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Everything posted by sirgubster9

  1. Dude your my hero. Cant wait to try this out!
  2. Dude your awesome man. Thanks again.
  3. Dude! This is amazing! How do I do this on my end? Did you upload this start up theme on launchbox somewhere? Or do you have the script or whatever that i can cut and paste into the multi picture theme?
  4. Correct sir. That's exactly right! I think with arcade games it'll be a little more wonky the different amount of buttons and what they do and what not, but for consoles that setup would work perfectly. With arcades maybe the only difference would be that the top right would have a generic arcade controller as the fallback but you could also have a game specific controller. And then the bottom right would be the same as for the consoles setup. Now that I think about it, the top right could use the meta scrape because i believe arcade controls or control panel is one of the photos that launchbox scrapes.
  5. Oh dude! I used gimp as well! I learned enough to get by but there where several times that I just said ok I cant figure that out let's do something different. But ya I liked it a lot. And it was free so that's always nice
  6. Dude that's an awesome setup. I have mine setup very similarly just not as nice. My custom stuff is very obvious that I dont use photoshop... but I try ha ha. I love the pause theme for sure. Just thought it would be cool to have something very similar for a startup screen as well since newcomers wont know to pause to look at controls. Atleast they will get a quick general idea of the controls as the game starts up. Honestly if i knew how to i would possibly even just use the pause screen as a start up screen
  7. Oh dude this is amazing! For arcades I haven't really gotten started yet since they are all different ish. For platform, let's say dreamcast I was trying to use your dreamcast remote just by itself in the top right. And then an altered version of your generic arcade arcade in the bottom right (I probably would have used your sweeter joystick setup that you have in this photo at the bottom right but I couldnt find a photo shop version of it) But ya in theory top right would be real system controller and then bottom right would be custom system controller. But then in theory you could over right one or both with game specific stuff. Almost exactly how you have your pause screen but for 2 images instead of just one.
  8. Multi image start up theme. Goal is to switch top right image for platform controller. And bottom right image for home made controller
  9. Yes thank you! I use your pause theme and I love it! I got all my consoles set up with it and its awesome!!! I'm still working on all the arcade games because I'm using like an arcade cabinet so no gamepads like you had. I was able to alter your art files for the consoles so thank you so much. Obviously the arcades are individual so going to take me a while.... anywho I was hoping to basically use your art files ish and have them be during the start up screen as well as the pause screen. I thought since there was a code to populate the specific art file in a specific location I could maybe take that script or line of text and like copy it into an existing startup screen theme. Like hey instead of this upper right hand picture grabbing from this game location it instead grabs from this other platform location.... thoughts?
  10. SO Im using start up screens and I would love to be able to have two of the images fall back to platform specific images like you mentioned. Right now I would have to copy and paste my controller image into every single game, but if I could have it fallback to platform images I could just use one controller image per platform... any ideas. within launchbox priorities I couldnt find anything that worked, everything was game specific. I know I have a pause theme that uses platform images but every startup theme I have uses only game images... help guys.
  11. if anyone else has this problem in the future its because I had exclusive full screen on. While in exclusive fullscreen using emulator directly it works just fine, but it needs to be turned off if you want to use launchbox which given the website im on is the whole point. so ya solved that problem. maybe this will help others in the future. thanks
  12. anyone know what to change so that instead of a game picture it shows a platform or system picture as one of the images?
  13. Mesen works totally fine for me when I fire it up on it's own, but as soon as I try and use it through launchbox it starts up and right away the screen is flickering a little bit and then the audio is like lagging or crackiling or something. I dont understand this issue at all since I will then close it all out open up mesen on it's own again and everything is fine. What am I doing wrong?
  14. Super bummer but good to know. Thank you. I'll do my best to look around for those themes. And then I guess I'll get to crackin on making my own custom stuff.
  15. Wondering if there is an add on or a feature or anything like that that is similar to be what used to be Johnny 5 or cpwizard? Basically a way to quickly make images of what buttons are used for each individual game and what each button does and then in theory making it one of the pictures on the select screen so when you go to select your game you know what button does what? And ideally you could like import your own mame cabinet image so people could easily see that the 3rd button over is actually L and in this game L is jump or something along those lines...? Thoughts?
  16. dragons lair and dragons lair 2 and space ace
  17. Re downloaded a new version of the emulator and works totally fine. Thanks for all your help.
  18. I can set controls for all my other games just not shooting games.. virtua cop, house of the dead, etc. Nothing is greyed out, if I use some skill I can actually still use the keyboard to select different options. What happens is as soon as the game starts my mouse completely disappears. I then can hit like the windows key to get out of the game to get my mouse back. Then as soon as I put my mouse over the game window it disappears again.
  19. Tried it. Doesn't work. My mouse completely goes away even if I'm not on the window unless I press the window key on my keyboard to get my mouse back.
  20. Oh you know what, it's possible I didn't do un clicking within the video settings. I believe I might have done it within that extra little settings exe that you can open and I definitely did the alt f4 method. I will double check your method and confirm and get back to you when I get home today.
  21. I have done this method you speak of and as soon as my mouse goes over the window it goes away and once I leave the window it comes back. I am unable to click on anything. Is there something else you are doing or something else I am not doing? How about this... is there any way to press a keyboard key instead of double clicking to configure the controls? Because if I use some skill I can get to the control configure using just the keyboard, but I still cant double click. I tried enter, it did not work.
  22. Sega model 2 emulator has a bunch of great shooting games that work with a mouse or light gun. And the system allows you to configure the controls from within the game, but once you pick a game that is a shooter it hijacks the mouse to use within the game. How the heck do you configure the controls when you cant use the mouse to go to the controls menu and you definitely cant double click to configure a new key. Please help. Thanks.
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