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  1. Thank you for the clarification! Now that I’ve resolved the switch for Visual Pinball, I’m moving on to Future Pinball. After doing some research, I discovered a quick and effective way to make it work, and I’d like to share it with you. FUTURE PINBALL To summarize, I will not describe all the configurations of Future Pinball for Desktop and for Cabinet. In summary, the .reg file covers everything that is configurable through the program options, such as displays, graphics, and screen rotations. The three zipped files, on the other hand, concern the BAM configurations. I created two separate launchers for the Future Pinball frontend with BAM, one for Desktop Mode and one for Cabinet Mode. Both launchers perform similar operations, but with specific configurations for each mode. The operation is as follows : Enter the registry with regedit here HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Future Pinball and export future pinball configurations for desktop mode and then save another one for cabinet mode Run the registry file : For Desktop mode: BAM_reg_for_desktop_SBABY.reg For Cabinet mode: BAM_reg_for_cabinet_SBABY.reg Extraction of BAM configuration files from a ZIP file: For Desktop mode: BAM_settings_for_desktop_SBABY.zip For Cabinet mode: BAM_settings_for_cabinet_SBABY.zip The extracted files are: bam.cfg default.cfg reality.dat These are overwritten in the BAM folder to ensure proper startup of the selected mode. I put 7z.exe and 7z.dll for convenience in the same folder as the script. Starting the game via FPLoader.exe with the necessary parameters to automatically start the *.fpt table Below is an image with the DESKTOP MODE configuration for Launchbox Script for the Launcher (Fake Emulator ahk to exe) in Desktop Mode ; Set the working directory to the one containing the .ahk file SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ; Extract ZIP file RunWait, .\7z.exe x "BAM_settings_for_desktop_SBABY.zip" -o%A_ScriptDir% -y Sleep 300 ; Run the registry file RunWait, C:\Windows\regedit.exe /s "%A_ScriptDir%\BAM_reg_for_desktop_SBABY.reg" Sleep 100 ; Launch the game (FPLoader.exe) without blocking the script Run, "FPLoader.exe" /open "%1%" /play /exit Script for the Launcher (Fake Emulator ahk to exe) in Cabinet Mode ; Set the working directory to the one containing the .ahk file SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ; Extract ZIP file RunWait, .\7z.exe x "BAM_settings_for_cabinet_SBABY.zip" -o%A_ScriptDir% -y Sleep 300 ; Run the registry file RunWait, C:\Windows\regedit.exe /s "%A_ScriptDir%\BAM_reg_for_cabinet_SBABY.reg" Sleep 100 ; Launch the game (FPLoader.exe) without blocking the script Run, "FPLoader.exe" /open "%1%" /play /exit Note : Some users also consider the \plugins\iCom.cfg file in addition to these three. I am currently using only the three files mentioned, and everything is functioning correctly.
  2. MAME works very well for two players with a generic Wii sensor bar, but personally, I use the right analog stick as pointer for all light gun games. I've set up Touchmote to launch automatically with MAME. You can see an example of my configuration in the attached image. My mame.ini file is as follows: Note: You won’t have the SBABY_DEFAULT entry, but it’s important to adjust the saturation 0.80 and threshold values between 0 and 0.3. yourctrlrl.cfg or gamename.cfg file should have these settings: </port> <port type="P1_LIGHTGUN_X"> <newseq type="standard"> JOYCODE_1_ZAXIS OR MOUSECODE_1_XAXIS </newseq> <newseq type="decrement"> JOYCODE_1_HATSWITCHL OR JOYCODE_1_DPADLEFT OR JOYCODE_1_HAT1LEFT </newseq> <newseq type="increment"> JOYCODE_1_HATSWITCHR OR JOYCODE_1_DPADRIGHT OR JOYCODE_1_HAT1RIGHT </newseq> </port> <port type="P1_LIGHTGUN_Y"> <newseq type="standard"> JOYCODE_1_RZAXIS OR MOUSECODE_1_YAXIS </newseq> <newseq type="increment"> JOYCODE_1_HATSWITCHD OR JOYCODE_1_DPADDOWN OR JOYCODE_1_HAT1DOWN </newseq> <newseq type="decrement"> JOYCODE_1_HATSWITCHU