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I have a question is there any script or any way to hide the loading screen that says loading games etc...? I have tried WinHide even by using WindowSpy and using the ahk_class in a script but it doesn't seem to work, but I'm hardly a AHK expert.

Now with running the script I posted on the previous post making Launchbox Windowed fullscreen, it's making the loading screen Windowed fullscreen as well and it looks terrible.



Edited by Jayinem
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I had to make a modification to the script I posted on the last page because it kept forcing Launchbox to be fullscreen even when I would try to minimize it. Now with this script it doesn't do that.


#SingleInstance force

      WinWaitActive, ("ahk_exe LaunchBox.exe")
      Sleep 5500

Also here's two more scripts you can add to Additional Apps for perhaps a game that is intense for your PC thus you need to close your browser which takes additional ram/resources away from your game. If you already have the best PC that can play the newest game at 4K 120 fps while having 20 browser windows open this won't apply to you. I use Firefox but if you use another browser just change it to the browser and the location of the browser.

Add this one to close Firefox upon launch of game

Sleep 3500
run, taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe /T

Name it whatever you want I call it Kill Firefox, and check the box that says "run before main application"

And then add this one I call it restart firefox and check the box that says "run after main application" This will automatically start Firefox again once the game closes as long as you close the game with escape key.

Run, "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

WinActivate ahk_class MozillaWindowClass

startProgram(winTitle, filePath) {
 If !WinExist(winTitle)
  Run % filePath
 WinWait % winTitle,, 5
 If ErrorLevel
  MsgBox 48, Error, An error occurred while waiting for the window.
 Else WinActivate






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