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Community Answers

  1. Ok, I’ve solved it! I had a doubt: in the table script, the ROM name was written in uppercase. I replaced it with lowercase, and it worked.
  2. I prefer The Addams Family (Bally 1992) 2.4.41.vpx table, but I have tried several ROMs (Taf_l5, Taf_l5c, Taf_l6, Taf_l7), and unfortunately the plugin always responds with the message: “not supported rom...\nvram\Taf_lnumber.nv”. I have tried using the commands you pointed me to pinemhi.exe taf_l7.nv and also pinemhi.exe taf_l6.nv and the hi scores are shown correctly This is really a mystery, considering that all my other 23 tables work correctly with the plugin.
  3. Oops, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention! I was looking in the View menu instead of Table. Thanks, it works now! By the way, I also have The Addams Family table, but the plugin says the ROM is not supported. It seems strange to me since it's such a famous table. Is it really not supported?
  4. I use Visual Pinball X 64 bit exclusively, but unfortunately this table has the script menu locked and I can't find any option to unlock it. I tried modifying it with a previous emulator and the plugin works, but unfortunately the table starts with messy graphics. Twilight Zone (Bally 1993) VPW Edition v1.0.vpx
  5. Theatre of Magic works very well, thanks! Twilight Zone, I can't edit the script natively, so I'm forced to create the VBS file. I commented out some lines using the ' symbol and added the one you suggested. The table works, but the plugin still throws the same error. Maybe the plugin only checks VPX files and not VBS? ' Dim cGameName ' Select Case Romset ' Case 0: cGameName = "tz_94ch" ' Coin-Based Home Version (Advanced Features) ' Case 1: cGameName = "tz_94h" ' Free Play Home Version (Advanced Features) ' Case 2: cGameName = "tz_92" ' Last Arcade Romset (Basic Features) ' End Select Const cGameName = "tz_94ch" Happy to help! 😊 Honestly, I think the only reason no one stress-tested it before is simply because the pinball theme isn't very popular on this forum. Your plugin is solid, and I’m glad I could put it through its paces after all this time! Hopefully, my feedback can be useful if you ever decide to update it. 😉
  6. You are great!!! 😮 The plugin works great and it is very helpful to have the high score available before choosing which game to play. Thank you very much. I would like to report that out of 24 tables tried, I only encountered problems with 3. For example, for two popular tables such as “Theatre of Magic” and “Twilight Zone,” the plugin shows the phrase “No ROM listed in this table.” Also, for “Superman (Pup Edition)” the message “No such file” appears, with the path “supermanLE.nv”. I think Superman's problem is because he uses an alias “supermanLE,superman” in the file “\VisualPinball\VPinMAME\VPMAlias.txt” , so the file he is looking for nonexistent is superman.nv Last thing: do you think it is possible and easy to have the plugin also available in bigbox? like "how long to beat" plugin.
  7. I followed your instructions, but unfortunately, if the official emulator with the VPX executable is not present, the plugin is only visible but not selectable—the plugin name appears grayed out. Additionally, I would like to know if my custom VBS scripts for certain tables will be overwritten by the plugin. I’d prefer that not to happen.
  8. Sorry, but I don’t quite understand. I just want the plugin to remain active in LaunchBox without having to give up the emulator managed via AHK. Having to go through all these steps every time I launch a game makes the plugin impractical. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a simple command line in the pinemhi.ini file that, in addition to the table path, also allows specifying the path of the Visual Pinball executable. This way, it wouldn’t be necessary to set it as the default emulator in LaunchBox.
  9. Hi @JoeViking245 First of all, great work on this plugin! It’s really well done, and I can see how useful it can be. Lately, I've been playing a lot of pinball and got interested in trying it out. I just tested it with a table, and it works fine. However, I noticed that the plugin only seems to work with the default emulator configuration, meaning the emulator must be set to the Visual Pinball executable. In my case, I use an AutoHotkey script as my default emulator, which performs some preliminary operations before launching the tables. So technically, my emulator is a different executable, even though it correctly starts Visual Pinball in the end. I'm wondering if there's a way to keep my AHK script as the default emulator while still making the plugin work. Thanks in advance! 😊
  10. it used to work fine in the past but now Windows 11 24H2 requires a new devreorder which I have updated to version 1.04 perfectly working but Ctrlr_Cyclr doesn't seem to interact with it anymore, any chance of an update?
