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Posts posted by jayjay

  1. This is as far as I got, I cant spend any more time on this.

    Compile the script and set it up as an emulator in LB, name it 4 player retroarch or something, you'll still need to add the code to hide taskbar.

    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    run, path to emulator %1%
    run, path to emulator %1%
    run, path to emulator %1%
    run, path to emulator %1%
    sleep, 3000 ;wait for all windows to open, longer sleep?
    winCount = 0
    height := (A_ScreenHeight/2)
    width := (A_ScreenWidth/2)
    WinGet, OutputVar, List , RetroArch ;replace retroarch with a word in the title window
    Loop %OutputVar%
    	WinGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " Id
    	If (winCount == 3)
    		WinActivate, % "ahk_id " Id
    		WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, %title%
    		WinSet, Style, -0x40000, %title%
    		WinMove, % "ahk_id " Id, , %width%, %height% , %width%, %height%	
    	If (winCount == 2)
    		WinActivate, % "ahk_id " Id
    		WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, %title%
    		WinSet, Style, -0x40000, %title%
    		WinMove, % "ahk_id " Id, , %width%, 0 , %width%, %height%	
    	If (winCount == 1)
    		WinActivate, % "ahk_id " Id
    		WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, %title%
    		WinSet, Style, -0x40000, %title%
    		WinMove, % "ahk_id " Id, , 0, %height% , %width%, %height%	
    	If (winCount == 0)
    		WinActivate, % "ahk_id " Id
    		WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, %title%
    		WinSet, Style, -0x40000, %title%		
    		WinMove, % "ahk_id " Id, , 0, 0 , %width%, %height%

    If you wanted to get creative, you could have a screen pop up saying something like "each player press start" with a count down timer.  Then split the screen depending on how many people press start. Would be cool.

  2. Dude this would make a sweet game menu item plugin, launch multiple versions of an emulator so more than 1 person can play a game at a time.

    Iv just found out by googling after iv read your post that ppsspp can play multiplayer adhoc games on the same pc. Could create a game menu plugin that launches 2 instances of ppsspp, if there is only 1 screen, split the screen. If 2 screens, 1 screen each instance of ppsspp. Controllers can be mapped per instance. Basically lan on the same pc. Would be a cool addition.

    I only came here to comment on how cool this would be, Im working on other stuff and dont have the time to pursue something like  this. So yeah this is just a shit post, sorry about that. ha.


  3. Hey @The_Keeper86. I haven't forgotten about this plugin. As it turns out, the issue with this plugin is a BB issue. That issue isn't fixed yet.


    I can use the same method to fix this plugin as we did with the mame hi scores. But it requires me to rewrite it. And also when writing the ps3 importer plugin @klepp0906 let me know that the hdd0 folder can be moved to a different directory as well so will have to adjust for that.


    It will be a while til I get to it though as short on time and want to get the hi score plugin complete. 

    • Like 2
  4. If you start up demul outside launchbox does escape exit demul? 


    Go to Launchbox/autohotkey directory, right click on autohotkey.exe, compatibility, run as admin.


    Change ur running autohotkey script to




    WinGetActiveTitle, WindowTitle
    	WinGet, PName, ProcessName, %WindowTitle%
    	Process, Close, %PName%



    Start a game in LB, press button 7 (select on 360 controller)

    If you have multiple controllers, press button 7 on all controllers


    Does demul close?


    If not, is demul in full screen, if yes and it has the option of windowed mode. Set it to windowed mode and try again.


    If not, not sure there's much else u can do. 

  5. Iv just tested it and I dunno about you but when I dont change the window focus during the game, on game exit theres a nasty flicker. If thats true for you try this one instead:

    if !WinActive("LaunchBox Game Startup")
    	if WinExist("LaunchBox")
        		WinActivate, LaunchBox Game Startup
    	if WinExist("LaunchBox Big Box")
        		WinActivate, LaunchBox Game Startup


  6. 3 hours ago, klepp0906 said:

    also discovered that the current means im using to partially make this function

    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseClick , Left, 3640, 2160
    Sleep, 6500
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseClick , Left, 3640, 2160

    is okay for bigbox, but when using launchbox it ends up clicking the "2nd" time on my taskbar which actually takes focus away from launchbox and prevents controller usage.  The irony is the first click isnt necessary with launchbox, only bigbox.   Actually the whole script isnt necessary for LB only BB.   Any means to make the script only run for BB mode?

    i tried changing the coords which of course worked, but then resulted with the cursor moving to said position which I had hoped to keep hidden.  Assumed the CoordMode functioned differently than MouseMove and perhaps was seen as a behind the scenes/phantom click without putting the cursor in said coordinates. 

    Apparently I was wrong.

    Such a pain lol.  

    hunting for the happy medium on this one.  I was hoping I would just have to ensure that I return focus to the emulator before closing, but thats evidently not enough. 

