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First of all, thank you so much for this great piece of software! Saw it on youtube and had to get a license to say thank you for all the effort and dedication. I have an arcade machine running Maximus Arcade quite flawlessly after a whole lot of tweaking, BUT Maximus can be a pain when it comes to adding new games and its list format is way too specific to be practical. Besides, development simply stopped, so... First things I noticed since I started using Big Box yesterday. Bear in mind that I only installed Kega Fusion+Genesis Master System Roms at this point: - Kega Fusion window flashes before the game starts. This is a big no no for me as I like the experience to be as transparent as possible and other front-ends, including Maximus will run games without showing a single trace of any window showing up. I understand that you recommend RetroArch to run those, but Kega always worked great for me. The window flashing is quite annoying, but I believe there's a workaround to fix it? - I've got a 2 monitor setup. The first is set to 1920x1200 and the second is a LED TV at 1366x768. Under LaunchBox, when I double click a game to be launched it works, with the annoying window popping, but works. Now, when I press ESC to comeback to the front end, things are messed up. The front end window is now resized and occupies only the top half of the screen. Worse than that: if I set Kega to run at 800x600, it runs fine but once back to the front end, now half of the window is in monitor 1 and the other half in monitor 2. Would be nice to track what resolution the desktop is set to and ALWAYS restore the front end interface to match that resolution, remembering position etc. It's getting lost when the emulator switches the desktop resolution, as it seems. Any workarounds? This is a very promising piece of software, reason why I decided to buy the lifetime license to support the developers, so thanks again for any help! -Kris
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First off welcome to the forums. As to the issue with Kega Fusion I can't help you with the windows popping up I have that happen to but it really doesn't bother me so I have never researched a method to get it to stop. As to the issue with it messing with your resolution when it closes I know all about that. To deal with this you have to first set Fusion to run in your monitor/TV's native resolution then you have to go into the properties of the Fusion.exe and in the compatibility tab check the disable display scaling check box. I have this setup on 2 50 inch 1920x1080 HDTV's and a 32 in 2360x768 TV and as long as you disable display scaling and use the native resolution then it shouldn't effect anything when you exit from the emulator.
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Thank you DOS76! I'll try out your tip on the Kega side of things. Still, would be nice if this could be addressed on the frontend side as well. About the windows popping up, I believe I watched a video on youtube yesterday showing Big Box integrated with XBMC and the windows popping up appeared in there as well, but I thought that was more related to the XBMC integration, but it turns out it might be a general problem. I think I can write something in Autohotkey to hide the window and wait until image is present, but as I said, other front ends do this already natively, so I'm sure there's better solution available to hide those windows completely. -Kris
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No problem also I did just notice that on my 1360x768 display that Kega is only displaying in 800x600 I had originally copied this version of Kega from another PC and it was running fine in 1920x1080 since my TV's native display is 720 but does do 1080 that was working but now when I switched the resolution to 1360x768 the other day when I noticed it was running at 1920x1080 for some reason it if forcing me to use compatible graphics (ForceCompatibleGFX=1 in the Fusion.ini) I've notice on a laptop and a tablet lately that when using Kega at 1360x768 it is forcing me to use CompatibleGFX which gives you way less Video options in the menu I've tried removing the .ini but every time I open it it just changes it back. So I don't have it running at native resolution on a 1360x768 display but it isn't resizing anything on exit like it does on a 1920x1080 display.
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I'll definitely give it a try! Fusion is not being updated for a while and thanks to the whole Android market, seems like RetroArch is the way to go these days, as some people are updating the cores more often than what you would ever get if you are stuck with old emulators, like myself :) Thanks guys! -Kris
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I installed RetroArch yesterday and man, Snes runs really smooth and coming in and out of the front end is pretty transparent. I'll be testing the other cores, but this looks promising. How about Mame? Does it work fine or you also need a RetroArch core for it? If so, are the cores being updated often or they still use old sources? Sorry I'm out of the loop. Last time I installed RetroArch was in my miniature arcade machine 2 years ago, powered by a RaspberryPi, which you can see here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/krisantropus/albums/72157648522257414/with/16545554331/ Thanks again for the pointers, guys! -Kris
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You can use the Mame core and depending on your romset you will have to choose which Mame core to use. For the newer romset the Mame 2014 core works well. Now having said that I would suggest using a stand alone version of Mame because for certain games you need to rebind some keys and doing it within the Mame core itself it doesn't remember the key binds so each time you load that game you need to re do the bindings. I'm sure there is a work around for that issue but the other reason I would go with a standalone Mame is you can get a version with the loading nag-screens disabled. I use Groovy Mame, there is some tweaking you need to do manually in the in .ini file but once it's done it's awesome. Once you set it up properly you have no nag screen, as close to zero input lag as possible and you can even get a special build with an extra program to get near zero audio latency. Take a look over at this thread on the BYOAC forums http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,142143.0.html. It really is the best Mame out there.
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