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Files posted by sundogak

  1. Zen Pinball FX Steam (2023) Media Pack - Updated as of December 12, 2024 Released Tables

    V4.0 Update with all 130 tables as of December 12, 2024.
    The following includes media for Pinball FX.  Media naming is formatted for ease of import assuming setup as noted below.  Screenshots and Fanart are all 1920x1080 and in PNG format. Goal was to try to find high quality images. Unfortunately, Zen only ever releases some media for their tables so you have to hunt and peck.  I will update pack periodically as get time.  I also have about 25% of a video pack done but that may be awhile at this point and will release as separate download entry. 
    Media in this Pack
    Clear Logos (Clear Logo.zip). Grimm Tales was only table couldn't find a decent image.  So recreated via an approximate font. It is close but not exact. If find better will upload.  Tarcisio Style Wheels - Silver/Round (Box - Front - Reconstructed.zip).  I have been playing around with another wheel format but only done one attached at end of this for Indy set.   Screenshots (all 1920x1080 PNG format files):   Gameplay (Screenshot - Gameplay.zip):  Desktop View Game Select (Screenshot - Game Select.zip): Full Table View Game Title (Screenshot - Game Title.zip): These are typically backglass type images. For physical tables the images are from backglass (non-stretched).  For others typically will be similar to fanart images but with various logos on image.   Fanart - Background (Fanart - Background.zip):  about half are similar to the Game Title images but others are more "simple" with no Zen logos and less textual clutter.  Not all Zen tables have easy to find media so in some cases the fanart file will be identical to the Game Title above.   Advertisement Flyers  (front and back) for the physical tables: currently 28 as of 7/29/2023. In the Advertisement Flyer - Front.zip and Advertisement Flyer - Back.zip Steam Backglass Images (Cabinet.zip) - 2 monitor setups only:  You only need this if you have two monitors and want a back glass image on the second monitor.  Images are the same as the Game Title versions above but renamed as needed to properly work (need a "_" in the name and must be PNG format).  These are to be placed here:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet    Note not to be confused with the Launchbox "arcade cabinet" media. This is for Steam folder only. Credits:
    Update 9/3/2003 with 3D Box since LB DB doesn't have separate entry for FX:
    Pinball FX.xml


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  2. Zen Pinball M (Steam 2023) - Media Pack and LB How to Setup Direct Launch

    The following includes media for Pinball M a new system based off the Pinball FX (2023) engine but oriented towards Mature rated pinball themes.  Media naming is formatted for ease of import assuming setup as noted below. This pack contains 8 tables as of 2024-10-24. Screenshots and Fanart are all 1920x1080 and in PNG format. Goal was to try to find high quality images. Unfortunately, Zen only ever releases some media for their tables so you have to hunt and peck.  I will update pack periodically as additions are made by Zen.   Video pack will follow at some point.
    Setup in Launchbox (details): Note: as of 12/3/2023 Cabinet Mode Direct Launch is currently broken. Fixed as of patch v 1.02 in Steam.  Epic version apparently has issue where cabinet setting won't remain selected after restart. 
    Media in this Pack:  Current as of October 24, 2024.
    Clear Logos (Clear Logo.zip).  Fortunately Zen had most in their Press release site so all high quality. Tarcisio Style Wheels - Silver/Round (Box - Front - Reconstructed.zip). Screenshots (all 1920x1080 PNG format files):   Gameplay (Screenshot - Gameplay.zip):  Desktop View Game Select (Screenshot - Game Select.zip): Full Table View Game Title (Screenshot - Game Title.zip): These are typically backglass type images. For physical tables the images are from backglass (non-stretched).  For others typically will be similar to fanart images but with various logos on image.   Fanart - Background (Fanart - Background.zip):  similar to the Game Title images but with no Zen logos and less textual clutter.  Not all Zen tables have easy to find media so in some cases the fanart file will be identical to the Game Title above.   Pinball M LB XML: XML file which should have all data and match up to table naming convention.  Has 5 tables at moment. The Data.Zip file containers the text pointer files for each table (see install details above).  Front Cover Art:  (Box-Front.zip):  Box formatted cover art Zen created. Steam Backglass Images (Cabinet.zip) - 2 monitor setups only:  You only need this if you have two monitors and want a back glass image on the second monitor.  Images are the same as the Game Title versions above but renamed as needed to properly work (need a "_" in the name and must be PNG format).  These are to be placed here:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet    Note note to be confused with the Launchbox "arcade cabinet" media. This is for Steam folder only Below are a few misc graphics including a 3D box for the Pinball M system and Silver Ring Logo.




