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Everything posted by snoopybooh

  1. It would be awesome!
  2. That it's quite impressive!!!!Can't wait to use it! Meanwhile I've discovered that Launchbox actually can discard automatically lots of mame useless roms such as poker, mahjong, casino games... pheew!:)
  3. Got it! Thanks for the info @Pacman56! Of course it helps that was I wanted to know!:) I really like the actitude of this community. I've already made 2 noob questions and nobody ever replied me with rude answers such as "google it" or "search in the forum". I'll wait for the new update then, in the meantime I'll be sure to watch that king kong movie to support the developer . Thanks guys!
  4. Very nice tutorial! Actually trying to setup the unfriendly retroarch on pc it's been the reason why I decided to move to the amazing Launchbox. I don't quite get why retroarch has some very limited importing roms feautres and why it's so tricky and quite less intuitive...
  5. Just checked the first page of this topic so I'm definetely missing something I should read. I've downloaded the importer tool but the app is asking for a launchbox.xml that I'm unable to find. I supposed that file is no longer used or it's been shredded with different files. Do I need to download an updated version of the importer tool or something like that?
  6. Hi guys! I didn't spot any option to change rom folders location on Launchbox. Is it me or for some awkard reasons Launchabox doesn't allow you to change roms folders locations? Actually it's not a big deal now 'cause I've got some space on my 2nd HD, but my rom collection is getting bigger than bigger day by day so I'm trying to figure out how can I update roms folders locations when my rom collection will need to be moved to another HD. It's also a matter of backup, how can I backup my collection without having to reimport all the videos, images, etc for every platform?
  7. Wow, Thanks a lot! What about neogeo or cpsx romset is there another way to filter and get those roms automatically from the Mame romset?
  8. First of all kudos for the launchbox developers, this frontend is absolutely awesome!!! About my question, I'm REALLY sorry to bother you guys with such repetitive question as "How can I organize the main Mame roms folder to be used for different arcade systems such as neogeo, cpsx or naomi?". Back in the days I didnt' bother about this matter because I owned different rom packages for the main arcade systems (FBA, Neogeo, etc) so I didn't need to separate those roms from the Mame roms. Now that I'm back in the emu-scene I've just created a romset for the Mame hoping that I can just use that to create some specific folders to sort that roms for some specific arcade systems. Do you guys know any good tutorial and/or suggestions to achieve that?
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