OR JOYCODE_1_DPADUP OR JOYCODE_1_HAT1UP </newseq> </port> <port type="P2_LIGHTGUN_X"> <newseq type="standard"> JOYCODE_2_ZAXIS OR MOUSECODE_2_XAXIS </newseq> <newseq type="decrement"> JOYCODE_2_HATSWITCHL OR JOYCODE_2_DPADLEFT OR JOYCODE_2_HAT1LEFT </newseq> <newseq type="increment"> JOYCODE_2_HATSWITCHR OR JOYCODE_2_DPADRIGHT OR JOYCODE_2_HAT1RIGHT </newseq> </port> <port type="P2_LIGHTGUN_Y"> <newseq type="standard"> JOYCODE_2_RZAXIS OR MOUSECODE_2_YAXIS </newseq> <newseq type="increment"> JOYCODE_2_HATSWITCHD OR JOYCODE_2_DPADDOWN OR JOYCODE_2_HAT1DOWN </newseq> <newseq type="decrement"> JOYCODE_2_HATSWITCHU OR JOYCODE_2_DPADUP OR JOYCODE_2_HAT1UP Another crucial point is that Windows must correctly recognize the XInput controllers as Player 1 and Player 2. If you have other gamepads connected, or if your game’s cfg file or the ctrlrl file isn’t properly configured, you might encounter issues. For example, the second joystick emulated by Touchmote could be detected as Player 3 in MAME, causing misalignment. I hope this helps!😊
  3. I tried adding what you suggested, but unfortunately, I can’t make it work in my script. I added WshShell because I was getting an error when trying to use vpmInit Me. Maybe my VPX configuration is different from yours; I’m not sure. I’m attaching my original VPX file in VBS format so you can take a look and perhaps figure out what’s wrong. If y ou have any other suggestions or maybe a practical example, I’d be happy to try again. Thanks! Batman Dark Knight (Stern 2008)_Bigus(MOD)2.0.vbs That's exactly what I was doing! The only thing I hadn't tried was 'Click and hold... wiggle/shake it a little (weird, I know)'. Since I did it once, it works every time now. Incredible! How do you know all this stuff? Haha!
  4. Thank you so much for everything! With your help, a lot of study, and a bit of AI, I was able to create VBS scripts that activate the DMD in desktop mode and hide it in cabinet mode. With Star Trek, it was quite simple: Dim DesktopMode: DesktopMode = Table1.ShowDT If DesktopMode = True Then VarHidden = 0 Ramp16.visible = 1 Ramp15.visible = 1 Primitive13.visible = 1 TransReel.visible = 1 Else VarHidden = 1 Ramp16.visible = 0 Ramp15.visible = 0 Primitive13.visible = 0 TransReel.visible = 0 End If However, with other Bigus tables, I had to declare Dim WshShell and call the ROM's system registry, but in the end, it works great. For example, with Batman: Sub Table1_Init ' Initialize the game vpmInit Me ' Declare the WshShell variable at the beginning Dim WshShell Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") With Controller .GameName = cGameName If Err Then MsgBox "Can't start Game " & cGameName & vbNewLine & Err.Description: Exit Sub .SplashInfoLine = "Batman - The Dark Knight (Stern 2008)" .HandleKeyboard = 0 .ShowTitle = 0 .ShowDMDOnly = 1 .ShowFrame = 0 .HandleMechanics = 0 ' Detect the mode and set DMD visibility Dim DesktopMode: DesktopMode = Table1.ShowDT If DesktopMode = True Then ' Desktop Mode - Show the DMD .Hidden = 0 WshShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\bdk_294\showwindmd", 1, "REG_DWORD" If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error modifying the registry: " & Err.Description Exit Sub End If Else ' Cabinet Mode - Hide the DMD .Hidden = 1 WshShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\bdk_294\showwindmd", 0, "REG_DWORD" If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error modifying the registry: " & Err.Description Exit Sub End If End If ' Start the game On Error Resume Next .Run GetPlayerHWnd If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description On Error Goto 0 End With It works perfectly! -------------------------------------------- I would still have one last question regarding VisualPinball: how can I make the internal DMD slightly larger by default? I manage fine with FlexDMD, but it seems the same approach doesn't work for the VPINMAME DMD. If I change it with the mouse, it doesn't maintain the size.