  11. PINBALL M For the other game Pinball M, the operations to perform are identical to those for Pinball FX, so I won't repeat them here: you can refer to the instructions above. The only difference, of course, is the folder paths, which are the same but with the path changed from \PinballFX to \PinballM. For the configuration files, the first path to use is: C:\Users\*USER*\AppData\Local\PinballM\Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\Steam\LocalSettings.cfg Or, depending on the game version: C:\Users\*USER*\AppData\Local\PinballM\Saved\SaveGames\76561197960267366\settings.sav For the cabinet elements, the path is: GAMEINSTALLDIR\PinballM\Mods\Cabinet\Settings.ini
  12. PINBALL FX (2023-2024) I don't want to go through the entire installation process for the cabinet and desktop modes step by step, because the PinballFX website explains very well how to copy the backglass images into the correct folders and activate the various cabinet mode functions. I just want to share what I've discovered regarding PinballFX configuration for quickly switching between the two modes. PinballFX saves resolution and screen rotation settings in the file C:\Users\*USER*\AppData\Local\PinballFX\Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\Steam\LocalSettings.cfg (if the LocalSettings.cfg file is not present, see the note at the end of this post). Additionally, the information related to enabling cabinet mode (such as the position of the backglass and DMD on other displays) is stored in the file GAMEINSTALLDIR\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet\Settings.ini To simplify switching between modes, I created four separate files with distinct names: LocalSettings_CABINET_MODE.cfg LocalSettings_DESKTOP_MODE.cfg Settings_CABINET_ON.ini Settings_CABINET_OFF.ini For the LocalSettings.cfg file, the only change I made was to the forcedDisplayRotation line. I set "forcedDisplayRotation": "Default" for desktop mode and "forcedDisplayRotation": "Rot_270" for cabinet mode. There's no need to use different resolutions for each file; just set the highest resolution of your best monitor (e.g., 3840x2160), as PinballFX automatically adjusts when switching monitors, such as from 4K to FullHD , and keeps the highest resolution supported by the monitor, never exceeding the one you set. For the Settings.ini file, simply set CabinetEnabled=False for desktop mode and CabinetEnabled=True for cabinet mode. As for setting up the emulator in LaunchBox, I won't describe my script here since everyone can create their own as they prefer. In summary, you need to create a script that overwrites these files in the respective folders before launching the game. This way, you can quickly switch between desktop and cabinet mode directly from BigBox or LaunchBox. 😉 --------- Note : In some installations or versions of the software, some save files may not exist. If that's the case, you’ll need to use the file: C:\Users\*USER*\AppData\Local\PinballFX\Saved\SaveGames\76561197960267366\settings.sav. However, in this case, you cannot manually edit the file with a text editor. Instead, follow these steps: Launch the game and save the settings for desktop mode (e.g., with the default screen rotation); Exit the game and copy the settings.sav file to another location with a different name; Launch the game again, save the settings for cabinet mode (e.g., with screen rotation set to 270 degrees); Exit the game and copy the settings.sav file again with another name.From this point on, the process is identical to the one described for the LocalSettings.cfg file, except that you will use the settings.sav file and its respective path instead.
