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Warped Polygon

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Warped Polygon last won the day on February 29

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  1. Yess, thanks for these. I can't wait till they're all done, PAL boxes aren't really represented.
  2. I commend you for this one. I may even just use the discs without the UMD case
  3. @Baggio Yes, the PSD is a bit messy. Gimme a min to sort it out and put all assets in one place.
  4. Possibly, maybe. This is a difficult one to tackle. For e.g. if you remove the overscan/pop in crap out of SM3 you're not left with a lot of image. It's like 1000 or so games. Lemme get this project in order first
  5. @Baggio Dude what you've done with the images looks awesome. So sorry I've not seen it till now. If you need any info or original resources let me know
  6. Hi mate, Welcome to the world of mouse indexing shenanigans and Supermodel. Even when you change the index windows can and will change it at any time when you open or close it. I worked with the creator of the new UI to get a workaround. Then new UI will ask you to shoot a box directly before launching the game which will hook into the control config and correctly change the mouse index. This ensures the index can't change before launching a game. Check the UI link in the description. Here's a video I made about it
  7. @zugswang @hoderer Thanks so much for reporting the games that aren't working or incorrect Just to recap..? Asteroids & Asteroids DLX Hard Drivin Street Fighter Carnevil Wizard or Wor I gotta say I'm stoked, thought there may be more that are incorrect or not working. But 5 out of 3550 is not bad going
  8. @Baggio @zugswang Yooo, I've had a thought but wanna get your opinions. With the SDL controller remaps for XINPUT it may be better to have a 'master' folder containing as many xinput controller variants as possible. This way even if your 2nd, 3rd or 4th controllers are different you'll still be able to play without having to rename anything or move files about. Flycast will just pickup what you happen to have plugged in at the time (if there are mappings for that variant). As for RawInput devices, these are now ID specific. Meaning these will absolutely need to be renamed. I'm prob gonna provide mappings with [VIDMOUSE1]/[VIDMOUSE2] & [VIDKEY1]/[VIDKEY2] in the mapping name so you can easily use find/replace for 2 players using separate devices aka. mice/lightgun &/or keyboards. Ya'll think that's a better way forward?
  9. @Baggio Cheers man. Windows defender came down on it hard. I'm sure prob & false positive but.... people are weary. I figured out you only need to rename the mapping cfg file to match your controller. It'll still have 'Xbox 360 Controller' in the file itself but seems to have no impact ad it's just an ID marker.
  10. Hi @ci2own Yes I was thinking this may crop up. It was a hard choice to keep or discard test & service on L3&R3. I kept it in to make it easy to adjust stuff if needed. But now....yeah I'll remove those inputs from the controller entirely so they cannot be accidentally pressed. You can map test and service to the keyboard in the global settings. Just set it without a game loaded to make sure only global defaults are being adjusted. Keep an eye out over the next couple of days.
  11. Yes that is a mistake on my part. The widescreen luas are used by default. Thanks for catching that one, need to update the documentation. As for Tilemaps, that one can cause issues in some games. We can figure out which ones it does work with and set them to use it via the scripts. However, some prefer the jagged look. Its a tough one. Leaving it off gives everyone the option I suppose, in which case we can force it off for the games it causes artifacts in excluding them when it's on Hmm....that's probably the better way actually.
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