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Skyrim Remastered: What is Partial Controller Support?


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Hey guys, so I finally invested some money in my PC, got a GTX 1060 at least, and its making me want to move the bulk of my modern gaming to PC. This seems all well and good, especially as that means I can slowly retire my xbox and ps4 except for exclusives, and with LB don't have to take my hand off the controller.

I game in the living room on the couch, and I'm so used to 30fps (I didn't realize this until recently) that 60 fps actually looks weird to me, haha. I bought a copy of Dragons Dogma on steam, which I also own on the 360, specifically for this comparison. Anyway, needless to say, I'm excited about Skyrim Remastered (I've never actually beaten the game even with over 100 hours in it previously on the box). I figure its just the game to get me used to that good PC 60fps look. BUT

What is partial controller support? There doesn't seem to be much info about even how the old skyrim played with a controller, much less this one. I've read stuff about other games, and apparently it could mean anything from "you just use the keyboard to type your name" to "you need to use the kb/m for pretty much everything but moving the character."

The former being mildly annoying since the controller functionality exists as the game is released for both consoles,

The latter being unacceptable to me.

I  was just wondering if anyone here had any ideas how the old one places with the pc controller combo or any info on how this one will.

Also, I'm kinda curious why PC wouldn't have full functionality for both kb/m and controllers, but I'm more interested in the former.




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Yea, there is no definition here. What you read is correct, but for Skyrim specifically it just means certain things are out of reach. Typing your name and quick saving / quick loading from the controller are probably not going to happen. Which makes sense if you think about modern consoles and that they have a system wide keyboard that is called upon by games, there is no more in game keyboard that you use in a very clunky way, at least most games don't anymore.

So Skyrim handles controllers and kb/m well-ish, but if your controller is plugged in while using a keyboard and mouse (if it even lets you), all of the keys will still show the controller buttons. Some games are nice and will switch back and forth intelligently, and some games won't allow you to at all where you'd have to switch it in the settings or shut down the game. I think it has to do with driver handling, and some engines may not deal with it properly or the team may not have the knowledge or time to deal with it.

I have quite a few old consoles, a PS4 and my PC, I game across all of them. 30 vs 60 never bothers me, I am certainly more about the gameplay. When it's a game that has to rely on 60 fps for game play (like Call of Duty), only then do I start to care, but otherwise I would rather have fun with a game then give two thoughts about a stupid fucking argument such as that (can you tell that argument annoys me? xD).

I would honestly say, if you want to play PC games from Steam, that while most will utilize a controller just just fine, that there will always be a portion of them that don't handle it well or at all. I only use controllers for certain games on PC, and ironically Elder Scrolls and Fallouts are not any of them. I need a keyboard for those games due to the vast amount of functionality that it provides (I have a bunch of actions mapped to the G-Keys on the side of my Logitech mouse), and of course because I add a ton of mods to those games, where the keyboard and mouse really make a huge difference in some of them. I think my Fallout 4 install has over 140 mods now? xD

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If it's anything like the original pc version, then it fully supports controllers in game. The partial support bit is that you get a splash screen when launching the game, it's where you change graphics options and such, that is mouse control only. Once you click on play game though controller support is the same as on consoles. Of course this is based on the original release, but I don't see them changing it now.

Beaten to it by Brad :)

Edited by neil9000
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I appreciate the responses guys. I'm heartened. 

If you mean the debate about 30fps vs 60fps, I'm with you, Brad. I mean I can see the difference, but as long as there isn't framedrops (was in 360 dragons dogma) the difference isn't enough for me to really give a shit. I do however have to justify the purchase of this video card haha. Plus, if I game on PC, I'm never but a few button clicks away from Mike Tysons Punch Out haha. 

The other debate about keyboard vs controller is exactly why I asked here instead of steam. Here most everyone likes to play games and wants to help others play and enjoy. On the steam forums, people get shamed for asking about controller support to the point where I suspect they make up illnesses to explain why they can't/don't want to use a keyboard. I'm an adult, haha. I like what I like, and as with sex politics and religion, I support what you (pl) like as long as it makes you happy. I should amend that to "makes you happy in a non annoying way." haha




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Yea I also don't care if you use a controller or keyboard either. I do think there are some games that benefit with a keyboard over a controller (Skyrim, Fallout 4, pretty much any shooter), but the same can be said for a controller and I don't care which one at the end of the day you end up using as long as you enjoy your new PC and the game. Same deal with the 30 vs 60. I only care when frame drops happen under 24 (because then it's extremely noticeable) or if it dips while I record because I am a perfectionist when it comes to work and my craft. As long as it's steady, and 30 fps doesn't effect the gameplay in any significant way then I'm fine.

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On a slightly unrelated note, Nexus already has about 100 mods up already. Some reshaders, some texture mods, etc. I played about 30 mins last night to compare the SSE version to non SSE version I've been modding for a few months. . It doesn't look as bad as most on the Steam Community forum would have you believe. I swear it's getting as back as Gamefaqs.The biggest reason to be excited for the SSE version is it's 64bit and will open up new possibilities in modding and upping the memory limitations. 

Edited by alexis524
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