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  1. There we go , the almighty behavior ,just proving my point. If you bothered to read properly you will notice that first i stated opinion and then as addendum i added " before you ask" Anyway u know what? i am out of here. I am fed up with moderators not knowing how to behave without hang banging people for their opinions P.S I already "shared" take a look at HS this same name. And fine hyper toools , its all you need to make unified datrabase ground point and work from there. Case closed for me.
  2. You misunderstood my intentions. First of all. Python is maybe easiest language to learn. asside from Visual basic, but they are similar. Other thing, i did Not brag. I do Not brag. I was stating the obvious, which is "why reinventing the wheel" ? question. Go along with it and adjust to it and work arround it.All tools are already available, u just work with it and build ur way around it. Maybe for people with big pockets and or shit load if time to spare reinventing the wheel is not problem . But it is pontless anyway. P.S As a moder you shouldn't really scorn people for stating their opinions P.P.S you said " and yet u come here" u see in my ears that is the "almighty" behavior that is strolling throu emulation "community". And is saying , why are you even coming here and posting , go away shush.
  3. i mean python script. Its easy to learn , easy to use. And super convenient. I have made updated HyperT00ls (can be found on HS download section) to support importing and reading new xml tags, then wrote couple py scripts and convert everything to any FE of my desire. Before u ask if i will share my py scripts. I will answer now. No i will not. Entire comunity for emulating is bad in my eyes. Starting with super expensive emumovies. To expensive ftp for HS. And all so alienated for me and inaccessible due to price. Hence i am totally unwilling to do any share. Anyway , sorry if this disturbs you. Its my point of view. And sorry for barging on your topic.
  4. I honestly dont see point in this. Work with HS tool then just quick py convert everything on any front end of your desire. That is how i do things.
  5. Reminds me of attract, HS with wheel hiding, i like that one the most. Its efficient. But its incomplete. Videos are not resizing properly to fill empty space on screen, actually they are not resizing at all, they just scale slightly. Synopses are not scrolling up,down they are just static. But judging by time of last reply by maker, this theme will not see those fixed, a shame.
  6. Hey there, i have not tried dabbling with theme files my self, so i gotta ask you, since i like your theme, although i would wish for "wheel" panel in games to be bit more compact, maybe moved to bottom and then on top add small panel with game name, developer and stuff that is now on bottom. So the result would be clean mid space for game video(with its theme) and your panel at bottom with extra stuff. Could it be done ?
  7. Parasite Eve II Video Theme View File Parasite Eve II Video theme, 1080p 16:9 P.S I give up of attempt to upload files here. Upload just doesnt work for me here. 1 out of 10 files upload others get stuck. Submitter IceLancer Submitted 01/26/2018 Category Game Theme Videos
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  8. Version 1.0.0


    Parasite Eve II Video theme, 1080p 16:9 P.S I give up of attempt to upload files here. Upload just doesnt work for me here. 1 out of 10 files upload others get stuck.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    PC Games / Windows Main theme recorded in 1080p 16:9 This is the first. I own quite a lot my own themes, eventually i will record them..Preview is in 4:3 Uploaded file is slightly upgraded version of youtube. Models are bigger and more optimized for 16:9. So download from here
  10. PC Games / Windows Main theme 1080p View File PC Games / Windows Main theme recorded in 1080p 16:9 This is the first. I own quite a lot my own themes, eventually i will record them..Preview is in 4:3 Uploaded file is slightly upgraded version of youtube. Models are bigger and more optimized for 16:9. So download from here Submitter IceLancer Submitted 01/24/2018 Category Platform Theme Videos
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