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Since the F1 Simulator at Costco was a bit pricey, how about the TL3?


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Jason Carr said Now THAT I can afford! ...
Hey, Jason, I don't suppose you're feeling generous enough to buy me one, too, since you can afford 'em? Christmas spirit, cheer, and all that... (I want a different color, though). Wink I'll send you a Gift Certificate to Taco Bell (or an equal, quality establishment of exquisite cuisine), in exchange, of course. Such as something like this (currently available at Chili's, BTW)! LaughLaugh I might go soon, myself! Chilis.jpg [Ah, crap. I'm goin' out to dinner (if bar-food at a Brewery counts as that) and a small play this evening, and it's snowin' quite a bit.] Frown
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A different color you say Wow Stimpy I guess beggars can be choosers (All in jest) Sorry about the snow its over 60 here in Jersey (supposedly it going to be a record high of 70 tomorrow) it was so nice that I dined Alfresco on the veranda at a restaurant I like for brunch this morning (Wow that sounds more pretentious than it actually was). Cool little place that was a turn of the century (not this century last one) train station the owners restored it without changing much it's really a beautiful building with out door dinning and nice landscaping had to wrestle with a few bees today who were interested in my tea. On another note for 53k you could buy a pretty nice car then you wouldn't need a simulator. I hate rich people (ok it really just jealously).
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I went out for a spin on my scooter yesterday (might have been the last one till Spring). Not so today! You were on a Veranda for brunch today??? You're killin' me, Dawg! The place sounds quite pleasant and engaging. I like trains, myself. Bees in the middle of December? Well, despite their sometimes annoying tendencies, it's nice they were out. Smile Yah, I hate rich people, too, but only because I'm not one of 'em! LaughLaugh
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