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Everything posted by RetroHumanoid

  1. @Styphelus also,to add onto the previous post...I have already implemented the box and cart art to both display on the TextGamesView....but,no fancy spinning discs in this view.
  2. The other guys got your first question,so thank you @Kondorito and @neil9000 ...as for the second question,It is based on Cids theme,but,it is not an exact copy of it...As my version focuses more on the character art and tries to present a more colorful display per platform,cids focuses on the box art and stuff. While I base the code from Cids theme,and the potatoes may be very similar...the meat is an entirely different beast. Now,this isn't saying I don't have plans to implement the box/cart/disc art still...because I have already made the videoborders (see below) to do it...I just want to get the first view finished before I go into that territory. Every platform will have 2 main videoborders,and 2 alternative borders...Handhelds will have a plethora of alternatives...so I have made alot to work with for expanding this...
  3. Reworked all previous themes to have a much better border... Also gave all 270 collections a makeover for this theme...
  4. Thanks...probably won't be in the initial release,but,since each platform is packaged separately,I will be covering alot more as time goes on.
  5. A little Samba De Amigo...because when it comes to Dreamcast,Shenmue always gets the spotlight! #nottodayshenmue
  6. It will be it's own theme,which will include the base theme with default artwork,and each platform will be an addon theme...much like the way CoverBox works.
  7. Thanks...This is more of a theme to showcase the artwork,so I don't really have any plans currently to adjust the text view width,as I prefer to use the wheels myself....but,I can take a look,and if it's possible to do,without disturbing the current artwork,then I probably will.
  8. I really like where you are going with this,and I would definitely use a bunch of these as my platform videos in my favorites menu if you make more. Just a slight bit of advice if I may....when you render them out,do it at a high bit rate (50k seems to be the sweet spot when I render,but,it may require more when you have more flashy graphics)...or lossless if you can...then after the rendering,run them through handbrake to compress. This will reduce the file size and get rid of the pixelation that is happening in the background. Once again though,really nice theme...very retro looking! Edit: This of course refers to the unintentional pixelation...not the obvious intentional ones
  9. Just a sneak peek on my current project...it's called "Unified Refried"...release date is unknown as of yet...
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