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  1. Ok, thx much for that. So i'm guessing it's a problem with 1 or more of the videos then. Do you know is there any kind of "bounds" on the videos that can be used such as resolution, fps, encoding, etc? The strange thing is another LB user who was helping me test it out got the same issues but we used many of the same videos too.
  2. oh lol, ok here you go. note, i could not click on the region filter in missing games because the debug log window covers it and doesn't appear to be moveable. i did click on a few other of the filter icons that I could see though. debug.txt
  3. Sure. I enabled debug log, closed LB, reopened it & went straight to the plugin & tried to filter again. Thanks for checking.
  4. Yuup, that's what I'm saying though it doesn't bring up the window when I click on the funnel icon. I'm trying to filter in the Missing Games List in the region column. There is no window or reaction when I click on the icon. I tried a few of the other column icons and nothing.
  5. Just trying it now. Really liking this plugin man great work. Once question I have is how do I get that filter by region window to come up that you show? I would assume by clicking on the funnel icon for that column but it doesn't seem to do anything. The column will sort fine if I click on region but I can't seem to get the filter window. Thanks.
  6. Yuup, that was it. Didn't even think to look at that because since the image group was set to Cart - 3D I was under the assumption that it would just display those images only. Learn something every day... Much appreciated...marking thread as solved.
  7. much appreciated. the theme only has 1 view and i've attached it here. to recap, when i navigate back to the bb menu then bb locks up if the vids are present. if they are not present and the stock images show then navigation is fine. thxHorizontalWheel1GamesView.xaml
  8. Just to follow up on this. If I put the images in the Cart - Front folder then they will show up in LB. They show up whether I select image group Cart - 3D or Cart, and they show up in both image groups. If I don't put the images in the Cart - Front folder then they don't show up in either image group. Something isn't right there.
  9. Was looking for something like this & boom there it is on the forums. Looking forward to trying it out. For the live db vs local db sync issues, would it make sense to have the plugin, or alternatively direct the user, to update their local copy first? I'm not sure what the built-in time frame is for LB to update the local xml but I know if I'm importing new games & it's been a while since I did it last, LB will update it before the scan. Maybe there's a way to fire that process off?
  10. I only have this issue on one platform (SNK Neo Geo AES). So I imported an image pack of Cart - 3D and the images were assigned correctly to all the games per the image pack import. However, in platform view, if I change the Image Group to Cart - 3D, none of the images will display. I can individually edit each game and it has the image assigned to Cart - 3D for all games, they just won't display in LB. Also, if I swap over to BB, it has blank spots for the image as well (and yes, the theme supports Cart - 3D, all other platforms show them). In LB, I've tried refreshing all the images, exiting LB & restarting, etc. but it just will not show the images. I've also edited the platform and made sure that Cart - 3D is pointing to the correct folder (even browsed to it and re-selected it to make sure). The images are in the correct folder and have even been assigned the -01 to the names so I know LB has "seen" them. Is this a possible bug? It only is doing it on this particular platform. At a bit of a loss on this one...Any suggestions? Thanks.
  11. Thanks for trying to help. It's a very simple theme, basically a fullscreen video with a png "hud". I have a horizontal wheel. There are 2 animations, one that just rotates 2 images in a folder & the other that swaps an image on left/right navigation. That's about it, no other artwork, etc.i did want a fade over the bg video & the only way I could see how was to put a frame over it with a transparency, dunno if that could cause issues. I can post the code if it helps?
  12. Just a quicky, I'm trying to modify a very simple BB theme...it just has a horizontal wheel and behind it is a fullscreen faded background video of the selected item. My problem is that with the bg video I am getting issues in BB controls. Namely, if I navigate "back" to the BB menu, BB locks up and I have to task manager kill it. The only thing I can figure is that the bg video is causing the issue because I have a version of the theme that the only change is the bg is an image for the selected item instead of a video and it doesn't have the problem. Anyone heard of this? Are there some "parameters" around a bg video that can/cannot be used like resolution, size, fps, encoding, etc that I should be aware of? Thanks for any help.
  13. Here's a little theme I made for my upcoming dedicated trackball pedestal cabinet build called Golden Tee Ultimate. It's a dedicated trackball pedestal which will run the emulated versions of Golden Tee Live, Silver Strike Bowling, Target Toss Pro, PowerPutt Live, several classic arcade trackball games as well as a few select PC golf games that work well with a trackball. The goal of the theme was to (somewhat) mimic that actual Golden Tee Live interface that you would find on any commercial GT Live machine. I've included an assets folder in the theme that has the custom images for scrolling games, these will need to go in the various Clear Logo folders for your games. I've also included a template svg file to make your own. The template has a clip layer included so just pop in the image you want and clip it to fit inside the box with any image editing application. Included in the assets folder is background music from GT Live that can be put into Launchbox/Music/Backround and then turn on background music in BigBox settings if you want this. The theme has built in sound effects for navigation that are from the GT Live games. The theme has an animated trackball & left/right direction buttons that react to your direction of scroll. The background images are shots of GT Live courses that change as you scroll through. I do plan on expanding this theme later on when I have the full pedestal built to include videos from each game playing behind the wheel, a wheel that curves around like the actual GT Live interface, more games, etc. I'm navigating the games with a trackball now via an ahk script because BigBox doesn't have native trackball navigation built in. I've feature requested this. If you would like trackball navigation added as a feature please go to support/request a feature and it is item #9222 and upvote it! https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/9222/add-trackball-wheel-navigation-with Download the theme here:
  14. Golden Tee Ultimate (v1.25) View File Golden Tee Ultimate theme for BigBox. Submitter PiperCalls Submitted 09/16/2024 Category Custom Themes  
  15. Version 1.25


    Golden Tee Ultimate theme for BigBox.
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