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4 Screenshots

About This File

Big Fade draws inspiration from @Grila BigForce BigBox theme. Pause theme shows a fanart background that fades away at the bottom to allow clear view of scrolling game notes and a game play image. Pause Menu is contained in a gradient transparent list box. Theme was tested on a 4:3 screen images provided to show how it looks on a 4:3.

Image Priorities:

Recommend in your Launchbox Image Priorities for Background moving clear logos further down the list of not using at all. This theme will resize and crop clear logos since the theme was designed for fanart primarily.

Installation (Requires Launchbox 9.8 or higher)

Available directly in the BigBox Pause theme manager.


Download from the forum and:

1. Download zip file. (You may need to right click the zip file and choose "unblock"

2. Extract zip in your \Launchbox\PauseThemes folder (fonts do not need to be installed)

Big Fade Start can be located here. It is a startup theme to compliment the Big Fade pause menu. 

What's New in Version 1.0.4   See changelog


Small code change to fix random background images not being centered in view correctly.

Fixed Pause logo in top left that was not fading in/out as originally planned.

Big Fade.zipFetching info...

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User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.



Great Theme the best Ive seen so far ?

  • Like 1


Fantastic! Thanks so much!

  • Like 1


Its Beautiful..  Thank you for making this 

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