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Everything posted by lessthanzero33

  1. I just tried it out and holy s**t!, amazing job!!! i have been waiting for something like this! I cannot thank you enough for the work you put in!
  2. I love the simplicity and everything moves very smoothly and scrolling thru games/media is a breeze! Thank you for this awesome theme!
    Sweet, simple and fast!, i absolutely love it! great job!
  3. The new version is much better but i am experiencing a lot of delay/lag in the Horizontal Wheel 1 view.
  4. I love the asthetic of this theme but i am having issues when scrolling thru games. If i am in a certain system, scrolling from game to game or letter to letter has some serious lag between scrolling. Ironically enough, when i first installed the theme, everything ran/scrolled smoothly but now there's delay. Any ideas?
  5. Awesome and super fast scrolling for game searches! I love it and great job!
  6. I always hoped someone would pick up on this work! I am a huge fan of the original theme and it would look amazing on my arcade cabinets.
  7. Bar none the best theme I have ever used!, absolutely stunning!, i have a small suggestion if i may. Would it be possible to have views for Sega Model 2, 3, Sega Naomi, Sammy Atomiswave etc.. have the arcade cabinet views? Also, i think it would be awesome to have pinball table like views for Pinball FX series!
  8. No worries bro!, i appreciate all your efforts. Quick question, how do i unlock all the characters in Tekken Tag 2?, do i need both the cfg and NVRAm?
  9. Are you able to delete the default.cfg in this path/Retroarch/Saves/MAME/cfg folder?, if so, delete it and try what i suggested again. Configure the inputs in general first and then go immediately to this system and change the inputs there. Hopefully it works.
  10. Try this; go to input assignments and go to general first and change your controls there and then go to this system and change it there. For some strange reason that worked for me.
  11. Does anyone want the platform xml file with everything done to date already added? I have been thinking about providing 'master build' with the xml and every cfg file and image done so far, keeping it up to date as I work my may through. 100% Yes Please!!!!
  12. Hi!, I am having the same issues with my Dapne and Singe games as they all have this path! ("..\Daphne 4k.exe")
  13. Is it possible to match games with bezels?. Bezels are not in that location but maybe adding an option to chose the directory from which to rename/match?
  14. I have not had any issues with my romset as i am using 0.245. This issue just happened and i have been using the mame core for a while without any issues.
  15. I actually started to have a similar issue with CPS games except mine all have severe stuttering. Audio and gameplay stuttering accross all of my CPS games. I am using mame-libretro current core as well.
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