jakew Posted March 6, 2023 Posted March 6, 2023 I took a look at this again and the above does work with brutal doom and brutal doom black edition. But there is another way to accomplish this, that is with a .bat file and point lunchbox to that file to launch the mod. The below example has 3 options for one mod file. It will run the mod only, the mod with brutal doom or with brutal doom black edition. All the mods, including the gzdoom.exe, and the game iwad (doom2.wad) have to go into the dooms folder (example lunchbox/games/doom mods/dooms). The .bat file would be in the directory before dooms (example lunchbox/games/doom mods). The mods also have to match the version of the game they were made with (Doom, Doom2, TNT, etc.) and iwad below will need to change accordingly. This information is in the text file that normally accompanies the mod. Below the mods that are green lettering are optional, they are addons to the brutal doom mod and can be removed. I have not tested the addons with the brutal doom black edition. Maybe later on I will. But of the 2 brutal mods, only the black edition is still active and being revised. Keep in mind, not all mods will work with brutal doom. Out of the 5 I tested, one failed to run and another was made with TNT.wad game file. But if you're really just want to run the mod with brutal doom, the example in lunchbox above would work and the below is not really needed. Also, all the files would have to be in the same folder including the gzdoom files. @ECHO off cls :start ECHO. ECHO 1. Run 200 Lime Massacre Mod only. ECHO 2. Run 200 Lime Massacre Mod with Brutal Doom. ECHO 3. Run 200 Lime Massacre Mod with Brutal Doom Black Edition set /p choice=Type the number and enter to run. if '%choice%'=='1' goto mod1 if '%choice%'=='2' goto mod2 if '%choice%'=='3' goto mod3 ECHO. goto start :mod1 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file 200lnm.WAD /WAIT "%GAMEROOT%%GAMENAME%" SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe goto end :mod2 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file brutalv21.pk3 PPHD.pk3 HRBrightmaps.pk3 Liquids.pk3 LiquidsGlow.pk3 DoomMetalVol5.wad IDKFAv2.wad CatsVisorBASE.pk3 CatsVisor.pk3 JF.pk3 HRRP.pk3 200lnm.WAD /WAIT "%GAMEROOT%%GAMENAME%" SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe goto end :mod3 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file BDBE_v3.37.pk3 200lnm.WAD /WAIT "%GAMEROOT%%GAMENAME%" SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe goto end :end exit Quote
jakew Posted March 6, 2023 Posted March 6, 2023 Thanks for asking about this. There is 1000's of maps/mods out there and they are still being made. I really had no idea that it was still going after all these years. The brutal doom mod really changed things. It feels like a new... different game to me. I have enjoyed looking into this, brings back memories. Quote
jakew Posted March 9, 2023 Posted March 9, 2023 (edited) I had to change up the .bat file for lunchbox. Lunchbox was going into game over when the bat file completed, putting the game in the background. I also placed the map/mod and addons/patches to the top of the .bat file, so it is easier to change. A few more total conversions were also added to the list. Note: The names of the Star Wars TC's have been changed in this example vs the originals. To use this, copy the below into notepad and save it as 10SECTOR.bat. @ECHO off cls :: <CHANGE THE MAP/MOD NAME BELOW> set "MODNAME=10SECTOR.WAD" :: <CHANGE THE ADDONS/PATCHES BELOW> set "ADDON=HRBrightmaps.pk3 Liquids.pk3 LiquidsGlow.pk3 DoomMetalVol5.wad IDKFAv2.wad CatsVisorBASE.pk3 CatsVisor.pk3 JF.pk3" :start ECHO. ECHO 1. Run Mod only. ECHO 2. Run Mod with Brutal Doom. ECHO 3. Run Mod with Brutal Doom Black Edition. ECHO 4. Run Mod with Guncaster. ECHO 5. Run Mod with XIM'S STAR WARS Jedi Outcast. ECHO 6. Run Mod with XIM'S STAR WARS Dark Forces. ECHO 7. Run Mod with MAJOR CRISIS - SLAYER'S LEGACY EDITION. set /p choice=Type the number and enter to run. if '%choice%'=='' ECHO "%choice%" is not valid please try again if '%choice%'=='1' goto mod1 if '%choice%'=='2' goto mod2 if '%choice%'=='3' goto mod3 if '%choice%'=='4' goto mod4 if '%choice%'=='5' goto mod5 if '%choice%'=='6' goto mod6 if '%choice%'=='7' goto mod7 ECHO. goto start :mod1 