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I see it used pretty often. Are you looking for something replace it with, or in addition to? I've also seen it used kind of like "I agree with what you've written," or a +1. Ideas: Where X=users or gamers or LaunchBoxers or LaunchBox Lovers or LBLs: These [X] raises a frosty glass in gratitude [can also be "in support" or "in your honor"]. These [X] salute you. These [X] think this post is groovy, baby. [a gaming AND Ash Williams reference! Double win! :) ] These [X] think this post is as awesome as a double rainbow! [see this video for reference] If you'd like it meta, or gaming related: These [X] say "Conglaturation ! ! !" [from the NES Ghostbusters ending] These [X] think A Winner is You. [from the US version of Pro Wrestling, also on the NES] These [X] gift you 10 virtual XP for this post. These [X} think you are a spoony bard! [from FFIV] These [X] think you are the Master of magnet! [from the X-Men arcade game] It's slightly disturbing, the amount of pre-coffe time I've spent on this already this morning. lol
Hehehehehe. I'm thinking of replacing it with something still meaningful but with some humor, ideally related to gaming. I love the concept of using bad English from old games lol, that's perfect. http://www.11points.com/Games/11_Worst_Japanese-To-English_Translations_In_Nintendo_History I'm really liking #9 from this page lol. "You have accomplished the mission. You are the very prevailer that protect right and justice. The following gamers express their sincere thanks to you. Take good rest!" Hehehehehehe. Hehehehehehehehehe.
This is the title I think!!!! Believe it or not, that's not my original sentence. Your "Engrish" solution inspired me to seek out online translators, and that's what I ended up with after typing in "I think you've hit the nail on the head. Great work!" Oddly enough, it still makes sense. The full conversion is below, but I think my favorite moment was when it translated the same thing as "I think that you are the boss. In!!!!" Kinda interesting to see how it got there. Wow. I excel at procrastinating. I have a service to run tonight, and I still have to write the sermon, prayers, and benediction. o_O
From English: I think you've hit the nail on the head. Great work! To Albanian: Unë mendoj se ju keni goditur gozhdë në kokë. Punë e madhe! Back to English: I think you have hit the nail on the head. Great job! To Swedish: Jag tror att du har träffat huvudet på spiken. Bra jobb! Back to English: I think that you have hit the nail on the head. Good job! To Azerbaijani: Mən hesab edirəm ki, düşdüyünüz ən nöqtə. Yaxşı iş! Back to English: I think you hit the point. Good job! To Slovenian: Mislim, da si zadel bistvo. Dobro delo! Back to English: I think you have hit the essence. Good work! To Russian: Я думаю, что вы попали в суть. Хорошая работа! Back to English: I think you hit the essence. Good job! To Portuguese: Eu acho que você bateu a essência. Bom trabalho! Back to English: I think you hit the essence. Good job!!! To Macedonian: Мислам дека ќе го погоди суштината. Добра работа!!! Back to English: I think you hit the essence. Good job!!! To Chinese: 我想你撞到的重要的。 好样的!!! Back to English: I think you hit the important. Yes!!! To Croatian: Mislim da ste došli u važne. Da!!! Back to English: I think you hit the important. Yes!!! To Czech: Myslím, že jste uhodil důležité. Ano!!! Back to English: I think you hit the important. Yes!!! To Lithuanian: Manau, kad jums hit svarbu. Taip!!! Back to English: I think you hit the important. Yes!!!! To Dutch: Ik denk dat je de belangrijkste. Ja!!!! Back to English: I think that you are the main. Yes!!!! To Estonian: Ma arvan, et teil on peamised. Jah!!!! Back to English: I think that you are the main. Yes!!!! To Latvian: Es domāju, ka jūs esat galvenais. Jā!!!! Back to English: I think that you are the chief. Yes!!!! To Italian: Io credo che tu sei il capo. Sì!!!! Back to English: I believe that you are the boss. Yes!!!! To Georgian: მე მჯერა, რომ თქვენ ხართ ბოსი. დიახ!!!! Back to English: I believe that you are the boss. Yes!!!! To Hungarian: Azt hiszem, hogy te vagy a főnök. Igen!!!! Back to English: I think that you're the boss. Yes!!!! To Greek: Νομίζω ότι είσαι το αφεντικό. Ναι!!!! Back to English: I think you're the boss. Yes!!!! To Hebrew: אני חושב שאתה הבוס. כן!!!! Back to English: I think that you're the boss. Yes!!!! To Bulgarian: Аз мисля, че ти си шефа. Да!!!! Back to English: I think you're the boss. To!!!! To Vietnamese: Tôi nghĩ anh là ông chủ. Phải!!!! Back to English: I think you're the boss. To!!!! To Armenian: Ես կարծում եմ, որ դու boss. Է!!!! Back to English: I think you're the boss. In!!!! To Spanish: Yo creo que eres el jefe. En!!!! Back to English: I think you're the boss. In!!!! To Finnish: Minusta sinä olet pomo. Vuonna!!!! Back to English: I think you're the boss. In!!!! To Belarusian: Я думаю, што ты бос. У!!!! Back to English: I think you're the boss. In!!!! To Romanian: Eu cred ca tu esti seful. În!!!! Back to English: I think that you are the boss. In!!!! To Malay: Aku pikir bahwa bos. Dalam!!!! Back to English: I think that boss. In!!!! To Maltese: Naħseb li l-imgħallem. Fil -!!!! Back to English: I think that the boss. In!!!! To Norwegian: Jeg tror at sjefen. I!!!! Back to English: I believe that the boss. In!!!! To Arabic: وأعتقد أن الزعيم. في!!!! Back to English: I think that the leader. In!!!! To French: Je pense que le chef de file. Dans!!!! Back to English: I think that the leader is. In!!!! To Polish: Myślę, że lider jest. W!!!! Back to English: I think a leader is. In!!!! To Ukranian: Я думаю, що лідером є. В!!!! Back to English: I think the leader is. In!!!! To Serbian: Мислим да је лидер. У!!!! Back to English: I think it's the leader. In!!!! To Indonesian: Saya pikir itu adalah pemimpin. Di!!!! Back to English: I think it was the leader. In!!!! To Danish: Jeg tror, at det var lederen. I!!!! Back to English: I think it was the head. In!!!! To Catalan: Crec que va ser el cap. En!!!! Back to English: I think that was the chief. In!!!! To Thai: ฉันคิดว่านั่นเป็นหัวหน้า ใน!!!! Back to English: I think that was the head in!!!! To Slovak: Myslím si, že bol hlavou v!!!! Back to English: I think that was the title in the!!!! To German: Ich denke, das war der Titel in der!!!! Back to English: I think that was the title in the!!!! To Turkish: Bu başlık oldu bence!!!! Back to English: This was the title I think!!!! To Bosnian: Ovo je naslov mislim!!!! Back to English: This is the title I think!!!!
This "fun with translators" thing needs it's own thread on the monkey forum, methinks.

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