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Everything posted by RetroHumanoid

  1. Thanks...the logo set I am using can be found here.. I have altered a bunch of them so far,to match the characters or backgrounds more...but,I would not want to release a set that includes my changes, without @RetroNi's consent. He has obviously put alot of work into them,and using them in the videoborder is one thing,but,since half of them are still original to his work,releasing a wheel set is like stepping on his toes.
  2. Not sure if this qualifies as a Console or Handheld...but,I have always kept it in the Consoles section...*shrug*
  3. So I have finished Arcade,Handhelds,Computers,and Pinball....I just have 11 Consoles left to do. Below is a pic of what is remaining.. As I stated previously,I am only doing everything on my cabinet at first,but,if I haven't done a system yet,it will most likely get done some time after the initial release,starting with most common ones first.
  4. Ok..this one is more for my own setup,as I have a platform with about 200 doom mods and hacks...but,I will still make it available for anyone else who has the same.
  5. @eatkinola when you get to the part where you need overlays and artwork,I would be happy to help. I have been working on RL fade and pause art for a few years,and can convert my stuff to your formats if you need it.
  6. Yeah...I am from the US,so all systems will be US versions...the European and Japanese versions will all get done eventually too though
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