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Everything posted by RedSnake
First, thanks for your feedback! The scrolling slide orientation is processed by the dll, as I didn't find any way to do it in pure xaml. For your information, the plugin also: - manages delayed random videos from games of the selected system, - loads merged dictionaries dynamicaly according to the selected platform (it parses the xml data files like parent.xml and <platforms/playlists>.xml). That allows me to avoid having a xaml file for a given view for every platforms The issue reported by @dvanx010 seems a little bit different from yours and I think I fixed it, because I reproduced the problem by creating a custom manual playlist. It made Big Box crash with an error window displayed, which does not happen in your case. I have absolutly no idea of the root cause of the problem (I checked the logs posted in the Beta11.7 topic, but I am not sure of what part corresponds to the BB closure (is it the "source cannot be null" stuff?) To help me dig into this and reproduce the problem, I will need some information: - how did you name the categories/playlists that made the problem occur? - what is the filter of the playlist? - what is their parent name? (do you have the playlists directly under the "Arcade" category?) - do you use BB filters like "hide game without box cover" or alike? For example, I have "Arcade" category, containing various platforms and a "Mame" sub-category inside, containing all known splits playlist like SNK Neo Geo MVS, etc ... like this (framerate of VLC recording feature is horrible): BB.mp4 Right now I am still working on the theme dll, and I have fixed a performance issue happening during platformview scrolling (but I don't think it is related to your problem) Regarding the font issue, I am sorry ^^; It was supposed to use Comic Book font, but I guess I installed it from another theme a long time ago, and forgot about it. Then I though it was just a standard windows font ... I will uninstall it and check how to provide it properly with the theme.
Hello, Can you give me the name of your playlist + its parent (the name of the system it belongs to)? Is it an auto-populated playlist (it means you didn't pick every games manually)? I have playlists and it works fine but they are all auto-populated. If yes, can you give me the filter of the playlist? I also would like a screenshot of the error if you don't mind
************************************************************************** Update available in the download section ("DarkRoom.zip", "Atari 7800 - Illustrations.zip") ************************************************************************** Hi all. - Added Game Views for Casio PV-1000, Atari XEGS and Sega 32X platforms: - Added Atari 7800 game illustrations in the download section as well. The files must be extracted in "Launchbox\Images\Atari 7800\Fanart - Background"
The illustrations are background images, so they must be placed inside "Launchbox\Images\<your platform>\Fanart - Background" folder.
Thanx. Yeah I know of this Coinops built. Its not really possible to do in BB without doing it almost entirely in code behind + its only relevant for Arcade Definitly not in my scope
Right now 26 platforms are covered with platform artwork complete. I have still 30 more of them on the way (the theme includes them but they miss posters and figures) that I want to finish before starting anything else. That's 56 home console systems (including windows indies and Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS). I intend to cover at least all the systems that I integrated into LB, which is around 150 including Mame playlists. Pinball FX2 is part of it, so yes I will do it but not now right
**************************************************** First update available in the download section (DarkRoom.zip) **************************************************** - Added Sega Master System, Colecovision and Mattel Intellivision game views - Fixed some bugs that made BB crash
Ah sorry wrong quote. It is used to check for whatever metadata by order of priorities. For example, in the code above, it checks first for "Platform.Name", then if not found, it check for "KnownPlatformOrPlaylistTitle", etc ... It is usefull when you have a system with playlists or subcategories for example
No it is to replace a string like "Shooter;Action;Platform" to "Shooter / Action / Platform"
Hi, About point #01, I don't know. About point #02, you need code-behind (dll from c# code) for your converter ConvertersPlugin.dll ConvertersPlugin.zip Here is the dll that does what you want and the C# project in case you want to change it for whatever reason. In your xaml view: 1 - Add the reference to the dll: <UserControl xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:bigBox="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows" xmlns:transitions="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Transitions;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows" xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Controls;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows" xmlns:coverFlow="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Controls.CoverFlow;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows" xmlns:rs="clr-namespace:DarkRoomPlugin;assembly=DarkRoomPlugin" xmlns:vk="clr-namespace:ConvertersPlugin;assembly=ConvertersPlugin" xmlns:PathSelector="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Plugins.PrioritizedPathSelector;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Plugins.PrioritizedPathSelector" xmlns:i="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity" xmlns:cal="http://www.caliburnproject.org" xmlns:aov="clr-namespace:Ao.Bigbox.ViewModels;assembly=Ao.Bigbox.Themer.v3_9_7" xmlns:aox="clr-namespace:Ao.Bigbox.Converters;assembly=Ao.Bigbox.Themer.v3_9_7" xmlns:aoc="clr-namespace:Ao.Bigbox.Controls;assembly=Ao.Bigbox.Themer.v3_9_7" xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" xmlns:wpf="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf" mc:Ignorable="d" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Style="{DynamicResource UserControlStyle}"> 2 - Declare the converter static ressource: <UserControl.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/DarkRoom/Views/Styles/Animations.xaml" /> <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/DarkRoom/Views/Styles/StaticStyles.xaml" /> <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/DarkRoom/Views/Styles/DynamicStyles.xaml" /> </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <vk:VkConverter x:Key="VkConverter" /> <bigBox:ImageToSourceConverter x:Key="ImageToSourceConverter" x:Name="ImageToSourceConverter"/> <wpf:RemoveNewLineConverter x:Key="RemoveNewLineConverter" /> <LinearGradientBrush x:Key="GameDetailsBackgroundOpacityMask" StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="0,1"> <GradientStop Color="#CCFFFFFF" Offset="0"/> <GradientStop Color="#00FFFFFF" Offset="1"/> </LinearGradientBrush> </ResourceDictionary> </UserControl.Resources> 3 - The use it to convert your string: <!-- Genres --> <aoc:AutoscaleTextBlock Text="{Binding SelectedGame.GenresString, Converter={StaticResource VkConverter}, StringFormat= 'Genre: \{0\}'}" Opacity="0.7" TextAlignment="Left" TargetFontSize="{Binding Source={StaticResource TargetFontSize18}}" TargetScreenHeight="{Binding Source={StaticResource TargetFontHeight1080}}" Foreground="#e7e7e7" FontFamily="Comic Book"> <aoc:AutoscaleTextBlock.Style> <Style TargetType="aoc:AutoscaleTextBlock"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.GenresString}" Value="{x:Null}"> <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed" /> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedGame.GenresString}" Value=""> <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed" /> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> </aoc:AutoscaleTextBlock.Style> </aoc:AutoscaleTextBlock> ==> Result: instead of:
Hello all, In the process of coding a BB theme in xaml, I encountered a problem with one of the LB API: "PrioritizedPathSelector" from "Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Controls". It seems to me that the third choice for path selection "Priority3FileName" is not taken into account at all. For example, in the following code <Style x:Key="PNGFileNameBinding" TargetType="controls:PrioritizedPathSelector"> <Setter Property="FileExtension" Value=".png" /> <Setter Property="Priority1FileName"> <Setter.Value> <Binding Path="Platform.Name"/> </Setter.Value> </Setter> <Setter Property="Priority2FileName"> <Setter.Value> <Binding Path="KnownPlatformOrPlaylistTitle"/> </Setter.Value> </Setter> <Setter Property="Priority3FileName" Value="_Default" /> </Style> I have a _Default.png picture that should be selected when the first 2 path selectors fails, but instead, nothing is selected resulting as an "empty" image displayed in BB. If I change it to <Style x:Key="PNGFileNameBinding" TargetType="controls:PrioritizedPathSelector"> <Setter Property="FileExtension" Value=".png" /> <Setter Property="Priority1FileName"> <Setter.Value> <Binding Path="Platform.Name"/> </Setter.Value> </Setter> <Setter Property="Priority2FileName"> <Setter.Value> <Binding Path="KnownPlatformOrPlaylistTitle"/> </Setter.Value> </Setter> <Setter Property="Priority4FileName" Value="_Default" /> </Style> Then it works correctly. Has anyone encountered this issue? It is a little problematic cause I need the 5 priorities but only have 4.
Hi. If you are talking about per game illustrations, then yes they go where you said. If they don't show maybe game titles are different? Did you check via "launchbox->edit game", that the copied illustration is among all the available images for this game? You can also view a system in LB by displaying the backgrounds (and refreshing them all) to check if they are present: You can also check if priorities for background is set correctly: Also, keep in mind that I only shared game illustrations for the system where all the game that I integrated into LB are covered. So for now it is only PS2, Wii, GX4000, Windows indies and Neo Geo MVS/CD
Yes although that the most time consumming part to have this theme working, as fanarts/illustrations are quite hard to find for some games. I will have to post them as well for systems where I have an "almost" complete collections of them (or at least for the games I have integrated in Launchbox). I wanted to add them as additionnal files in my theme download section but I couldn't find a way to do it.
