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Platform Folders


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When you create a new platform (I.E. NES), launchbox creates a default list of folders (Games, Music, Videos, a bunch image folders,etc). I do not want all those folders. I only want a select few. I cannot find a way to select only the folders I want created. I can manually delete them, but launchbox will recreate them when I refresh images, etc. Is it possible to do what I am asking? If so, how?

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7 hours ago, Retro808 said:

You cannot delete them. LB will always generate them to ensure the proper folder are there if you ever add images manually.

Instead of forcing them on creation just because they might be needed in the future, they could be generated on demand which is the more common way of doing this. Every piece of media is 100% optional to running a game. When I am done creating platforms, etc - I will have thousands if not tens of thousands of extra empty directories for the OS file system to keep track of & be forced to duplicate when running backups, etc.

So far Launchbox is much more useable than many of the media managers I have tried - and deleted. I have been playing around with it for a few days now. It seems to be pretty useful for organizing older console stuff.

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