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BigBox Performance and How to Make it Better
syntax_X replied to Lordmonkus's topic in Troubleshooting
@lordmonkus I remember not too long ago you would blame performance issues on peoples collection sizes, not LB itself. But its fixed now right? So it was a LB programming issue the whole time not our collection sizes? Who would of thought... @ALIE I have no idea what your issues are beside thinking i was talking to/about you. I was letting a newcomer from Hyperspin know what he was in for. @Kmoney I have not touched LB in months because i got sick of waiting for fixes. Figured id give it a break and see what it was like after a heap of updates. Alphabet wheel still scrolls past selection, movies continue to run after game selection and games can be selected multiple times before they start crashing emulators and such. This stops Launchbox being able to be setup as a bartop arcade because people/friends will crash the system pressing the start button multiple times when the game doesn't load instantly. Its a natural human reaction. Didn't work press it again. Lordmonkus original answer/solution to this problem was that LB couldn't possibly be programmed to know when an emulator starts so it can lock out BB controls (but i can do it with a batch file lol) and for me to find smarter friends that didn't push the button multiple times. Pointing out a major flaw in LB and getting treated like that made me a little salty as you can imagine. Honestly all in all LB did seem more stable today. Ill openly admit I stir the pot a little hard which seems to upset a few of you, but someone has to do it. Apologies to the sensitive ones. I look forward to future fixes and promised additions like ExoDos integration, and pre/post .exe execution. -
BigBox Performance and How to Make it Better
syntax_X replied to Lordmonkus's topic in Troubleshooting
Doesn't matter what you do Launchbox will always fail to perform correctly. I haven't touched it in months, just had a play with the most recent build and no problems have been fixed. Using the alphabet wheel in bigbox still has delayed input and goes past selection. If collection size is an issue like the mods are always saying/blaming then there should be a method in place to reduce the number of files per folder by making multiple rom/picture/video folders that all link to the same console. Seriously tho finger pointing at people's collection size is an utter joke. If you've come from hyperspin to here expect disappointment. -
Do not expect any support from me anymore with regards to these imports. I don't use launchbox anymore and the EXO import feature should of been finished by now. I have no idea what has changed or if my tutorial is even still valid. I made this over a weekend because Jason cannot do it in nearly 2 years. Pray for Launchbox...
Been months since I even touched launchbox. If you can't get it working they may of changed something. Seriously Jason should have exodos and Win3exo integrated by now. EXO put a lot of time and effort in on his end of integration and has waited well over a year for Jason to do his part. Let me know when things have changed.
Your letting lunchbox scrape your collection and wondering why stuffs getting renamed? The instructions were pretty clear. Do not connect to the launchbox database. Do not download ANY meta untill the import is complete. That includes searching for game info.
You missed this step: backup your eXoDOS.xml in launchbox data. Best to make it a .zip right there as you will need to use it to replace your eXoDOS.xml after each metadata update. (Sometimes when you search the LB database for game information it renames the games to incorrect names. This means the entire collection will never be tied to a LB DB number but if you have the images/videos present it will all still work. So go and delete your dos xml file and reimport the collection then backup that xml straight after the import. youll need it if this ever happens.
You get the discount code in your susbcription email from LaunchBox, and you have to MANUALLY type it into EmuMovies, Copy paste does not work.
Did you just not assume my gender??
I am leaving LaunchBox effective... well right now
syntax_X replied to SentaiBrad's topic in Monkeys
One of the most competent and active moderators let go... I guess at this point all we can do is "Pray for Launchbox" -
or add this AHK script to every emulator you use/need to. It will force close the currently open process with esc. Map back in bigbox to ESC also. $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
You can do that with an AHK script and focus. #IfWinActive, LaunchBox Big Box !f4::c should work It will make alt+F4 only return C and only when bigbox is in focus. if not try !f4:: Send c or !{f4}::c
Ive changed the dosbox one to include scummvm and separate flashes to suit. Dosbox likes to minimise if you don't get a flash in fast so I made it do that first. Also included is one I use for FS-UAE Please edit the paths in the .bats to suit your winipac.exe and .ipc files. Ipac flasher stuff.zip
1. Allow Bigbox search keyboard to have unrestricted movement 2. Make Launchbox search reset to the top of the page on each new search 3. Give the audit system a media selection menu before auditing. 4. Stop the audit system from consolidating images into the wrong column (background images, clear logos and box - back currently count as box front. 5. Add all image folders to audit (currently box -back and a few others are missing/consolidated.) (if the above issue with audit are due to view priority settings then I suggest separating the two as its confusing to have image priorities control which column(s) an image will be in the audit window. 6. Fully editable controller and keyboard functionality in BigBox. 7. Platform/LB/BB/null emulators level ahk tab 8. This is a really good idea > "my biggest wish: i want to drag and drop pc game exe or shortcuts and roms to the platform pane that is displayed and have those imported to that platform with default emulator (for non PC games) and my preset import settings (from Lordmonkus #3) without asking or prompting me with anything. just do it. " 9. Change Launchbox scraper to allow European titles to have Le, La,Die at the start or end of a rom name 10. Add a user defined timed control lockout during the loading game screen in Bigbox to help avoid multiple selection of games. 11. Bulk Edit additional apps 12. Allow platform level additional apps 13. Allow additional apps to be executed on emulator exit/shutdown 14. Fix consolidated roms stacking their additional apps into the primary rom. 15. Fix Bigbox losing focus when exiting emulators from time to time(requires left mouse click to fix) 16. I know we are not supposed to talk about things we would like added but a crc32/sha1 based rom checker that renames roms to the Launchbox Database format would be sweet. 17. Right click on a game and have the option to play same named games from other systems