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file %MODNAME% %ADDON% SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe :LOOPSTART FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND goto end :FOUND TIMEOUT /T -1 goto LOOPSTART :mod2 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file %MODNAME% brutalv21.pk3 %ADDON% SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe :LOOPSTART FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND goto end :FOUND TIMEOUT /T -1 goto LOOPSTART :mod3 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file %MODNAME% BDBE_v3.37.pk3 %ADDON% SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe :LOOPSTART FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND goto end :FOUND TIMEOUT /T -1 goto LOOPSTART :mod4 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file %MODNAME% Guncaster.pk3 GC_Addon.pk3 %ADDON% SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe :LOOPSTART FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND goto end :FOUND TIMEOUT /T -1 goto LOOPSTART :mod5 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file %MODNAME% XStarWars.pk3 XStarWarsProps.pk3 XStarWarsJediOutcast.pk3 SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe :LOOPSTART FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND goto end :FOUND TIMEOUT /T -1 goto LOOPSTART :mod6 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file %MODNAME% XStarWars.pk3 XStarWarsProps.pk3 XStarWarDarkForces.pk3 SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe :LOOPSTART FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND goto end :FOUND TIMEOUT /T -1 goto LOOPSTART :mod7 @echo off set "GAMENAME=gzdoom.exe" set "GAMEPATH=\dooms\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start gzdoom.exe -iwad doom2.WAD -file %MODNAME% majorcrisis_Gz.pk3 mc_monstas.pk3 d2_sky.pk3 mc_ep.pk3 %ADDON% SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=gzdoom.exe :LOOPSTART FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND goto end :FOUND TIMEOUT /T -1 goto LOOPSTART :end exit Edited March 9, 2023 by jakew Quote
Browncoat1984 Posted July 22, 2023 Posted July 22, 2023 Mostly got this to work. One problem I've had though, the doom.xml file sets each mod patch to W:\ but my drive letter is not W and I really don't want to change it. Is there anyway to fix this aside from editing each individual mod path? Quote
PiperCalls Posted July 22, 2023 Posted July 22, 2023 Yea edit the xml. Replace All "W:\" with whatever your drive is. Save copy of xml first & only do it with LB closed. Quote
rye74 Posted August 6, 2023 Posted August 6, 2023 So is there a way to load wad files for mods that have multiple wads? Do i have to edit each one or is there a simplier way. Quote
LegzRwheelz Posted July 27, 2024 Posted July 27, 2024 On 7/22/2023 at 2:34 AM, Browncoat1984 said: Mostly got this to work. One problem I've had though, the doom.xml file sets each mod patch to W:\ but my drive letter is not W and I really don't want to change it. Is there anyway to fix this aside from editing each individual mod path? Expand I know it's old, but if you open the XML in a text editor like notepad++ , you can search for the path that's used in the XML and replace all with your own path. I've done this when moving stuff around my computer, from one drive to another. Hope this helps, I'm just now getting to where in ready to make a Doom/Wolfenstein systems, so my help in any other area with this system is rather limited....ok that's a lie. It's non-existent 😂 cause I'm still absorbing the information on setting it up and it's been over a year since I mucked around with LB. Anyhow, hope this helps. Quote
Yoyo 90 Posted yesterday at 05:51 AM Posted yesterday at 05:51 AM Hi Guy I need some help getting the Doom mods to work properly. I think I got the Batman mod to work by using PRBoom I used the WAD as the Rom and using the custom command-line parameter to add the DEH file, but I can’t get the Aliens TC to start properly. It has multiple WADs and a BEX file. I don’t know where to put these. I tried using GZDoom it seems to work a bit better but it has that pop up window asking me to use Doom, Doom2 or UDoom and I still don’t know where to add the additional files. Thanks in advance. Quote
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