  13. Honestly I didn't find any particular kind of problem playing with two wiiremote players with emulator SuperModel LightgunEdition (traditional sensorbar) Simply the command line of the emulator is this : -input-system=xinput -fullscreen -crosshairs=1 You can also decide for -crosshairs=0 Touchmote : for accurate calibration I recommend you to use the version of Touchmote patched Tmote x64 Rotation July24 v6 or higher And Games config in Supermodel.ini like this : ; Analog joystick (Star Wars Trilogy) InputAnalogJoyLeft = "KEY_LEFT" ; digital, move left InputAnalogJoyRight = "KEY_RIGHT" ; digital, move right InputAnalogJoyUp = "KEY_UP" ; digital, move up InputAnalogJoyDown = "KEY_DOWN" ; digital, move down InputAnalogJoyX = "JOY_XAXIS,MOUSE_XAXIS" ; analog, full X axis InputAnalogJoyY = "JOY_YAXIS,MOUSE_YAXIS" ; analog, full Y axis InputAnalogJoyTrigger = "KEY_A,JOY_BUTTON1,MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON" InputAnalogJoyEvent = "KEY_S,JOY_BUTTON2,MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON,JOY_BUTTON8" InputAnalogJoyTrigger2 = "JOY_BUTTON3" InputAnalogJoyEvent2 = "JOY_BUTTON4" ; Light guns (Lost World) InputGunLeft = "KEY_LEFT" ; digital, move gun left InputGunRight = "KEY_RIGHT" ; digital, move gun right InputGunUp = "KEY_UP" ; digital, move gun up InputGunDown = "KEY_DOWN" ; digital, move gun down InputGunX = "MOUSE1_XAXIS,JOY1_XAXIS" ; analog, full X axis InputGunY = "MOUSE1_YAXIS,JOY1_YAXIS" ; analog, full Y axis InputTrigger = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1,MOUSE1_LEFT_BUTTON" InputOffscreen = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2,MOUSE1_RIGHT_BUTTON" ; point off-screen InputAutoTrigger = 1 ; automatic reload when off-screen InputGunLeft2 = "NONE" InputGunRight2 = "NONE" InputGunUp2 = "NONE" InputGunDown2 = "NONE" InputGunX2 = "MOUSE2_XAXIS,JOY2_XAXIS" InputGunY2 = "MOUSE2_YAXIS,JOY2_YAXIS" InputTrigger2 = "JOY2_BUTTON1,MOUSE2_LEFT_BUTTON" InputOffscreen2 = "JOY2_BUTTON2,MOUSE2_RIGHT_BUTTON" InputAutoTrigger2 = 1 ---------- You'll have to go into the game service to calibrate the gun but if you're not sure how to do that I recommend downloading the already preconfigured nvram and ini files here :
  14. Thank you for the clarification! Now that I’ve resolved the switch for Visual Pinball, I’m moving on to Future Pinball. After doing some research, I discovered a quick and effective way to make it work, and I’d like to share it with you. FUTURE PINBALL To summarize, I will not describe all the configurations of Future Pinball for Desktop and for Cabinet. In summary, the .reg file covers everything that is configurable through the program options, such as displays, graphics, and screen rotations. The three zipped files, on the other hand, concern the BAM configurations. I created two separate launchers for the Future Pinball frontend with BAM, one for Desktop Mode and one for Cabinet Mode. Both launchers perform similar operations, but with specific configurations for each mode. The operation is as follows : Enter the registry with regedit here HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Future Pinball and export future pinball configurations for desktop mode and then save another one for cabinet mode Run the registry file : For Desktop mode: BAM_reg_for_desktop_SBABY.reg For Cabinet mode: BAM_reg_for_cabinet_SBABY.reg Extraction of BAM configuration files from a ZIP file: For Desktop mode: BAM_settings_for_desktop_SBABY.zip For Cabinet mode: BAM_settings_for_cabinet_SBABY.zip The extracted files are: bam.cfg default.cfg reality.dat These are overwritten in the BAM folder to ensure proper startup of the selected mode. I put 7z.exe and 7z.dll for convenience in the same folder as the script. Starting the game via FPLoader.exe with the necessary parameters to automatically start the *.fpt table Below is an image with the DESKTOP MODE configuration for Launchbox Script for the Launcher (Fake Emulator ahk to exe) in Desktop Mode ; Set the working directory to the one containing the .ahk file SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ; Extract ZIP file RunWait, .\7z.exe x "BAM_settings_for_desktop_SBABY.zip" -o%A_ScriptDir% -y Sleep 300 ; Run the registry file RunWait, C:\Windows\regedit.exe /s "%A_ScriptDir%\BAM_reg_for_desktop_SBABY.reg" Sleep 100 ; Launch the game (FPLoader.exe) without blocking the script Run, "FPLoader.exe" /open "%1%" /play /exit Script for the Launcher (Fake Emulator ahk to exe) in Cabinet Mode ; Set the working directory to the one containing the .ahk file SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ; Extract ZIP file RunWait, .\7z.exe x "BAM_settings_for_cabinet_SBABY.zip" -o%A_ScriptDir% -y Sleep 300 ; Run the registry file RunWait, C:\Windows\regedit.exe /s "%A_ScriptDir%\BAM_reg_for_cabinet_SBABY.reg" Sleep 100 ; Launch the game (FPLoader.exe) without blocking the script Run, "FPLoader.exe" /open "%1%" /play /exit Note : Some users also consider the \plugins\iCom.cfg file in addition to these three. I am currently using only the three files mentioned, and everything is functioning correctly.
