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Posts posted by MCF

  1. I avoid Retroarch entirely, and am currently using MAME for my NeoGeo emulation needs.

    Let me know if you're interested for advice/tips on how to use MAME to emulate NeoGeo instead. Doesn't matter if it's MVS or AES.

  2. On 5/7/2020 at 1:23 PM, Cnells2000 said:

    u said convert the  AHK script. where would i get the ahk script?  its asking me to place it in the directory

    This AHK script

        Process, Close, whatever the game exe is

    Just save the above as an AHK file, and then use the AHK2EXE tool to compile it. Note the red colored section of the script needs to be changed to the name of the game executable.

    However, @neil9000 is right, this is not the recommended way to exit from a PC game as the risk of corruption of your save games is high. Better to exit properly via the game's menus.

    • Like 1
  3. My bad, forgot this was for PC games.

    Try these steps and let me know the outcome (I have not personally tested it)

    1. Download the Autohotkey package from https://www.autohotkey.com/download/, in the ZIP file is a Compiler folder. AHK2EXE is there.
    2. Convert the AHK script to an EXE and place it in the same folder where the PC game is.
    3. Add the EXE as an Additional App in Launchbox, and set it to Automatically Run Before Main Application.
    • Like 1
  4. This is what I do with FS-UAE, and has been working flawlessly for normal Amiga titles and CD32 titles

    1. Create a configuration for the game in FS-UAE Launcher, the model must be set to CD32
    2. These config files are saved with the extension fs-uae in the Configurations folder where you store your FS-UAE emulator (i.e. D:\emus\FS-UAE\Configurations)
    3. For CD32 and CDTV titles, I create a subfolder called CD32 under Configurations (i.e. D:\emus\FS-UAE\Configurations\CD32). This step can be skipped if you would rather have all your Amiga fs-uae files in the same folder, it doesn't matter.
    4. In Launchbox, I set the Game folder path for the CD32 platform to D:\emus\FS-UAE\Configurations\CD32, and the fs-uae file is the ROM file
  5. I configure warp to the R2 button on my 8bitdo controller using the option below.


    There is a Controllers folder where you store the FS-UAE emulator, and in there would be a CONF file for your controller. Just open it in Notepad to see what the button labels  are.

    The sample below is from the CONF file created by FS-UAE for my controller, you should have something similar as well.

    include = universal_gamepad
    axis_0_neg = lstick_left
    axis_0_pos = lstick_right
    axis_1_neg = lstick_up
    axis_1_pos = lstick_down
    axis_2_pos = left_trigger
    axis_3_neg = rstick_left
    axis_3_pos = rstick_right
    axis_4_neg = rstick_up
    axis_4_pos = rstick_down
    axis_5_pos = right_trigger
    button_0 = south_button
    button_1 = east_button
    button_10 = menu_button
    button_2 = west_button
    button_3 = north_button
    button_4 = left_shoulder
    button_5 = right_shoulder
    button_6 = select_button
    button_7 = start_button
    button_8 = lstick_button
    button_9 = rstick_button
    hat_0_down = dpad_down
    hat_0_left = dpad_left
    hat_0_right = dpad_right
    hat_0_up = dpad_up

  6. I am currently learning PowerShell as part of my day job, and I figured I can move away from AHK and use PowerShell for automating stuff in Launchbox as well.

    This is my first stab at it, designed to get the infamous Project Phoenix Emulator to work hand-in-hand with Launchbox.

    It's not 100% PowerShell though, as I could not figure out how to move the mouse pointer without AHK. So an AHK script is embedded in Base64 to the PowerShell script.

    To give credit where it's due, the inspiration for this came from the tool made by @jophran


    1. Refer to THIS ARTICLE to download the emulator and the translation patch (Yeah, the interface is in Cyrillic and the patch is to translate it to English)
    2. Once the emulator has been patched, launch it and click on the 3DO and Jaguar icons on the left to have the emulator generate the requisite settings
    3. Search online for 3DO - FZ-10.bin and put it in the 3DO\BIOS folder
    4. Search online for [BIOS] Atari Jaguar (World).j64 and put it in the Jaguar\BIOS folder
    5. Launch the emulator
    6. Click on the 3DO icon and select File > Add BIOS file to the collection to connect the BIOS file
    7. Click File > Open CDROM image and simply pick any 3DO game to add to the emulator
    8. Click on the Jaguar icon and select File > Add BIOS file to the collection to connect the BIOS file
    9. Click File > Add CARTRIDGE file to the collection and simply pick any Jaguar game to add to the emulator
    10. Steps 6-9 are required to generate the required lines in the emulator's configuration file for the launcher to work. Close the emulator
    11. Download the attachment below. Put PhoenixLaunchbox.exe in the same folder where the Project Phoenix Emulator is
    12. Set PhoenixLaunchbox.exe as the emulator in Launchbox, add -Filename as the Default Command-Line Parameter. No other changes are required



    1. It will automatically load the 3DO or Jaguar core, depending on your ROM/ISO file extension
    2. It has an embedded AHK script in it to automatically press the Power button on the emulator. Because it is based on the relative position of the window, ensure the toolbar is at the top of the emulator window
    3. The emulator will go to fullscreen 2 seconds after the game starts
    4. Pressing Escape on the keyboard will kill the emulator, like most other emulators



    1. The compiled executable is 64-bit only
    2. The Project Phoenix Emulator will popup an Android button in the toolbar from time to time, ensure the Android button is set to the same line as the main toolbar, otherwise the AHK script will cause the Android button to be pressed instead of the Power button


    Anyway, I hope y'all like it, and feel free to comment and suggest improvements / enhancements.