  5. Summary of the situation I want to provide a quick summary to clarify the situation. I have installed Pinup Popper Baller, which automatically configures my three screens and the display settings for Visual Pinball and Future Pinball, including the positions of the DMD and FlexDMD. In cabinet mode, I have no issues with any ROMs or tables; everything displays correctly. The default system registry for the DMD related to the ROMs is configured as shown in the attached image. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMAME\ In this mode, I use the 32-bit executable VPinballX.exe, which records changes in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Visual Pinball There are no issues with any of the 20 tables I’m currently testing. I believe the DMD on the third screen is managed by FlexDMD and the dmdevice.ini file, which defines the position and display settings for the external DMD. (Perfect) Switching to desktop mode To quickly switch to desktop mode and make it easier to use without making too many changes, I prefer using the 64-bit version, VPinballX64.exe. Unlike the 32-bit version, this one saves changes in an .ini file located here: C:\Users\"user"\AppData\Roaming\VPinballX\VPinballX.ini. For 15 out of the 20 tables, when launched in desktop mode, the internal DMD automatically activates (even though it’s disabled in the system registry for both the ROMs and the default setting). This likely happens because it’s configured in the table script to activate in desktop mode. This functionality works perfectly for me because it avoids using the FlexDMD and doesn’t require me to move it manually inside the playfield. Additionally, in desktop mode, the FlexDMD is still activated but remains in the background beneath the playfield screen. This works perfectly for me since it’s not visible. WinDMD active and visible FlexDMD active but not visible I am aware of the dmdevice.ini file, where the position of FlexDMD can be configured, but I prefer not to move it because I already have custom coordinate settings based on the background image for cabinet mode (3screen) Problem with 5 tables The issue lies with the other 5 tables, which do not automatically display the internal DMD. I’ve tried the methods you suggested, but each script is different, and even after adjusting settings, I still couldn’t get it to work. I also wasn’t able to get it working by modifying the associated .ini file for the table. The only solution I found was to create a .reg file for each table that activates the internal DMD by modifying the registry under the ROM entry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMAME\romname. This method works: I’ve set up an additional app (Additional Apps) in LaunchBox to trigger the registry and set ShowWinDMD to 1 at launch and return it to 0 upon exit. While this system works, I have to admit I’m not thrilled with it because it modifies the entire ROM configuration, not just that one parameter. If I change any ROM settings, I need to recreate the .reg files. For now, this works, but I’d like to know: Is there a command line that can change only that registry parameter? Or, can it be set directly in the .ini file in some way? With this method, I’ve solved the issue for 3 of the 5 tables. Remaining tables There are two remaining tables that I don't know how to fix: Star Trek 25th Anniversary (Data East 1991) Secret Agent (Original 2024) v1.0 For Secret Agent, I understand the problem since it doesn’t use MAME ROMs. But for Star Trek, which uses VPinMAME ROMs, I don’t understand why the internal DMD isn’t showing. I’m attaching the link for the tables that are having issues. There are no ROMs, of course. https://we.tl/t-Q93b376MxS I’m looking forward to your suggestions, thank you! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 03-01-2025 I decided to update all my Visual Pinball X tables to make them compatible with the latest 64-bit version. At this point, switching between modes becomes very straightforward: you just need to load a different INI file via the command line, one for desktop mode and one for cabinet mode. The two INI files can be easily placed in the emulator’s folder, and the command line looks like this: For desktop mode: VPinballX64.exe -ini VPinballX_DESKTOP.ini -minimized -exit -play For cabinet mode: VPinballX64.exe -ini VPinballX_CABINET.ini -minimized -exit -play The only parameters that differ between the two files are: ForceDisableB2S BGSet This makes switching between the two modes simple and efficient! As for the DMD, let’s continue the discussion below:
  6. I thank you for the path you have set me on I’ve realized that with three screens in cabinet mode, I prefer using the 32-bit version of VisualPinballX.exe, while in desktop mode, I find the 64-bit version VisualPinballX64.exe works better. This is mainly because the 32-bit version is far more compatible with all the tables I have, both old and new, whereas the 64-bit version performs very well in desktop mode. For the 32-bit version, switching between desktop and cabinet modes is simple. I save the entire registry folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Visual Pinball into two .reg files: one configured for cabinet mode and the other for desktop mode. When launching the game, I just run the appropriate .reg file to apply the desired settings. However, I’ve noticed an issue: disabling the B2S doesn’t work properly. Although the .reg file saves all the other settings, it doesn’t save the one related to B2S, so the backglass ends up overlapping the screen. Renaming the backglass every time I launch a game would be too cumbersome and time-consuming. The solution I found is to use the 64-bit version for desktop mode. This version saves configurations not in the registry but in a configuration file: C:\Users\"user"\AppData\Roaming\VPinballX\VPinballX.ini. By adding the line ForceDisableB2S = 1 to this file, the issue is resolved perfectly. Another important configuration is for the DMD, either internal or external. Unfortunately, I have a small number of tables that won’t show the internal DMD in desktop mode alongside the external one, unless I press F1 and set it there. This is inconvenient because it breaks my streamlined startup process. I've tried tweaking things a bit, but I can't figure out the problem. Basically, when everything is set to external DMD (without selecting “show internal DMD”), all tables show it indifferently and correctly even in desktop mode. ... well, that's exactly what I want. . this allows me to not even edit the screenres config . It seems like there’s a variable in the code that says, "if you’re in desktop mode, enable the internal DMD as well," but some tables still don’t display it. These tables are few, but it’s annoying, and I’m forced to press F1 to enable it.do you have any ideas?