    Replace everything in the regainfocus.ahk with this:

    if WinExist("LaunchBox")
        WinActivate, LaunchBox Game Startup
    if WinExist("LaunchBox Big Box")
        WinActivate, LaunchBox Game Startup


    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, klepp0906 said:


    I'm not near my pc at the moment so can't be to much help.


    I can't think of a way to make this work without the dll.


    The WinGetActiveTitle commands above, yeah replace what ever is in the regainfocus.ahk with them 2 lines.


    Actually put a sleep command in there...

    WinGetActiveTitle, title

    Sleep 5000

    Msgbox %title%


    Start a game in BB.

    Quit the game.

    Note if the shutdown screen works correctly.

    On game exit a message box will pop up telling u what window has the focus.

    If the shutdown screen works correctly then supposedly it should pop up a message box that says launchbox bigbox or something like that.

    If the shutdown screen doesn't work correctly then a message box should pop up with the name of a different window. 

    This is all assuming that u using Google whilst gaming is actually the issue but testing with WinGetActiveTitle and msgbox commands should at least tell u, that is the issue. 

  8. Hey @klepp0906.

    I'd imagine there would be reasons why it uses window focus other than tracking the process.

    For instance some games will load one .exe and pass on to another .exe. If BB were to track the .exe in this case you would see the loading screen then immediately see the shutdown screen. 

    Some .exe may hang in the background when closed... etc etc.

    Also when coding something like this I know for me it wouldn't cross my mind that someone could be jumping from screen to screen, messing up the window order. Even though I have 2 screens it'd be something I'd forget. Having it as window focus is prob the lesser of 2 evils. 

    I could be wrong but i would imagine ur issue could be using Google whilst gaming. When clicking on Google on ur second screen u move Google's screen up above BB in the window order. So when u exit the game google has focus and not BB. 

    U could test this by replacing the ahk script with one that message boxes the active window title. 


    WinGetActiveTitle, title

    Msgbox %title%


    In this case u could try winActivate / force winActivate etc commands in the script. But not sure how successful it'll be. 

  9. 55 minutes ago, ed20910 said:

    Great plugin. I can get it to work with bartop and neon deluxe themes. For some reason on unified refried, it doesn't focus the hi score window on top. I can tell it loads. If I switch to another theme from refried, the hi score window is there on the new theme and I have to close it.  Any idea why? 

    This plugin will work with the base unified refried. But to make it work with all the addons is going to be a chore to say the least.

    Inside unified refried "Views" folder, there is another folder named "TextGamesView", inside this folder is 600 xaml files. To make this plugin work with the unified refried addons all these xaml files will need to be modified using @JoeViking245 instructions. Obviously that's not viable. Any other themes that include this "TextGamesView" folder. Will have the same issue.

    When I get some time I'll try and look into it but off the top of my head Im not sure what we could do about this. :(


    At the moment the best option is to undo the changes made to unified refried Textgamesview.xaml. You won't be able to see the hi-scores menu item when using unified refried but better not seeing it then seeing it and not being able to use it.

  10. Welcome @CBeatt13.

    Just to let u know jason has already sent me a big list of things he wants u to do first. I'll PM u the list haha.


    Anyway on a more serious note. Would seem jason is on his way to becoming a faceless organisation. I think a re-branding is in order. I vote "Ubi-broken software". 


    Anyway on a proper serious note. Does that mean, with @CBeatt13 on board. Those of us with plugin issues, can we bug u for a fix now instead of Jason? 

  11. @Jason Carr 

    The only way I have found to show new imported games is to change to another platform and back again.

    And the only way I have found to show a new platform is to change from the platform view to say platform category view and back again.

    After using AddNewGame() or AddNewPlatform() is there a method to refresh LB to automatically show the new games and platforms? 

  12. Isn't the way the exit screen works is when bb regains focus it triggers the exit screen or something like that. So if loading a script there isn't a window to take the focus? 


    Maybe try build a gui into ur script and keep it open behind the emulator and close it when emulator exits. Not sure how well it will work. Might get some nasty flicker. Maybe try and build a loading and exit screen into the script instead of using bb screens. 


    Or Maybe the exit screen works on process so have the script continuously run in the background until emulator exits. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, klepp0906 said:

    Anyways, as for the icon - does it need to be like... an .ico file, or a specific reso or?  

    I don't think it actually matters. Im not sure. Its possible to convert png etc to ico anyway isnt it? 


    I saw ur message on discord and I don't think it will work. I think the folder structure will be slightly different. I'll have a look at weekend. All depends on if thedarkprogrammer's code works on the param file. I'm not that good at coding.


    Removing the eboot.bin from the path will be simple enough so just to import the folder name.

  14. 2 hours ago, klepp0906 said:

    worked a treat!  Only request I have, and boy is it a minor one (dont hate me for being ocd) is to add an icon to the context menu for importing ps3 games.   Just so it looks nicer :)

    Haha ok if u find me an icon to use by the weekend I'll update it. 