    Will upload this to the DOWNLOADS section once I am able to spend more time testing it and looking out for errors and areas for improvement.




    Project Phoenix Launcher.zip

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. Have you tried using KEGA Fusion instead?

    At least to isolate if the problem lies with the BIOS or the Sega CD disc images?

    In Launchbox, are you pointing to the CUE file to load these games?

  8. What format are your CDTV images in?

    It should be BIN+CUE all compressed in a ZIP, that's what works for me. Also ensure the CUE file is pointing to the BIN file correctly.

    Note that CDTV and Amiga CD are two different things.

    I have the CDTV versions of Defender of the Crown, Xenon 2, and Psycho Killer setup with FS-UAE, and they all work.

  9. If you really want to pick and choose, download from (link removed)

    That's what I do anyway ?

    As a general rule, just check the file size and go for the largest one

    For Super Street Fighter II Turbo, the parent ROM would be the World 940223 version since it's 11.64MB in size while the other versions (clones) are significantly smaller.

    I hope this helps.

  10. I was able to convert many X68000 games from DIM to HDF.

    Downside is because HDF is a virtual hard disk image, every HDF file clocks in at 9.95MB, even if the game size is just 1-2MB.

    Just have to convert DIM to XDF, dump it in the HDF and manually edit AUTOEXEC.BAT

    If there's demand, I will do a tutorial video (when I can find some time away from my corporate day job that is)

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, sundogak said:

    Good to see another option. 

    For the MAME issue of CDI Text and full screen issue that can be addressed by going into the setup menu in MAME.  So TAB, Video Options and then select MAIN SCREEN only and not Main + LCD.  MAME is emulating the LCD screen on the front of the CD-i player which is on by default but with that step will get rid of it. That also addresses the second item which gives you a full screen.  There is no way I know for MAME to resolve the third issue which is the button push at the start screen. 

    Thanks for the MAME tip. Will have to check it out!

    I am maintaining both emulators to run CD-i games since some games only work on MAME and vice versa

  12. Hey all

    I had been using MAME to emulate CD-i, but it had many drawbacks such as the lack of proper fullscreen, the annoying CD-i text at the top of the screen, and needing to press a button to actually start the game.

    And I REALLY wanted to play Mutant Rampage Body Slam, which couldn't load in MAME.

    So I went off to try the CD-i Emulator, and unfortunately it has neither keyboard nor gamepad support, and controls are restricted only to using the mouse. And switching it to fullscreen requires actually clicking options in the menu bar. And it's not even really fullscreen, it just maximizes the window.

    AHK and JoyToKey to the rescue for a proper fullscreen + gamepad solution!

    Please refer to the Launchbox-specific instructions below.

    1. Download CD-i emulator
    2. Download JoyToKey
    3. Look for and download the required BIOS cdimono1.zip
    4. Download the file attached to this post
    5. Extract everything to the same folder
    6. Ensure cdirunner.exe, JoyToKey.exe, VistaAPI.dllcdi200.romcdi220.rom, and cdi220b.rom are in the same folder as wcdiemu-v053b3.exe
    7. Rename wcdiemu-v053b3.exe to wcdiemu.exe. This is to ensure this AHK app doesn't need to be edited and recompiled if the emulator needs to be updated to other versions in the future.
    8. Launch JoyToKey and configure a profile for CD-i with the following button mapping suggestions
    9. Configure a new emulator in Launchbox, set it to cdirunner.exe
    10. Ensure your CD-i ISOs are in ISO format, for some reason I couldn't get this to work with BIN+CUE or CHD. IsoBuster is my tool of choice to convert the CD images to ISO
    11. Import your CD-i game of choice to Launchbox, and enjoy!


    • Both the original AHK source and the EXE executable are in the ZIP file
    • The CD-i emulator will launch in proper fullscreen, like all other normal emulators
    • The EXE was created using AHK2EXE, and is designed for 64-bit Windows only. If you're running 32-bit Windows, you will need to use AHK2EXE to recompile the AHK script to an EXE executable
    • Press ESC to exit the emulator and kill all the associated processes, so there's no need to manually configure the Running AutoHotkey Script for the emulator in Launchbox
    • All game file names must be one word, i.e. "Hotel Mario.iso" must be renamed to "HotelMario.iso" or "Hotel_Mario.iso"


    CDI Fullscreen.zip

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