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Not too sure as have not looked into that piece of the code. Likely need to open the BoxesContentView.xaml in the theme's view folder and look for the line of code containing the Game Name and Developer. If it is a specific line for the binding for the Developer you can change it to the binding for Platform Name.

Keep in mind you cannot alter the Default theme. You need to copy it and rename it then you can edit that new theme and use it. However, any user created custom theme can be directly edited. Inside the \Themes folder is a Documentation.pdf that can help you see some of the common bindings LB and BB use in code. 


Subtitle text by default is dependent on what your arrange by setting is. To get platform to display under there I believe you have to be arranging by Platform. You could of course do as @Retro808 stated and just change the theme to hardcode the platform value in that line though.

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