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About This File

These bat files will copy all the roms and bios files from a split rom set as of Mame v.170 rom set. Using this on a rom set not 170 you may have missing roms so use with care if your set is different.

First off I did not create this at all, I am merely packaging this into one file for easy download and distribution. I got these files from http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,149708.msg1563036.html#msg1563036 and they were created by the user BadMouth and he deserves all the credit for these files and the work put into them.

In this package you will find bat files and txt files of the same name, these are exactly the same files but with different extentions. Open the txt files if you wish to view exactly what the bat files are going to do.

To use these files simply copy the bat files into your Mame rom folder and run each bat file. Each bat file will then create a folder with a name matching the bat file and copy the roms from your Mame roms into the corresponding folder for easy organization. It does not move your files so you will still have an intact full Mame rom set.

If you do not wish to have separate folders simply use the _NoFiller.bat to copy them all in one shot into a folder created by the bat file.

630 games including those commented out.  The batch file may contain more than this since I included multiple versions of a few games so the user could pick which works best for them.  (2 or 4 player version, Budweiser Tapper or Root Beer Tapper, etc)

I'm using split sets, these numbers may vary depending on type of set and compression method.

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Added missing _NoFiller.bat file to copy all files into a single folder in one go.

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Be sure and check in the batch files for commented out roms you may need.



I'm thinking to throw out my current mess of a MAME set(who knows what rom version), download the 180 complete set, then use this batch file(s) to get the resulting killer no filler set. Would that be a "split rom set"? What is it about "split rom set" that this is required for the batch files? Looking at the batch files, it just seems like all the game zips should be on the same folder with the batch.

I'm assuming this just gives you the good stuff and leaves out all the junk? Did anyone find it's missing something good? I just want the good arcade games, no mahjong,puzzles,casino, or other junk.

Does it copy the CHD folders too or do you have to do that manually for the CHD games?

Why are some commented out? Are they bad or duplicates or crappy? 

I think I'll make one batch file of them all, but excluding puzzle.

This seems really awesome. I can't wait to drastically reduce my MAME rom set size and still have all the good stuff.



Got it all taken care of. Great set. Now my entire collection is only just under 10GB



Just an FYI for anyone trying to use the killer no filler set. it is missing TONS of files for all the games to work. i am going through all 636 of the games and adding the missing files. when done, they will all work with my 182 version of mame and 182 version of roms. if anyone wants to use this reduce mame set and has lots of games not running, i can provide a file listing from my setup if you want.



Even though I have already stated in the description that this was built around the 170 romset I will update the description to make it more clear. If you want to send me a list of roms needed for a 182 romset I can make and upload an updated 182 bat file or you can upload a 182 bat file if you prefer.


Posted (edited)

Sure, but i think most of the ones I've hit are not related to the newer mame version (some were though). Many of the games so far were just missing another file required for the game. But then again, I'm not a MAME expert with rom sets so maybe certain types of sets wouldn't hit this issue, merged, split, non-merged, etc?

It's going to take me a while to test launch every game to get the list, but I'll give it to you once I'm done testing every game.

Edit: another person on this forum mentioned Emu Loader to audit the roms that are not working, and that has been instrumental in my missing file hunt.

Edited by ckp


Yeah there is a lot of effort that goes into this type of thing. I have not updated my rom set since 178 but maybe if I get energetic enough I will get a new 182 set and see about updating the No Filler bat file for the all in one, no way in hell I am going to try and do the "genre" ones as well.


Posted (edited)

Oh man, I launched each and every game and added a coin and started the game. 

Every game now works with my split 182 rom set for the "all killer no filler" reduced set.

Attaching the updated batch file. Just rename with .bat instead of .txt

The first part of the file tells you which CHD folders you need to copy manually in case you want those.

All the necessary roms are copied from a full set to a folder name:  _NoFiller

Hope this is useful to someone. I really like this reduced game set. 

Edit: My total folder size including all the roms AND the CHDs comes out to 10.3GB


Edited by ckp


OK please forgive my complete noob ignorance, where are the actual roms that go with these batch / text files? Am I missing something, apologies in advance



You need to download a Mame romset which of course for we cannot provide for you, keep in mind this was made for the 170 romset and I cannot guarantee that it will work perfectly for newer sets.



Many thanks for the swift reply, that's what I thought, but I was just making sure incase I was going blind and missing the link! I'll go in search of a 170 set of roms, thanks for your help!



I did actually read on here somewhere that it doesn't actually matter what version of roms you use?  Is that right? I'm only asking as I have a complete MAME set of roms spanned across 7 CDs I got about 15 or so years ago! Will these be any good? Many thanks.



It may not matter but I just wanted to make the disclaimer that it was a batch file made for the 170 set and beyond that I couldn't make any promises because of potential changes that the Mame devs could make or have made at any time.


Posted (edited)

Bumping an old thread here, I hope that isn't against any rules.


I used the 0.182 batch file that the user ckp posted, many thanks for that.  My problem is, the only CHD file sets I can find are for 0.161 (with no upgrade files available), and the newest, 0.192.  I wonder, can anyone confirm how different the filenames included in the batch file would be from 0.182 to 0.192?  I would like to use the cpk batch file, but I'm nervous as I'm only just now building my first MAME file set for Launchbox.


Alternatively, does anyone know how often CHD files are updated?  Is it possible that the 0.161 files will work for the 0.182 set?  Or the 0.192 CHD files?  


Also, one final question while I'm here.  The 0.182 rom set I have currently is split, but the 0.192 CHD files I downloaded say they're Merged.  Does Split/Merged matter for CHD files?  

Edited by heavyR


I honestly couldn't tell you how well (or badly) this works with CHD packs because I don't use them myself.

As for the file name differences from 182 to 192 that shouldn't be an issue, I believe they use the same names but I cannot guarantee that at all.



I missed Kung-Fu Master (World) ROM / kungfum.zip in this set! One of my games in my childhood and for me it should be there.




I really like the list of games from the “killer no filler” set but wanted to add a few others from my .193 split set that aren’t already listed. Is it possible to have them pulled out with the other ROMS by adding additional ROM file names to the txt document provided by CKP in the comments above? If the games require CHDS I understand I would have manually add them. 



Yes, just add lines to the bat file using notepad with the files you want to copy.



when i open the files that the bat files created there are no roms what do i do



never mind read  first comment sorry



actually i have no idea what to do im new to mame and need help



Keep in mind that these bat files are made for an older 170 version rom set so how well it works now on a newer rom set I cannot say for certain at all.

All you have to do is extract the files from the download and copy the file you want to use into the same folder with your Mame roms. I suggest using the:


After copying it to your roms folder double click it to run it like any other program. It will create a folder called _NoFiller and copy all the matching roms listed in the batch file to the newly created folder. You can then have a streamlined set of working roms that you can import into Launchbox.

WW3 Revelation 6

Posted (edited)

This is exactly what I was wanting to find. Since it has been quite a while, is this the best "killer no filler" fix still?  Thanks again for doing this.  

I was thinking of following this guide: https://www.flash2hack.com/?p=199


Edit: nevermind...I found version 2 update :)

Edited by WW3 Revelation 6


Is there an update to this for latest (or later...) sets?

I'm on 234 but would like to do this and not finding anything :(

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