPath>

  9. Ran the setup.bat in my launchbox, and it goes for awhile with all the DOSBOX stuff and then tells me, this erro, but then continues, into the !dos stuff...should I be concerned?



  10. 5 hours ago, Dan said:

    I think I will go down the conservative route and copy the assets across manually with the xmls combined rather than risk any automated process!


    that's what I do...I run the set up process on a different installation and then copy over the MS-DOS.xml, all the images content, and metadata....

    But for some reason this time, the strategy games aren't showing, so I'm trying to run the setup and patch again, this time from my LB collection...I have no other DOS games in my MS-DOS platform (my other ones are in a TOTAL-DOS collection, that is a big mess currently), so that should work I am really hoping...we'll see

  11. Yes the XML file is the new one in the strategy download, I searched and found SIMCITY inside of it to verify...

    I have all the packs metadata zips in the Launchbox folder...RPG, ADV and STR

    Should I run SETUP.BAT and then Patch.bat again....maybe that will fix it?

  12. Not sure what I did wrong, but my MS-DOS games still show 1,400 total...the new Strategy ones aren't showing up in Launchbox...

    After installing and patching, I copied over the contents of the folder GAMES into my existing collection where the other ones are, this is the same I did with RPG and ADV pack...as well as copying everything in IMAGES\MS-DOS, and the MS-DOS.XML file in DATA (overwrote the old one), and now Launchbox still will not show more than 1,400 games...

    What could I be doing wrong?

  13. 42 minutes ago, eXo said:

    All three of those games are from the RPG pack. Not sure why you would see them after installing the strategy pack...?

    Very odd. I'll do some testing and see what I come up with.

    Did you happen to run the patch as well, or no?

    yes I downloaded over my old adventure/rpg download....ran setup.bat, then patch.bat

  14. In the Dos! folder after installing the new Strategy pack (running the set up) and the patch..... I've noticed that the three folders in games\dos! are empty EXCEPT for the .BAT file for each game...are these broken or were they removed?

    PrinRKW   (Princess Red Keyboard Warrior (2016)
    RotFK95 (Romance of the Forgotten Kingdom (1995)
    srogue (SRogue (2010)

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