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13 Screenshots

About This File

The following includes media for Pinball M a new system based off the Pinball FX (2023) engine but oriented towards Mature rated pinball themes.  Media naming is formatted for ease of import assuming setup as noted below. This pack contains 8 tables as of 2024-10-24. Screenshots and Fanart are all 1920x1080 and in PNG format. Goal was to try to find high quality images. Unfortunately, Zen only ever releases some media for their tables so you have to hunt and peck.  I will update pack periodically as additions are made by Zen.   Video pack will follow at some point.

Setup in Launchbox (details): Note: as of 12/3/2023 Cabinet Mode Direct Launch is currently broken. Fixed as of patch v 1.02 in Steam.  Epic version apparently has issue where cabinet setting won't remain selected after restart. 


What It Does:   

  • Launches directly to that table vs going to the Pinball M menu.  Works with desktop view and cabinet views.  
  • Functions within Pinball M now have ability to show a Backglass on second monitor. You can use this for cabinet and desktop users if two screens available.
  • Functions within Pinball M now have ability to show DMD independent of main screen (i.e., for cabinet users). 


  • LB Pause Button/Menu will not work. This is similar issue in Pinball FX.
  • AHK scripts within LB will not work.  You will have to use the normal exiting process.
  • This is for Steam.  Don't know on Epic since didn't bother to research how to on that.
  • The way I get the table IDs into LB is one way. There are others.  However, this choice does impact what LB will look for automatically for any external media packs. This is immaterial for anything matched via LB DB and downloaded since LB uses own naming process. 
  • Not getting into DMD use at this stage; maybe a later update to this how to.  
  • Launching Pinball M is much slower than FX3 to get the program launched and table open (~20 to 25 seconds).  I have fast net connection and run Steam on a decent computer so I don't think it is anything relative to my setup.


  • Table IDs:  Link to Pinball M Table ID# listing and Cabinet Setup (Link). Note the way they name tables is different vs what they used for backglass media naming. The difference is backglass images use an "underscore" between the number.  Confusing but such is the case.  
  • No need for cabinet "code": They got rid of the pain of a cabinet code like in FX3.   It works with cabinets out of box.
  • Modes: you can select from 6 modes to insert (with default being Classic if no mode inserted) into your launch command: Classic, Arcade, Hotseat, Practice  **Note this is not tested yet since Zen hasn't published all settings**
  • Default Pinball M Steam Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PinballM\
  • Backglass Image Location. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball M\PinballM\Mods\Cabinet
  • Backglass Image Naming:  Must be PNG format and use corresponding Table ID in following format (note the underscore!):  Table_147.png
  • Backglass Default Image: Any image you name as PFX.png will be used if no specific backglass image is available.  

The default command-line parameters for all tables are:


-applaunch 2660520 -GameMode Classic -

Important to make sure "Remove Quotes" and "Remove File Extensions and Folder Path" are checked in the Edit Emulator Details Window. 


My Way of Getting Table ID into LB for Launch: 

Now that you have the emulator setup I have found the easiest way is to use "dummy" pointer text files as the "ROM" with the table ID for importing into LB.  See alternative below if want to do entries without pointer files.  Place the text files in a directory called "Data". You can name that directory anything but that is what I called it.  The extension of the text files doesn't matter.  LB only looks for the first part to insert that "rom" name into the command string to launch Steam with the appropriate table.  I have added my Pinball FX.XML file which should link the Table IDs to table names. 

This link to the FX setup has some screenshots and detail since similar process. 

EXIT SCRIPT:  Pinball M and FX take exclusive control and any AHK script in LB will not run correctly.  There is a method to use an external compiled AHK as described here for Pinball FX.  A script for Pinball M is also included. 



Media in this Pack:  Current as of October 24, 2024.

  • Clear Logos (Clear Logo.zip).  Fortunately Zen had most in their Press release site so all high quality.
  • Tarcisio Style Wheels - Silver/Round (Box - Front - Reconstructed.zip).
  • Screenshots (all 1920x1080 PNG format files):  
    • Gameplay (Screenshot - Gameplay.zip):  Desktop View
    • Game Select (Screenshot - Game Select.zip): Full Table View
    • Game Title (Screenshot - Game Title.zip): These are typically backglass type images. For physical tables the images are from backglass (non-stretched).  For others typically will be similar to fanart images but with various logos on image.  
  • Fanart - Background (Fanart - Background.zip):  similar to the Game Title images but with no Zen logos and less textual clutter.  Not all Zen tables have easy to find media so in some cases the fanart file will be identical to the Game Title above.  
  • Pinball M LB XML: XML file which should have all data and match up to table naming convention.  Has 5 tables at moment. The Data.Zip file containers the text pointer files for each table (see install details above). 
  • Front Cover Art:  (Box-Front.zip):  Box formatted cover art Zen created.
  • Steam Backglass Images (Cabinet.zip) - 2 monitor setups only:  You only need this if you have two monitors and want a back glass image on the second monitor.  Images are the same as the Game Title versions above but renamed as needed to properly work (need a "_" in the name and must be PNG format).  These are to be placed here:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet   
    • Note note to be confused with the Launchbox "arcade cabinet" media. This is for Steam folder only

Below are a few misc graphics including a 3D box for the Pinball M system and Silver Ring Logo.






Pinball M alt1.pngPinball M.pngPinball-M_logo.thumb.png.19c881e3bf71347ac77cb7b7317935c0.png


Edited by sundogak

What's New in Version 1.4.1   See changelog


Updated with zip file containing files for Camp Bloodbrook table released on Oct 24, 2024.  Fixed Data.zip file.

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User Feedback

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So simple, the backglass look great for cabinet mode. Thanks for sharing!



Amazing as usual! Thanks! Its running perfectly in the arcade cab!


· Edited by Truest1


Amazing work brotha. Seen most in the zen press but you got some here that look nice for sure. Keep up the great work. 

All we need now is a nice platform Video with the music from pinball m in the background. 

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