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  1. I've managed to download the latest roms and it worked perfectly with the latest FBA on RetroArch (the one with no date on it). The sound issue is solved now. It seems i'll have to re-download all my CPS-2 games Thanks for everyone that helped!
  2. it's odd though that MAME32 works perfectly with my ROMS but any of RetroArch's MAMEs don't
  3. How can i get the most up to date roms? I've downloaded mine from a torrent. I've tried these too but it also doesnt work
  4. I am actually using the original MAME32 to load my CPS2 games with success but can not load it with Retroarch. Can someone help me solve this please?
  5. I've tried all these ones and no one works with my CPS-2 Roms. What to do???
  6. Because as you can see in this image, MAME on RetroArch does not load my CPS2 Games. It keeps on that screen for a few seconds than it crashes.
  7. FBA2012 is the only core avaible on RA. What would be the most up to date?
  8. Retroarch loads all cps2 games with FBAlpha2012 but it just sounds terrible like sand in a piece of glass. On the other side when i load my games from WinKawaks (CPS2 and NeoGeo specific) it sounds perfectly! The problem is when WinKawaks is set as emulator on LaunchBox it does not load the game automatically, it apparently needs some kind of script add. So it leaves me two options: 1) Solve the retroarch sound problem (read about nigtly builds that work better the sound or past cores, i don't know or found on forums really) or 2) Learn how to make WinKawaks works with LaunchBox (read about scripts that work, i don't know or found on forums really) Can someone help me with these please? I would really apreciate it.
  9. I have the same issue! What was the nightly build you have loaded?
  10. Please could someone just share the script to loud in Win Kawaks? Clearly MAME and Retroarch just not helps every case on earth. My case: FBA on Retroarch loads the game with an awful sound quality.
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