    I don't know anything about the ps vita. If the vita game has the same ish folder structure as ps3. And if it contains a param.sfo and an eboot.bin. move a single vita game into it's own directory and see if this importer works on it. Obviously If it does work It'll add it to the ps3 platform. If the param.sfo editor class i used doesnt read it, it might throw exception but won't do anything drastic. 


    If anyone wants to modify the code feel free, if u can understand my code ha. For instance if a game Id starts with BLUS it's American, BLES it's European etc. The game database website has ps3 id's so it could be turned into a scraper as well. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, klepp0906 said:

    will do, gonna get on to it in the AM.  Shutting down for the night ?

    Good info though, and thank you very much for putting it together.

    One more inquiry - your mentioning of the pkg installation location gave me pause.   RPCS3 gives an option to move the dev_hdd0 directory which I did.  I keep my emulators on their own drive, and since rpcs3 requires installing games to hdd0 coupled with the size of the titles, i placed it on its own drive. 

    I hope this wont present an issue? 

    I didnt know it could be moved  but should be fine. Just point the folder dialog to where the dev_hdd0/Game folder is. 

  16. 1 hour ago, klepp0906 said:


    Yeah it handles disk games. As long as the folder structure isn't to wild. It handles pkg games as long as they are installed. The folder structure between the 2 in regards to the location of the eboot to where the param.sfo is, is the same. The only difference that needed to be taken in consideration in regards to folder structure is i use the parent or parent of parent directory to compare against already imported games so not to import the same game twice. I couldn't compare the titles in this case cause a game could already be imported with a different title.


    I use the param.sfo file because obviously it holds the title. But also because game patches also have eboot.bin. using any method that pulls the eboot could result in many game patch eboots being imported. Game patches are installed to the same directory as pkg games. The param.sfo tells you if the eboot is harddrive Game, disk game or game data. So this method shouldn't pull in any unwanted eboots. Well that's the theory anyway.


    Let me know how it works for u. 



    • Like 1
  17. Iv added a plugin to dev section. It locates all param.sfo files within ps3 roms folder. Uses that file to get the location of the eboot and gets the title. Adds them to LB. Check out the video I posted. Done a lot of testing. Is a little hacky but seems to work well.

    • Like 4

    This will bulk import ps3 game eboots in LB.

    Requirements - At least 1 game already imported into playstation 3 platform.

    Note - this modifies your playstation 3 xml file so as always make a backup before using. "Launchbox\Data\Platforms\Sony Playstation 3.xml"


    How to use: 

    If you used the previous version, delete it.

    Download this: PS3GameImporter.zip

    Right click on zip file. Properties, security, unblock.

    Extract the FOLDER named "PS3GameImporter" to "Launchbox\Plugins\".

    Start LB, tools, import ps3 game.

    1.thumb.png.7679debcda8c41de20b1a10a1723db1f.pngSelect a directory to search.

    2.thumb.png.b043593d162946412f8df39415307004.pngChoose if you want to scrape region.

    Note: some games might not scrape the region. This is true for pkg ps1 games.

    3.thumb.png.b657f2b45f4f12a09221e66a92b1e2e6.pngChoose if you want to scrape images. The images that will scrape are the images found within the ps3 rom folders. They start with "ICON" and "PIC". Some of these images can be used for clear logo and fanart. The images will be copied to Launchbox/Plugins/PS3GameImporter/Icon or Launchbox/Plugins/PS3GameImporter/Pic and renamed to the game title so they will be usable in LB. The images are not imported straight into LB because there is no way to tell if the images are usable for logo's or fanart.

    My recommendation for scraping these images is to first import your games with no images (Select "None"). Use launchbox to then download logos and fanart. And then use this plugin to import the games again selecting "All Games Missing Images" option.

    When games have been imported, they may not show up til you change platform and change back to playstation 3.

    Use LB's bulk editor to change emulator.


    To import psn games, point the importer to rpcs3's "dev_hdd0\game" folder.


    This uses code from xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx PARAM.SFO editor.

    Source included in zip.

    • Like 14
    • Thanks 3
    • Unusual Gem 1
  19. I achieved the same thing by using a bool to visibility converter and binding the control to a static bool  and event. There might be better ways but it is possible. The down side, i guess, for me personally is that page up and page down are really the only viable buttons to use for something like this.

    • Unusual Gem 1
  20. On 7/9/2019 at 12:24 AM, Retro808 said:

    Looking to the AHK gurus for some help. In need of an AHK that will:

    Delay 8 seconds then Send (Right Arrow Key) and then Send "6" after an exe opens. 

    You could add a loop that checks if the window exists. Something like

    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    	if WinExist("Untitled - Notepad")

    Im rusty on ahk, so you might have to play with it a little. But iv used something like this before, it does work. It should remove the need for sleep... maybe? Unless the window opens and then your waiting for it to load, then you would still need sleep. Ha. 

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