  7. Hi 😽 I've been using LaunchBox for years to run my pinball games (Future Pinball, Visual Pinball, Pinball FX (2023), Pinball M, Pinball FX3, Pinball Arcade, and Zaccaria Pinball) on a single screen in desktop mode, and everything was working perfectly. Recently, I wanted to try the PinUp Popper frontend to explore the 3-screen setup, including a vertical screen, temporarily excluding the fourth screen (my TV, which I usually use for desktop mode). Everything worked fine with the new setup. (For now, I’d like to focus only on the first 4 games listed above.) I had installed the emulators in separate folders thinking that I could keep both the LaunchBox desktop mode and the PinUp Popper 3-screen mode active. However, I’ve realized that these simulators are likely writing configuration files or even modifying system registries. As a result, even when launching from separate folders, I end up with rotated screens or incorrect configurations when launching from LaunchBox. I'm forced to adjust the configuration every time to return to desktop mode, which is not very convenient. I know that using separate computers or setting up a dual boot would be a better solution, but unfortunately, I'm working on the same Windows 11 setup. To be honest, I'd love to have two different ways to launch the pinball games based on how I feel for the evening. For example, if I want to stand in front of three screens, I’d use PinUp Popper, but if I want to relax on the couch, I’d prefer BigBox with a single screen and desktop mode. Maybe someone has already encountered this issue and can help me solve it with a script or other solution. For example, I'd like to create a script to run at the launch of the pinball games from LaunchBox that would activate desktop mode, and another script to switch to cabinet mode when I play with PinUp Popper. I’ve seen some registry files in the VisualPinball and Future Pinball folders, but I’m a bit scared to run them—who knows what could happen? Ahahah! I’ve also come across some settings files for Pinball FX that I could maybe use, perhaps overwriting the file every time I launch, but I’m not sure. I’d prefer to ask first to see if anyone has already done this and can help me without me going through too many trial and error attempts. Thanks in advance! ☺️
  8. Could you please recommend a generic full screen image to use for MAME or arcade games? I need it for the back glass of my pinball machine where I only use vertical games but the top image needs to come out normal screen. I have tried putting in these artworks, the thing is nice but many of them come out too narrow and therefore enlarge badly. Therefore, I thought of using them as a small screen DMD (1920X480) , as they fit well when cropped and look great. However, for the large back glass (1920X1080), I would need a more generic option. Do you have any ideas? thanks a lot
  9. Honestly, I use BigBox a lot more lately and keep LaunchBox with the shortcut CTRL-T, without video playback because it is too heavy. I have stayed with version 13.17. However, I can tell you that I was testing some frontends for three-screen setups with pinball and ran into a black screen problem during loading screens. I solved it by following this guide: https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=nvidia_settings I don't know if this also solved the problem with LaunchBox, since, as I said, I didn't use video preview much. If you have an NVIDIA card, give it a try and let me know.
  10. I, too, have always wanted series to be treated the same as the other features of LaunchBox and BigBox. Whenever I add a game, I always take the time to fix the Series section as well, because I find it great to have all my games organized by series. Unfortunately, in BigBox the Series section looks rather bare and poor. It would be great if it could be enriched like the playlists, including pictures, videos, and descriptions. And maybe, in LaunchBox, dedicated icons could be added as well. I should add that I have created playlists based on the Series rule, the thing works but I find this solution an extra step that could be avoided, since series are already playlists, only unfortunately they are not treated as such by the software. So I join the wish expressed by @PhoenixCF hoping that this functionality will be taken into consideration! 😊
  11. I confirm that the developers of ShadPs4 have made some changes. Compared to my initial post, which was based on the old release, it is now sufficient to add the -g option 👇
  12. Launchbox completely frizzed out without ever starting any games, I had just opened it and left it in the background
  13. Then : I did not perform any operations with LaunchBox; I simply minimized it in the Systray and continued working on other tasks. After about 20 minutes, when I reopened LaunchBox, the program did not respond for about 10 seconds and then resumed normal operation. This is the current state of the Task Manager. 👇
  14. Hi, thanks for looking into the situation! I confirm that when LaunchBox crashes, my experience is similar to @duerra 👇 Instead, I am attaching a screenshot of my Task Manager as soon as I open LaunchBox: although you mention a possible second window, in my case I have only one visible window of LaunchBox, the startup window (without touching anything) , However, in Task Manager there are two instances of the “LaunchBox” process.👇 I hope this information can help narrow it down and give us a better understanding of what is causing the problem. Thanks again for your support!
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