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About Dingo

  • Birthday 02/12/1981

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  1. Amigo, ficou maravilhoso. Eu tenho um gabinete estilo EVO e agora estou reconstruindo ele num vewlix também. Gostei muito dos banquinhos.
  2. No, I'm working with photoshop, but I will check the affinity
  3. Hey @Duimon, I'm Diego from the libretro forums. You are doing a very nice work here too. I'm starting to do something similar with a floppy disk for steam games. My plan is to macro the artwork from the box arts and clear logos to build the set. It still green because of my lack of skills.
  4. I would like to address a typo in the Brazilian Pt translation
  5. I'm working in a plataform video project for my cabinet using this theme for bigbox. I'm working with the default EM plataform videos in 4x3, appling some effects to resamble old crt tvs and using the bezels from @Mr. RetroLustcollection. I'm still in doubt if a 4x3 or a 16x9 aspect ratio fits better for this theme. I'm puting a link with two samples and I would love the receive some suggestions. Thank you! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsuPG_t4-2LNh6Rd8J_eH31jFAMlDA?e=Bbi5nX
  6. So it's something related to my connection The only broser working is the edge. I will redo all secure configuration on my modem and see if it's solves
  7. I'm having this error in the firefox when try to acess the forum https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/secure-connection-failed-firefox-did-not-connect I did the SSL test in firefox and it passed. It also happens in chrome but not in microsoft edge.
  8. Same issue here
  9. Any recommendation about images priorities?
  10. Thanks for your theme. I'm changing all my cabinet to your neon style. What platform, playlist and platform categories videos do you recommend for this theme?
  11. Hi Jason. It's possible to implement the download of images to the database from the https://www.steamgriddb.com/ source. So we can have an extra source from steam banners like images for our roms. Thanks.
  12. Thank you!! I appreciate your work. But why Overwatch is on the steam vid?
  13. I use this app to rename multiple files https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/
  14. There is any topic for poll sugestions or we Just leave them here?
  15. Launchbox. I will try it on bigbox. Thank you.
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