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XML edit


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There is a bug on launchbox where the software does not clear entries after they are deleted so I need to reinstall the original xml file but not use a editor to edit them as it might be tedious work!!! Launchbox uses an installer so I do not have access to the XML file so I can possibly just paste the new one and remove the old one.

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I am confused. What do you mean "clear entries"? If you delete a game it's deleted from within LB (unless you check the option to also delete the files, and select yes to also delete the files every time you remove an entry). You can also edit the XML files, though there aren't many reasons for a user to edit them, but they are kept in the Data folder. We have an installer, but LaunchBox is completely portable and can be moved freely from PC to PC, the installer is just formal looking.

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Hi Knight,


This is the same thing we were discussing on your other thread. All of the XML databases are located under Launchbox/Data.

These files are not installed, they are generated when you import games / add emulators /etc. You can delete them all and they will be generated once you launch LaunchBox again, but you will need to re-import your games and etc.


If you don't want to do that, look under data/emulators.xml, you can get the emulator's ID and then look lower in the file to make sure that their path is correct. After that is done, go to data/platform/sega dreamcast.xml and make sure the games are linked to the correct emulator.


So as to be able to help you, can you attach a copy of both those files here?


(p.s. sorry for any typos. Posting from my phone.)

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Ah, as for LaunchBox failing to delete entries in the XML files, that is odd, and I can't see why it would do that other than it encountering permission issues (can you specify which version of windows you are running, where the launchbox folder is located on your PC and whether or not you are running the process with elevated privileges?), or maybe something weird happening with your .NET framework. 

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If the emulators are not launching properly, then the games must be assigned to the wrong emulator, and if they're not launching at all then the emulator paths could be off like @Vlansix says. Click on a dreamcast game, then Ctrl + A to highlight everything. Right click -> Edit to bring up the bulk edit wizard. Select emulator and choose an emulator from the list. This will change the emulator all of these games are using.

Also, yes, settings and metadata are no longer kept in the LaunchBox.xml, but rather inside of the Data folder, broken up in to separate XML's. This can help performance, debugging a ton. There should never be a need to edit the XML's unless a file path is changed, as in your Roms are on D:/ and you move them to E:/. Unless all of your stuff is all on the same drive with LaunchBox, in which case it uses relative paths and not absolute paths. If it uses a Relative path then it would change from something like "../Emulators/" to "D:/Emulators/". The easiest way to edit the paths within the XML's is Notepad++ with the find and replace all function.

However, you should only need to do this if you moving your games changed their paths and they no longer launch. An alternative if you'd rather not edit XML's is to remove the games from LaunchBox (Click, Ctrl+A then delete). Just make sure to not delete the rom files if you have that option selected (if it is, you'll get two dialogues during deleting, make sure to click Yes then No). Once you've removed your games from within LB, re-import them but select to not download any media like images, music, manuals or video. The import process will be extremely quick. Once you've done that, refresh the Image Cache by going to Tools -> Refresh Images and all of your old images should start to pop in.

I'll be honest and say I have no clue how you got your Dreamcast games to start loading PCSXR, unless you were trying to edit the old XML and updated to the new structure? But Bulk Edit should fix your games if they're on the same path. If they're not, re-importing or Notepad++ will be the quickest method to fixing it.

Also, sorry that I missed your replies to this, I simply missed them. X_X

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Here is the scenario I found myself in for changing paths in the XML the other day and this is the 1st time it didn't involve game paths I had LB on a 250GB SSD and it only had about 11GB of free space and almost all of it was LB so I moved it to another drive and afterwards none of my media would show up upon looking closer I found that all of the path in Manage Platforms where all absolute paths. So I opened the Platforms XML and used find and replace to change them all which is a four step process since you have to do Images, Videos, Music and Manuals in order to change all the paths. I also had Platform videos that wouldn't play despite them being in the proper folder and turning off the random video options in BB but it still kept playing the same game videos over and over here somehow 5 or 6 of my platforms had specific game videos paths entered in the Video Path so I had to edit that part of the XML too but after fixing it up everything is good again.

Edited by DOS76
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What the actual hell. o,O wow. You must have added a lot more since last I knew. Also, my install is 101GB, so nevermind, I don't know why that number threw me for a loop. It is smaller now than it was a few days ago, by a decent amount. I was able to remove a lot of duplicate images (and on some games that is a lot), because of the Disc/Disk merging.

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Corrected 1 issue

Had the wrong path ,I deleted emulator so launchbox was giving me pcx2 when I clicked on game, now when I click on a game the emulator window opens (null dc)

still working out stuff:

Why I cannot go back and add another rom folder or the games are not imported? the only way to add new games is to choose them by files. I might be making mistakes here and there but the time I spend learning is totally worth it!!

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If games are not importing, then more than likely LaunchBox assumes you're adding duplicates. If you deleted a platform, but didn't let LB remove the games, they're still there but with no platform. To be honest, and I don't ever usually say this, but your LB install might be really confused at this point where it might be easier to start from scratch on certain aspects. Open your LaunchBox/Data folder and create a backup (Just use Copy and Paste in the same directory) of the Platforms folder, the Platform.xml and Emulators.xml. There should be 3 extra files that say " - Copy" at the end of them now. Close down LaunchBox and delete these 3 files. When you boot back up, all your game entries and Emulator entries should be gone. Re-import a set of games, but do not download any images or media for them. Refresh the image cache by going to Tools -> Refresh Images, and the images for that platform that you downloaded previously should be popping in.

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Now games are working on ps1 side but for some reason I have to link each game to an emulator.. on the game edit there is no default emulator option for all games.  I'm not used to having emulator section is separate from the rom section I'm used to having the emulator and the folder for the rom in the same section. One thing that I noticed is that all of emulators are together in one page but the rom folders are not.



Edited by knightCrawler
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If you are adding in an emulator that doesn't automatically populate any data for you, also go to the Associated Platforms tab and make sure to add the name of the system here as well and then check the default box. If you keep the names at default, so for example Nintendo Game Boy, you double click an empty spot under the name column, add Nintendo Game Boy, check the box and hit ok. When you import your games it will automatically assign them to that emulator.

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