  15. MAME works very well for two players with a generic Wii sensor bar, but personally, I use the right analog stick as pointer for all light gun games. I've set up Touchmote to launch automatically with MAME. You can see an example of my configuration in the attached image. My mame.ini file is as follows: Note: You won’t have the SBABY_DEFAULT entry, but it’s important to adjust the saturation 0.80 and threshold values between 0 and 0.3. yourctrlrl.cfg or gamename.cfg file should have these settings: </port> <port type="P1_LIGHTGUN_X"> <newseq type="standard"> JOYCODE_1_ZAXIS OR MOUSECODE_1_XAXIS </newseq> <newseq type="decrement"> JOYCODE_1_HATSWITCHL OR JOYCODE_1_DPADLEFT OR JOYCODE_1_HAT1LEFT </newseq> <newseq type="increment"> JOYCODE_1_HATSWITCHR OR JOYCODE_1_DPADRIGHT OR JOYCODE_1_HAT1RIGHT </newseq> </port> <port type="P1_LIGHTGUN_Y"> <newseq type="standard"> JOYCODE_1_RZAXIS OR MOUSECODE_1_YAXIS </newseq> <newseq type="increment"> JOYCODE_1_HATSWITCHD OR JOYCODE_1_DPADDOWN OR JOYCODE_1_HAT1DOWN </newseq> <newseq type="decrement"> JOYCODE_1_HATSWITCHU OR JOYCODE_1_DPADUP OR JOYCODE_1_HAT1UP </newseq> </port> <port type="P2_LIGHTGUN_X"> <newseq type="standard"> JOYCODE_2_ZAXIS OR MOUSECODE_2_XAXIS </newseq> <newseq type="decrement"> JOYCODE_2_HATSWITCHL OR JOYCODE_2_DPADLEFT OR JOYCODE_2_HAT1LEFT </newseq> <newseq type="increment"> JOYCODE_2_HATSWITCHR OR JOYCODE_2_DPADRIGHT OR JOYCODE_2_HAT1RIGHT </newseq> </port> <port type="P2_LIGHTGUN_Y"> <newseq type="standard"> JOYCODE_2_RZAXIS OR MOUSECODE_2_YAXIS </newseq> <newseq type="increment"> JOYCODE_2_HATSWITCHD OR JOYCODE_2_DPADDOWN OR JOYCODE_2_HAT1DOWN </newseq> <newseq type="decrement"> JOYCODE_2_HATSWITCHU OR JOYCODE_2_DPADUP OR JOYCODE_2_HAT1UP Another crucial point is that Windows must correctly recognize the XInput controllers as Player 1 and Player 2. If you have other gamepads connected, or if your game’s cfg file or the ctrlrl file isn’t properly configured, you might encounter issues. For example, the second joystick emulated by Touchmote could be detected as Player 3 in MAME, causing misalignment. I hope this helps!😊
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