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Redbull's involved in the coolest shit! Laugh Old Snowmobile Jump Record (57 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DexDu4FDEWM New Snowmobile Jump Record (50 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0-DBMKlil4
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Candide Thovex completes the trilogy with the third One of those Days. This is probably the coolest skiing video I've ever seen! Skiing starts about 40" in... Read the sub-titles at the beginning - apparently the French Police are after this guy! Laugh The longer it goes, the crazier it gets! Obviously well planned, but still cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1NagZN2kjY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrkVV6uaIOI&ebc=ANyPxKr7TcY6W8r8WZxy0w0g9uVj2HCfMMMVfSGVnF1MXAowy2AH8EPm1MeQu84uw_7LmOA78-7xJrUlHXvFac3UCoIhA11UsA This isn't a crazy video but it is a performance of the The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddess: Master Quest performance from Barclays Center in Brooklyn. From what I've heard of it much of it is from the 25th Anniversary Symphony which I occasionally like to listen to because it is basically just awesome and also shows how the franchise transcends mere gaming and is actually a world wide cultural phenomenon.
Maybe but it seems from what I've seen its the same conductor regardless of where the performance is. I checked online to see if they were coming to Philly or anywhere in Jersey the closest place will be Rochester NY and not until Nov. I would like to go see it though. Also it can't just be music from the 25th Anniversary CD now that I think about it because the show is much longer than the CD.
It seems that Retro Style Spotlight just got new competition today. Metal Jesus, one of my favorite retro gaming youtuber, released a video of his brand new series called “This Week In Retro”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3A036QjqOc Just thought that @SentaiBrad maybe wanna know about itWink
I already saw, I watch him too. It's totally fine that he's got a show similar in name and style, yea. xD Really though it is fine, it's not like he stole that from us. I was also probably not the first person to come up with this show type. This is the internet and YouTube. He's got way more subscribers then the LaunchBox Channel and my channel combined... so I am a bit jealous of that.
SentaiBrad said I will say this, we don't have a Kinsey (I spelt her name wrong)
Ah..., I could loan you a shirt with constellations on it (they're on the back, though Smile), if that would help, for when you appear in a video. Wink
SentaiBrad said Now I'm depressed... I just watched it. I also did a story on Warren too...... sob.
Pull yourself together, Brad. It's okay. Laugh FWIW, I'm subscribed to your channel, but I'm gonna boycott Metal Jesus! Smile
DOS76 said When I want to see naked ladies on the internet (which is all to frequent) there are way better places to do so.
A greater truism spoken never has there been. (A lame attempt to sound like Yoda Wink).
SentaiBrad said Oh no, im cool. "Depressed". No need to boycott him, I'm just being a dork.
I'm just kinda playin' around with that 'depressed' thing, but barring any unforeseen and unlikely circumstances, I will remain loyal to LaunchBox! Smile Plus, there is actually an element of unfairness in the whole thing, I think, so I disagree with your self-proclaimed dorkness. Smile
SentaiBrad said What's unfair about it?
Maybe 'unfair' wasn't the best choice of word, but if you had more subscribers, say, that would be more fair to me, especially if you came up with that type of format before Metal Jesus (or is it, 'HeySoose'?).
Well that's the thing about the internet, it doesn't really matter who came up with the format first, and I am fairly certain I didn't come up with it. I just happened to start doing it close to the same time he did. I also happened to have similar stories. It's just how it works. We'll get to a good base with subscribers. It's what I've been working at for 7 years. Before I started making video's for Jason the channel had less sub's then I did, and after the last 2 months or so we're almost to 2k. So for me, it has so far been a success. I'd love more success, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's unfair.

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