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Latest update high CPU usage


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After installing the latest update of Launchbox, BigBox is now using min of 15% of my CPU while it's running in the background which is a significant increase compared to the last build, to the point that it kicks on my fans high performance mode with it in the background while a ROM is running that normally wouldn't. Is there anything I can do that might help with this while it's running in background after launching a game? 

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I just tested this out on my system, and I'm not noticing any significant difference between 11.15 and 11.16 in background CPU usage. It's a max of 2% on my system, in my testing, in both 11.15 and 11.16. However, it is possible that Big Box might be temporarily doing something in the background that increases this (such as caching images), so maybe if you give it a while, the CPU usage might go back down. Let us know if that's the case.

Other than that, there's probably not a lot you can do. We can revisit this though in development if you can consistently prove that CPU usage is higher for you, though I haven't been able to replicate myself thus far. Are you running any plugins?

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Apparently Unified Refried does use a lot more CPU usage in the background than most other themes. On my system, I only see 2% CPU usage with Unified Redux, but I see 7% with Refried. This is with 11.15, not the new release. So perhaps using a less intensive theme might be in order here?

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It should be safe to downgrade to 11.15, yes. It would also be good to confirm that 11.15 actually does have lesser CPU usage too, since we haven't been able to replicate any changes with 11.16.

You can downgrade just by manually running 11.15 installer over top of your LaunchBox folder. Just make sure you don't install it to a subfolder of the folder (the installer can make this confusing).

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2 minutes ago, Kimjongilist said:

I rolled back to 11.15 but now I can it launch BigBox at all everytime I do it automatically takes me to installer for 11.16, I have automatic updates off

Nvm I solved this issue now, 11.15 is running BigBox now and my CPU usage is back to normal even on the playlist with multiple platforms I just described.


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