DarkRoom View File Intro DarkRoom is a theme for BigBox that relies heavily on 1120x1080 fanarts / game illustrations and has been influenced by CoinOps design. It has been designed for a 16:9 ratio, 1920x1080 resolution, and I know for sure that it displays correctly at 2560x1440. This theme covers most home systems (around 10 still to be done) + windows indies + a few candy cabs for arcade specific playlist This theme has : - 1 platform view, which presents a delayed video with random games from the current platform/playlist. That means this theme doesn't need generic platform videos (except for meta category like Arcade, Computers, Consoles, etc ...); also, non auto-populated playlists will not display any video for now. - 2 game views: a wheel view and a text game view Configuration Files In "Launchbox\Themes\DarkRoom\Views\Configurations", there are several xaml files (1 for each supported system). In case one of your system has a different name from the one the theme is using (Example: "Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS" instead of "SNK Neo Geo MVS"), you can just: - copy the xaml file and rename the copy with the name from your collection (or directly rename the original), but from an evolutive point of view, it would be better to create a xaml file "Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS.xaml" with that inside (to simplify, the content makes it so that "Arcade SNK Neo Geo" inherits "SNK Neo Geo MVS" system) <ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/DarkRoom/Views/Configurations/SNK Neo Geo MVS.xaml" /> </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> </ResourceDictionary> - change the name of the platform fanart / clear logos located in "Launchbox\Themes\DarkRoom\Images\<Platforms or Playlists>\<Fanart or Clear Logo>" Performances and cash management Due to the animation handled by the theme, performance issues had to be addressed to somewhat mitigate them (I personnaly don't have any problem now). A cash manager has been added to the theme to handle fanart sliding transition You can configure it (WheelGameView.xaml and PlatformWheel4FiltersView.xaml) by modifying the following lines: <rs:ImageSliderControl.ImageManager> <rsm:GameImageManager CashEnabled="true" Quality="85" ProcessorCount="4" CashLimit="500"/> </rs:ImageSliderControl.ImageManager> - Set CashEnabled to false to disabled it - Set Quality to your liking (under 50 it becomes ugly, and more that 85 will raise RAM usage significantly) - ProcessorCount shouldn't be changed. I let it for testing purpose but will probably suppress it at some point. But if you do, set an even number, less or equal to your physical processor count (AKA without hyperthreading) - Set CashLimit (Mo) to your need. Depending on your fanart filesize, you may need to raise it. For my need I will probably raise it to 1000Mo (that should be around 6000 fanarts given the average size of mine). Also note that cash is cleared every time a new gameview is entered, so you need to set its limit according to the system that has the most games (provided they each have their fanart - for me it is the ZX spectrum). Video Files in Download sections - DarkRoom.zip contains main theme files. - Fanart - Pack 1.zip, that contains "full" pack of fanarts for the following systems: I will add more as time comes ... Special Thanx @Rincewind for his time in helping me fix an issue with the theme. I would not have been able to figure out what was wrong alone. _BB.mp4 Submitter RedSnake Submitted 10/10/2020 Category Big Box Custom Themes
Version 1.0.6
Intro DarkRoom is a theme for BigBox that relies heavily on 1120x1080 fanarts / game illustrations and has been influenced by CoinOps design. It has been designed for a 16:9 ratio, 1920x1080 resolution, and I know for sure that it displays correctly at 2560x1440. This theme covers most home systems (around 10 still to be done) + windows indies + a few candy cabs for arcade specific playlist This theme has : - 1 platform view, which presents a delayed video with random games from the current platform/playlist. That means this theme doesn't need generic platform videos (except for meta category like Arcade, Computers, Consoles, etc ...); also, non auto-populated playlists will not display any video for now. - 2 game views: a wheel view and a text game view Configuration Files In "Launchbox\Themes\DarkRoom\Views\Configurations", there are several xaml files (1 for each supported system). In case one of your system has a different name from the one the theme is using (Example: "Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS" instead of "SNK Neo Geo MVS"), you can just: - copy the xaml file and rename the copy with the name from your collection (or directly rename the original), but from an evolutive point of view, it would be better to create a xaml file "Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS.xaml" with that inside (to simplify, the content makes it so that "Arcade SNK Neo Geo" inherits "SNK Neo Geo MVS" system) <ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/DarkRoom/Views/Configurations/SNK Neo Geo MVS.xaml" /> </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> </ResourceDictionary> - change the name of the platform fanart / clear logos located in "Launchbox\Themes\DarkRoom\Images\<Platforms or Playlists>\<Fanart or Clear Logo>" Performances and cash management Due to the animation handled by the theme, performance issues had to be addressed to somewhat mitigate them (I personnaly don't have any problem now). A cash manager has been added to the theme to handle fanart sliding transition You can configure it (WheelGameView.xaml and PlatformWheel4FiltersView.xaml) by modifying the following lines: <rs:ImageSliderControl.ImageManager> <rsm:GameImageManager CashEnabled="true" Quality="85" ProcessorCount="4" CashLimit="500"/> </rs:ImageSliderControl.ImageManager> - Set CashEnabled to false to disabled it - Set Quality to your liking (under 50 it becomes ugly, and more that 85 will raise RAM usage significantly) - ProcessorCount shouldn't be changed. I let it for testing purpose but will probably suppress it at some point. But if you do, set an even number, less or equal to your physical processor count (AKA without hyperthreading) - Set CashLimit (Mo) to your need. Depending on your fanart filesize, you may need to raise it. For my need I will probably raise it to 1000Mo (that should be around 6000 fanarts given the average size of mine). Also note that cash is cleared every time a new gameview is entered, so you need to set its limit according to the system that has the most games (provided they each have their fanart - for me it is the ZX spectrum). Video _BB.mp4 Files in Download sections - DarkRoom.zip contains main theme files. - Fanart - Pack 1.zip, that contains "full" pack of fanarts for the following systems: I will add more as time comes ... Special Thanx @Rincewind for his time in helping me fix an issue with the theme. I would not have been able to figure out what was wrong alone. -
**this post shoulmd be suppressed as submitting the theme in the download section created a new topic here ...