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Everything posted by Traffik

    My kind of startup video, short and sweet.
  1. Sorry if this has been asked before, I have done a fair bit of searching and havent found a simple answer to this question: How do I automatically kill AutoHotKey after I finish playing a game? I have the script run and it works perfectly, the key remaps are a dream! But when I exit the game and go back to BigBox the script is still running which is obviously not good. I know I can add the ExitApp command and bind it to a key but thats not a clean solution as I want it to kill the app automatically.
  2. Just wanted to say that I had all sorts of problems with Windows reassigning my IPAC and Aimtrak Guns and I found this little gem: https://github.com/briankendall/devreorder it works perfectly with MAME and Retroarch and the guy who coded this deserves a frikkin medal if you ask me
  3. Yeah its specific games by the looks of it.....strange....
  4. Exact same issue here, all games working in Mame from command line but in Launchbox had several games refusing to run. Copied Mame to my C: drive and now all games work. My Launchbox folder is located on my D: drive so its not that it likes Mame on the same drive as Launchbox, it likes it on the C: drive
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