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Disk space is at a premium for me so are there any plans for Launchbox to support zipped rom files (to configure and launch- maybe by unzipping to a temp folder before launch) without me having to do this manually beforehand or am i missing something obvious
Yes we want to do it but no it isn't a priority. This has also been talked about a lot on the forums and has a BitBucket ticket. You can search and vote on them by clicking Send Feedback at the top.
I'll test it later just to see if it works although i don't use .zip for my games. I'm in the middle of doing a new LB install for just MAME using letters as the platform name its going to be tedious adding all games by letter under Arcade then switching the platform to the letter and then moving all the data from the arcade file to the proper files. Its just that MAME is to many games to just have one huge list this will be much more orderly in my opinion as soon as my Metadata is finished I'll update.
DOS76 said I'll test it later just to see if it works although i don't use .zip for my games. I'm in the middle of doing a new LB install for just MAME using letters as the platform name its going to be tedious adding all games by letter under Arcade then switching the platform to the letter and then moving all the data from the arcade file to the proper files. Its just that MAME is to many games to just have one huge list this will be much more orderly in my opinion as soon as my Metadata is finished I'll update.
Just leave the files in there place and change the platform name. Just what I did for my snes set. Split the set up into region and added the region onto the end of the platform name
I'm not actually moving the roms files just the resources when I change the platform name none of my images are videos move they stay in the Arcade folder.
DOS76 said I'm not actually moving the roms files just the resources when I change the platform name none of my images are videos move they stay in the Arcade folder.
Why don't you just add and grab images after adding?
Then I will have to wait for it to run if I move the resources myself and then get the meta it finishes in less than 5 seconds. Plus I would still have that extra meta and images until I cleaned up my db.
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