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Multiple questions


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Hi, I am still at it- trying to organize my collection. I have a couple questions again.  Does anyone know if ALL Japan regioned games are in the japanese language, and likewise for other regions? I would like to have as many games as possible, but have no use for games that I can't understand. If this is the case, I would just not import any games that were from any other regions, but am afraid that I would be missing some games that are from other regions but could display in English. Does that make sense? Is there any way to know what the actual language for a game is?

On another note, from what I can tell, Jason Carr recommends to just put the Launchbox folder in Dropbox, which I would love to do, but how would that work with different types of computers? I have my main gaming pc which is capable of playing almost anything, but then I have my laptop, which could only play less demanding games. Would that work? There are some emulators where you can choose your video card, obviously it wouldnt be the same between the two computers. I try to keep most emulators/settings files within the launchbox folder.

Thank you.

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18 hours ago, UncleDaddySwiss said:

Does anyone know if ALL Japan regioned games are in the japanese language

No, certainly not. There are plenty of games (shmups in particular) that are in English, and others (fighters and shmups) that are fully playable even in Japanese.

There are also a significant number of English translations for games, especially for SNES. Romhacking.net is a good place to start for that.

18 hours ago, UncleDaddySwiss said:

On another note, from what I can tell, Jason Carr recommends to just put the Launchbox folder in Dropbox, which I would love to do, but how would that work with different types of computers?

I'm not sure what you mean there. I know there is some degree of integration with Dropbox that's possible but I have no experience with that whatsoever. I don't use Dropbox at all.

18 hours ago, UncleDaddySwiss said:

I have my main gaming pc which is capable of playing almost anything, but then I have my laptop, which could only play less demanding games. Would that work? There are some emulators where you can choose your video card, obviously it wouldnt be the same between the two computers.

Why not look into Steam In-Home Streaming? Your situation is actually perfect for it because so long as the host computer is capable of playing the games, you should be good because the host does all the hard work - you're playing it on the host and streaming it to a client (a different computer). As long as the host is decent, you can basically play it on a toaster. You can setup LB/BB as a non-steam application in Steam and stream it via In-Home Streaming.

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Thank you for the replies, I guess I will have to import all games, like I planned on doing, try each game and if it's unplayable due to language (action games, etc, where you have to know what's going on) then delete it. 

Also, what I thought Jason meant was to put the whole Launchbox folder in Dropbox and sync it with all your computer's. This would come in handy for working on configuring on my laptop when my wife wants to watch TV (my gaming pc is connected to our tv in the living room. ) But not so sure about launching and playing from Dropbox as all my emulators and settings reside in the launchbox folder. 

As far as Stream in-home streaming, yeah, I've used it and it worked for a while, but then got VERY laggy. To the point where it was difficult to even quit the game. Probably has to do with our network, but gave up eventually. 

Thanks for the replies. 

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