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Everything posted by Colorman3605

  1. I followed all the instructions and after a bit of effort I managed to make everything work. I have only 3 questions: - I noticed that if I use files (zip, folders etc ... as indicated in the instructions) with names that are the same but contain spaces, the program does not work. It's correct? - Are there any options for WHDRun to change the controls, the graphics settings? - there is a way to prevent the cmd.exe window from appearing or to close it up by itself. Thank you!
  2. I did not want to create controversy, I'm sorry and I apologize if I gave this impression. Being a great quality launchbox the ability to customize it, I think this thing of randomization is the opposite of this quality. In this regard I would like to know if I'm the only one to think of it this way. Maybe it will be my fault but if I insert images in a certain way, with a logic for me, I would be able to see them in that logic. Thank you!
  3. Ok. But in this case, most of the view options are not rendered useless? In this case you should enter something to eliminate this randomization.
  4. Ok for the volume, but it is always inconvenient. In the details column I insert videos, notes and various screens. In the options in the priority screenshot I have set in order: titles. selection screens and gameplay. I'm noticing that the priority is not respected and this happens even with files of the same kind. Example: I have two files in the titles folder, one called xxx-01 the other xxx-02. The order is not respected, for some titles the file ending in -01 is shown first while for other titles the file ending with -02 is shown first. There is a way to ensure that the priorities are respected correctly. Not only that, every time I select the game in question, the order changes every time. Thank you!
  5. You could change the volume control, the current one I find it decidedly uncomfortable (just three volume keys would be enough, - no sound that would be disengaged with the + key). Would you also have video controls? Thank you!
  6. Hi! Often it happens to me that when I launch launchbox, it opens in a different position than the last time I used it. You could enter an option with which you can maintain the position and size of the program or an option with which we choose this two parameters. In the details column I usually insert the videos (if available), the notes of the games and various screens of these (game titles, select screens etc ..., which I realize with various programs of screen capture and graphics). You could have the possibility to make the screens, if smaller than the size of the details column, are not automatically enlarged, while the larger ones are reduced by a scale (1/2. 1/4., Etc ...) . Thanks!
  7. Hello. I inserted the Atari ST (Hatari emulator) into my launchbox. All right! But I had two questions: - In the emulation of the ST there is or is not the second joystick fire button? And if there is how it works (I state that I have already read several forums in this regard but did not understand the thing). - How do I configure the change between the different disks / floppies? Thank you!
  8. I've just configured the taito type X platform with a couple of titles. Everything works but only one question. Is there a simple way to play with these titles in windowed mode? Thanks!
  9. I would suggest the possibility of moving / copying a game from one LB to another. Example: I have my own version of LB with my platforms, my games and a friend of mine has his own. I have a title that he does not have in his platform with a few commands my friend copies the title with its settings on his (possibly even the emulator) LB. P.S. It is clear that a LB must be on a portable hard disk or similar.
  10. Is there a way to delete the "retroarch netplay ..." entry from the menu that appears when I right click on a title using the retroarch as an emulator? Thanks!
  11. Let's see if I can explain myself better. A backup of all settings that can be recalled from a single command. If you accidentally change a display setting or anything else, you can return to the general setting previously saved.
  12. I apologize for my English, I use the automatic translator. However I see that the concept that I wanted to express was understood that having the ability to configure the display options for each added platform can be saved under a single entry, and then be able to recall in case of accidental changes or not.
  13. After the last uses of launchbox to find my ideal setting, I suggest (ps I do not seem to have seen anything about it until now) something to store the settings of the menu details of the details, the platforms of the images representing the titles on the main screen. Once memorized these settings can be recalled at any time if something has changed and you want to go back to the starting point. In addition you should have the ability to customize the display mode for each platform that you put on the list. For example, for the neo geo pocket, I have all the video presentation and I like to see them, but for psp I do not have all the videos, so I would prefer that the videos would not be shown if not on command. The same applies to the details and / or the various screens. Thanks!
  14. New logos for PSP (222 games). P.S. Logos can give problems if you feel unwanted on a white or very light background. ClearLogo.z01 ClearLogo.z02 ClearLogo.z03 ClearLogo.z04 ClearLogo.z05 ClearLogo.zip
  15. All ok with hysperspin site!!!
  16. I know the support ticket, but I did not understand where and how. I contacted them but no reply.
  17. Ok, but i haven't another mail (and i don't want to create another only for this). Thanks!
  18. The same thing happens with the hyperspin site. Kondorito said: My recommendation would be to contact them through https://emumovies.com/contactus/ Just in case, Im tagging @circo No reply. Help! P.S. In an old forum on emumovies @circo talked about a link at the top of the site page about the problem (support ticket link, I think) but I did not find it. Boh! Thanks!!!
  19. I can suggest the possibility to disable the start of the games by double clicking on the images of these (sometimes the games I start without hesitation because I click bad on these), maybe you can insert a button / something in the lower right corner of the game box. I would also suggest the possibility to disable the preview of the details of the details together or separately with the color change (again in the details of the games) of the highlighted image that will be displayed. Moreover if you choose not to activate the automatic video playback, you have the possibility to have a preview image of the videos (many videos start with a black screen and it is not visually pleasing to see a black box in case of non-automatic re-production). Thanks!
  20. Done (yesterday), but nothing! ???
  21. I registered on emumovies. After 48 hours are still waiting for the link via email to confirm the registration. I had the mail sent back several times but still nothing. Is it normal to expect so much? Also if I enable the emumovies page with NoScript (I use firefox as a browser), my antivirus will not stop reporting a dangerous link (The object (file) has been detected; https: //emumovies.com/applications/featuredcontent/interface /jquery.easing.min.js?v=2cecd7a0c6;HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic;https://emumovies.com/applications/featuredcontent/interface/jquery.easing.min.js?v=2cecd7a0c6;Firefox;Programma Trojan; 06/25/2018 10:29:13). Did it happen to others? It's safe? Thanks!
  22. My PC: Windows 10 Intel(R) Core (TM) i5 CPU 650 @3.20 GHz 4 Gb RAM
  23. You're right, but it was just out of curiosity, since the problem sometimes shows up when I see normal videos outside of the launchbox.
  24. In the classic mode of launchbox I inserted the videos in the details. The videos start but randomly stop for a moment to start completely changed (see attached images) and then return to normal soon thereafter. The videos are mp4, I tried changing the various settings of VLC (from forum of vlc, flickering, etc ...), I also tried to convert the files in other formats but the problem only decreases in frequency. Does anyone have any other solutions to recommend? Thank you! P.S. In Launchbox.next all is OK!
  25. Alternative clear Logos SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color, classic and some playstation gamesAlternative Logos Playstation.zipAlternative Logos Neo Geo Pocket.zipAlternative Logos Neo Geo Pocket Color.zip.
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