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Feature Request: Video Clean-Up


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Hi Guys,

Amazing progress in the last few months with video themes and the additions of recorded and home brew videos.

I am requesting a video clean-up feature. My LaunchBox video folder has swelled up to 75Gigs in the last few weeks and it is all because of the new videos that I am adding. The issue is that LaunchBox keeps both the "theme" video and the original gameplay video that I had.

I am requesting that we have an option to "clean-up" or delete the gameplay videos if we'd like. Basically the tool could look for games that have both a theme and traditional video and you can set which one you would like removed.

Thank you!

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  • 1 month later...

It would also work if you could keep both. In the City Hunter or Critical Zone themes it would be cool to see the theme video in the game list view then the gameplay video in the specific game view. 

So an option to use 1 or both would be perfect because some of the theme videos are beautiful but cover up the gameplay. Which is why the next screen having gameplay would be ideal.

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