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5 hours ago, Retrofrogg said:

How come vertical?

My wife and I like to play a lot of Slots, this makes the whole thing look more slot-like when we're playing those. I've added 'Divvy' to make sure that playing screens can be moved to the bottom third on my vertical 42" monitor, so it still looks good when I'm playing games.

  • -McFly- changed the title to 600 Platforms | 600 Playlists | 650,000+ Games | with Zipped Data .xml folders. (updated June 17th '23). This is getting silly now.

Here's how it looks today. It's primarily set up to play Slots, but here it is with Pinball FX running. The mini marquee screen is running the BigBox startup video. The lowest screen is only used for booting and the tablet (right of the stream deck) usually just shows another desktop, but it's off right now. The iPad has a windows keyboard / mouse that can also be used for touch controls for games, when needed.


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  • Game On 2
On 6/17/2023 at 5:36 PM, Mcfly. said:

Here's how it looks today. It's primarily set up to play Slots, but here it is with Pinball FX running. The mini marquee screen is running the BigBox startup video. The lowest screen is only used for booting and the tablet (right of the stream deck) usually just shows another desktop, but it's off right now. The iPad has a windows keyboard / mouse that can also be used for touch controls for games, when needed.


seria possivel voce  compatilhar uma copia do seu sistema no google drive?

On 6/24/2023 at 11:10 AM, WAR COMPUTER said:

seria possivel voce  compatilhar uma copia do seu sistema no google drive?

é muito grande para eu carregar e armazenar no google drive e muito caro para justificar isso. Também levaria muito tempo para chegar à nuvem e, quando o fizesse, já estaria desatualizado.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Βλέποντας τα παραπάνω, θα γράψω (και) στα Ελληνικά έτσι για το εφέ.
(και αμφιβάλλω αν το google translate θα κάνει τόσο καλή δουλειά)
Μπράβο για όλη αυτή την προσπάθεια, αν και έχει αρκετές διαφορές από το πως θα την έκανα εγώ (έχω περίπου 30TB emulation data), θα έκανα άλλες κατηγοριοποιήσεις κλπ.
Επίσης μου κάνει εντύπωση ότι φαίνεται να μην βλέπεις τα έτοιμα projects που έχουν σχέση με τη συλλογή (και κατάταξη) των emulation data, όπως το TOSEC, no-intro, redump κλπ.
Πάντως τα δεδομένα σου τα έχω για reference, είναι σίγουρα χρήσιμα.

Keep up the good work.

Also... what are these between the big screen and x-arcade?


Edited by NLS
  • Thanks 1

Ευχαριστώ για την απάντησή σας. Αποφάσισα κοντά στην αρχή αυτού του έργου να κάνω αυτήν την πλατφόρμα-κεντρική, αγνοώντας τις ταξινομήσεις που αναφέρατε. Η φιλοδοξία μου ήταν να συλλέξω τα πάντα σε ένα μέρος, ήξερα ότι θα υπήρχαν πολλές πλατφόρμες και λίστες αναπαραγωγής χωρίς να προσθέσω περαιτέρω αναλύσεις, οι οποίες κατά τη γνώμη μου θα το γέμιζε πάρα πολύ. Είναι αρκετά ακατάστατο όπως είναι!
Ανάμεσα στην οθόνη και το joystick έχω ένα Stream Deck, έναν ελεγκτή θερμοκρασίας / ανεμιστήρα και ένα tablet που μπορεί να λειτουργήσει ως οθόνη για οποιονδήποτε λόγο. Το χρησιμοποιώ κυρίως για διαχείριση εργασιών και γρήγορους ελέγχους φακέλων.

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  • 1 month later...

Just found this - need to delete a folder of zero byte files? - Powershell 'as admin' this - Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\LaunchBox\Images\Cache-BB" -Recurse -Force | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -eq $false -and $_.Length -eq 0 } | remove-item (change the path as needed)

I did this on my cache folder and everything is faster.

  • -McFly- changed the title to 613 Platforms | 634 Playlists | Almost 800,000 Games & More | with Zipped Platform & Playlist .xml folders (updated Sept. 5th '23). I need to stop.
Posted (edited)

I' have dabbled in a collection of this and that and have the found the process hard for me. I prefer a pre built perhaps built on the Launchbox platform. So yes, know any good pre-builds for sale or sharing.



ETA Prime does a great job but my results don't always seem to be the same as his.

Edited by Hagar
On 9/10/2023 at 6:21 PM, Hagar said:

I' have dabbled in a collection of this and that and have the found the process hard for me. I prefer a pre built perhaps built on the Launchbox platform. So yes, know any good pre-builds for sale or sharing.



ETA Prime does a great job but my results don't always seem to be the same as his.

My system isn't for sale, and never will be. As strange as this may sound I rarely play any games at all, I feel compelled to find everything there is available in this retro realm, to share en-masse for free online when laws and licensing allows (which may be never). My advice to you is to learn the process on your own time and keep at it, if it's what you want. TBH my collection is completely ridiculous if you actually want to play these games, stick to the consoles or computers you see yourself actually playing regularly and start there.

18 hours ago, Retrofrogg said:

800,000....come on, you've got to get to a million now!

Hahahaha, right?? I'd like to say I'd be happy with just the 1 million... :D :D :D Who knows.

On 9/12/2023 at 4:08 AM, Retrofrogg said:

800,000....come on, you've got to get to a million now!

You got me thinking, exactly how many games do I have in total, including different versions and duplicates? I ran all my Platform .xml files through Notepad++ and the magic number of how many </ApplicationPath> files I have are..... (drum roll...)


Of course, that's everything including Magazines and Videos etc.. It doesn't count in the grand scheme of things but I wanted to know :)

On 9/14/2023 at 2:15 PM, billdog1225 said:

And you have no issues with any of the emulators? Like I've tried and tried to get Ngage to work and I can't. 

Oh I have many issues with a lot of emulators, including N-Gage. My take on these is that when working emulators become available I'll get them added to the system and I'll finally be able to see these games in action again. Finding the games is much harder than finding a working emulator, I'll be ready when they catch up.

  • -McFly- changed the title to 621 Platforms | 651 Playlists | Over 800,000 Games & More | with Zipped Platform & Playlist .xml folders (updated Sept. 5th '23). I need to stop.

Good job, I'm very interested as I'm a bit "maniac" too!

I'd like a comprehensive platform list too, so I want to ask: what do you think about a more arcade specific systems? I mean... I found on "System16" a very large list of famous arcade developers board systems, many of them with a very small games list (Capcom ZN-1, Konami Bubble System, Sega System E only for example) and I see you haven't other developers like Data East, Seibu or Taoplan.

I'd attach the file I'm working on, if you want to take a look to understand what I'm saying, that I'll need to store the ROM path and create a .bat to xcopy the files when new romset will be released.

One of my concern is: should I put the boards with >5 games in a separate folder (and system) and the smaller (or the board created for a specific game as I don't like the name "Contra based" for example) in a generic "Arcade - Capcom/Namco ..." or create a platform based on the main CPU and not the board? In that last case, I should have all the developer games in a specific folder like "Capcom Z80, Capcom 68000..." but I should also eliminate the CPS systems/System 16/... too because they refere to a board name. I thought to an hybrid system but, well, not correct to mix board and cpu!

I know it's only a matter of personal taste and my hypothetical setup maybe is only a waste of time, so I'd like to hear an opinion from another that like me likes to have many many platforms (it's just too simple to say "put all in the arcade folder"!).


  • Game On 1

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