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Everything posted by Antny

  1. T.T. Speed Race - Arcade
  2. Williams Star Rider Arcade. Amazing work btw
  3. A little small but I do not think we will find a larger one. Arcade
  4. Wheels II arcade
  5. Flying Fortress Arcade. Possible?
  6. This one can use an update. A little tricky though. From the flyer.
  7. This could use a facelift. I attached the B & W part to help with the missing color parts.
  8. Gotcha could use a nice logo. Great job on Boot Hill & Amazing Maze.
  9. Boot Hill - Arcade
  10. I know the masked parts may be hard to recreate the missing parts. Maybe the lower resolution one could be overlaid to trace. Thanks
  11. I wish CTC had a dedicated tab to make one.
  12. +1 on a Launchbox 3-D. I would gladly pay for something that cool. This would be the best team to do it.
  13. Neat concept. I will be releasing more CP images real soon. Actually, I will probably delete the current packs and release new ones. I spent a lot of time perspective correcting all of them so I will eventually replace all the images. I also have them in higher resolution. Some of them really large. If you want them, let me know. If you know of any place to get images to add to the packs i did, let me know.
  14. Version 1.0.0


  15. Version 1.0.0


    Feedback appreciated. Enjoy
  16. Thanks for uploading those. There are many images I didn’t have. That will make 5.0 much better. Thanks again my friend.
  17. @Mr.Retrolust. Thanks my friend but I believe I have all those files. I hope you are doing well. I have to give my son some credit as he cuts out a lot of the images for me. I clean them up and cut them out when I can. 2022 was busy for me so he felt bad and helped out. I'm hoping I can dedicate some time this year for more projects. I do check the LB website from time to time to see all that is going on. I'm impressed with all your files and hard work. I can see the passion in what you do. Here's to a great 2023
  18. Sorry 4.0 only has 256 images. Typo, I'm Tired
  19. Version 3.0


    This is the next installment of arcade cabinets. This time it is for Teknoparrot. I'm always looking for quality images. If you would like to help out, pm me. I hope you like them.
  20. So here is a different approach to creating a theme. This can't compete with some of the fantastic themes currently available but I made it for mself and thought I'd share the progress. The things in the video that were skipped were skipped on purpose as those individual platforms are not finished. Also much of the artwork is not mine, just things I found on the www. The theme(s) need to be tweaked and will probably be a WIP forever 😕 I'm going to be forever angry at y2guru for sending me down this rabbit hole I'm far from an expert with the CTC and have a few questions. Anyone's help would be appreciated. 1-Is there any way to freeform images to fit an irregular shape? If you look at the GameCube theme I cannot get the video to fit the large screen in the back. I can't seem to do it with the x & y adjustments. There are other instances with images with the same problem. 2-I set the CTC to just show one clear logo and for whatever reason when it is published it always shows more than one. 3-I have wheel set sounds for the Atari 2600. When I back out, those sounds continue on the main menu. 4-How do I keep Launchbox/Bigbox from renaming my media that I spend so long getting to match the rom exactly. Just like things tidy. 5-Any way to have the logos go down the street in the vector playlist? Small in the distance large up close. Recomendations 1-I'm either going with an ethereal approach or the quintisential song remix of the particular platform/playlist. It currently has both. Any suggestions? 2-Also should the wheel up/down/enter sounds be sounds from the menu of the console as in the Dreamcast theme or sounds from the actual games of the console? 3-Any images for platform/playlist anyone can recommend would be helpful Thanks in advance for any help
  21. I'm not sure you can get Launchbox (or any other frontend) to show the same image for parent & clones. I made a copy for all the different revisions as it made sense to me. I would like one day to have the correct images for each region as well. If I can find quality pictures from cabinets/control panels from Europe, Japan, etc.
  22. Version 7.0


    This is the first set of transparent control panels. More will be on the way. These have been downsized to 1200 pixels wide. Any help would be appreciated. If you have an arcade close by or heading to a show it would be great to snap some high-resolution pictures. PM me if you would like to help. This is years in the making, so I hope you like them.
  23. Excited to have this emulated. If you didn't mind doing this one.
  24. A sneak peek at the control panels
  25. Thanks for the compliment. Most of the images are from the web. Many of them I took myself from arcade shows. The collection is big but far from complete. I'm hoping I can get help getting images as time goes on. 3D models would be great but it's beyond my skillset. :)
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