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Everything posted by Zeaede

  1. I got the look on main weel, but not the other 2 game wheels, that's the problem So apparently some thing i missed in settings somewhere i can't find any turtorial to explain or not show how
  2. Take this turtorial It is only showing how to insltall themes through manage them Then everything is set in game wheel So not wonder im kinda lost
  3. Thanks for tip Well, most videos i've seen with big box There you see how you go into manage theme > pick theme > install theme When that is done everything is done in gamewheel Seems like im missing a couple of steps there
  4. Im going after coin ops theme Main wheel changed, but don't know how to change the other wheels to match theme Don't see any turtorial how to change that, only how picking and installing a theme Oh well, guess i have to dump Launchbox go after Coin Ops 2 instead
  5. Im not anywhere near to look like this Like i wrote before, im totaly lost here
  6. Haven't seen any videos of Big Box when they go from black to logos actually
  7. Seen several videos of BIG BOX But can't find anywhere figure out why the game wheel is only black/white? Game wheel looks kinda like this I must have missed something in settings?
  8. I downloaded the latest exo, installed few games, and the images coming along works with theme I think the wheel games is set on default, with black background white text?
  9. Im trying with the coin ops theme Everything is working with settings emulators in Launchbox Obviosly it's something in the "views" settings im messing up with in BIG BOX If i try setup NES, i guess i have to download set of videos from EMU Movies? Is there anything else needed to complete NES set besides the videos and the theme?
  10. Im totally lost trying with Big Box I figured out how to install themes, the one when you are choosing a system to play But when you are entering the game wheel i don't get it how it is suppose to look Seen some turtorials but looks like there's something missing, i don't find what i can't If i want to setup NES and have picked a theme, how do i go from there? I've seen a couple of turtorials, which one is up to date covering it up?
  11. No mather what system im installing i always get error messages these jpgs could not be downloaded?
  12. So im about trying out some intresting themes for big box I have figured out how to change themes But i got only the main/system wheel to changed, not the games wheel, it's just black background with white text Is there settings for that?
  13. In Big Box i can't access server with anything "manage"
  14. Some themes is pretty close to COIN OPS 5:04 looks like system wheel on COIN OPS 11:00 looks like system wheel on COIN OPS 21:27 looks like system wheel on COIN OPS 24:03 looks like system wheel on COIN OPS 26:52 This might be the closest thing to COIN OPS with moving background 34:12 also this have moving backround on the system wheel like COIN OPS 36:19 Also this one 59:09 system wheel with moving bakground 46:42 Looks like the game wheel on COIN OPS So how close do you think we can get a COIN OPS theme? There are some nice themes with the system wheels but not comined with the game wheels i want There are some nice themes with the game wheels not compined with the system wheels i want
  15. Im not gonna convert all cdi's just a few I get this message with whatever CDI i try convert ERROR: Unknown track type []. Contact MAMADEV. Error reading input file: file not found Error running chdman!
  16. According to this file you can convert cdi to chd with SEGA Dreamcast I have the files that can be seen in the video But when i try the same i always get an error input Dunno what i do wrong, why it dosen't work? Anyone else tried it?
  17. There are many packs ready for coinops, so it shouldn't be that difficult convert it from coinops to Launchbox Someone if you are intrested should try a smaller set first, like msx to see if it's possible how close Coinops theme on Launchbox could be
  18. This is something i had in mind I think it's looks nice and clean game wheel have game titles, gamepad, old monitor tv and the actual game as background but you can see the game fast This is the look i would like be convertet to BB Looks great with main wheel and the animation I also think this line up takes up smaller space than Hyperspin? Main Wheel Game wheel
  19. I just tried COIN OPS but like it what i've seen with, especially with the COIN OPS NEXT When i do hyperpsin i think games takes to long to show up, when i tried COIN you can see the video of the game directly That feel look im looking as theme for BB
  20. Thanks I'll check that out I have seen parts of themes that kinda looks like coin ops, like the game wheel at the right, so parts of it is possible I m looking for a theme with the system wheel vertical And i don't want to much stuff on the game wheel as it is on hyperspin.
  21. Would it be possible to get a theme that kind of looks like COIN OPS? COIN OPS is limited so a theme something like that would been nice
  22. I have downloaded one set where i have whole MAME HBMAME divided in their own categories, looks nice when it's done But would like to have same setup wtih Launchbox Obviously i could manually seperate those files
  23. Just to compare them both I know how to import Irem classics with Launchbox But how do i import Irem M27, M52. M62, M72, M92, M97?
  24. I downloaded a couple of sets, 2 of them have emulators setup ready What i don't like with Launchbox i can't get all systems with their xml from Hyperspin Shouldn't be that hart to integrate Hyperspin xml to Launchbox? I have over 600 systems combined the hyperspin sets with each other But if i try the same with Launchbox it's gonna be less systems Now when i have the hyperspin sets, i can see how complicated settings is compared to Launchbox What i can do with Launchbox and Retroarch i can't figure out how to do with Hyperspin Pro's and con's for both systems
  25. Finally downloaded one of those hyperspin sets Hopefully much of the settings now are done on the emulators
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