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7 Screenshots

About This File

What is it?

4x3 optimised version of the CoinOps Redux theme (port of CoinOps Next to BigBox), co-created with @Klopjero.

The theme has been developed using the Community Theme Creator (all the credit to @y2guru).

As in the case of CoinOps, it relies on 1120x1080 fanart images for game wheel views.

Big thanks to BritneysPAIRS and the CoinOps team for their work in CoinOps and for their amazing theme design.


It includes the following BigBox views:

- 4 platform views.

- 2 game wheels for arcade based systems.

- 2 horizontal game wheels.

- Systems view.

For platform views, we suggest to use @viking colorful videos (4x3 version).

Files available

[CoinOps Redux (4x3) - 1.0.zip] The BigBox theme files. Just uncompress and copy / paste to Launchbox\Themes folder.




16:9 version

The 16:9 version of the theme is linked below:


What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Fixes the freezing bug.

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User Feedback

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Love this for my 4:3 monitor!



my favorite Theme, Works great on my square monitor. great job by the author.

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