       (3 reviews)



  3. Zen Pinball FX3 Gameplay Video Snaps - Updated to Volume 7 (March 2022)

    **Updated with Indiana Jones - The Pinball Adventure table released March 2022***
    **6.0 Version - Updated to Volume 6 Pack**
    Here is a set of 1920 x 1080 game play video snaps (~30 seconds each) for Pinball FX3 that I created. Note the pinball table logos that fade in at end; credit to others on those. 
    The files have been compressed by about 50% since in most cases the window used to view these in a theme will be much smaller.  If someone wants the native 1920x1080 files, let me know (~65 MB each). 
    Here is what is included:
    Pinball FX3 Video Snaps  - Volume 6 Update.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps - Volume 5 Update.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps - Universal's Monster Pack.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps - Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps 3.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps 1.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps 2.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps - Marvel Tables Pack #2.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps - Star Wars Tables Pack #2.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps - Universal and Other Tables.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps - Zen Tables #1.zip
    Pinball FX 3 Video Snaps - Zen Tables #2.zip
    A image media pack is located here:


       (1 review)



  4. Zen Pinball FX3 Image Media Pack - Updated to Volume 7 (March 2022)

    ***Updated with new Indiana Jones - The Pinball Adventure table released March 2022.***
    ***Volume 6 update includes Williams Pack for Funhouse, Dr. Dude, and Space Station ***
    This includes media for all 96 100 Pinball FX3 tables through Volume 5 released in December 2019  Volume 6 and with Indiana Jones table released in March 2022.  This pack includes:
     Clear Logo  Docklet Gameplay Screenshot Full Table Gameplay Screenshot Background Pseudo-Backglass - I use these for Game Title snaps Advertisement - Front and Back (for the recreation tables only) I only made a few of the backglass/background images when no others were available. The rest are credited to others, gathered from Zen site, Steam, www.gameex.info pinballx media site, and around the web.  If someone objects to an image they created being in this pack, let me know and I will remove it. 
    For those that have two screen setups, then the images for the background on screen #2, named according to the PXP (Steam) file naming convention (which is not straightforward) are in the "Two-Screen Images - PXP Naming.zip" file.  The Pinball FX3 Images.Zip file contains a zip of the Launchbox images folders.  Within the folder structure they are as follows:
     Clear Logo  = Clear Logo folder Docklet = Box-Front-Reconstructed folder Gameplay Screenshot = Screenshot-Gameplay Full Table Gameplay Screenshot = Screenshot-Game Select Background = Fanart-Background Pseudo-Backglass  = Screenshot-Game Title Advertisement - Front and Back (for the recreation tables only) - Flyers folders If you want video snaps, you can find those here:
    Lastly this platform XML file contains data for each table, PXP name, year, manufacturer, brief description (usually from Zen site), and base information that would normally be downloaded from LB DB. NOTE: The XML file is now located with rest of image downloads. Just click "DOWNLOAD" button at top right, and it is the last entry.


       (3 reviews)



  5. Silver Ring Logos - Arcade Hardware Boards

    There have been user requests in Vikings original silver ring thread asking for arcade hardware board rings.  Although I personally do not go to this level of granularity, I thought it would be easier for folks to find/download if they were all in one place.  This is by no means all boards since there are big chunks as can been seen by this site that are not included or only a few, notably Sega and NAMCO.  For that reason, I have also attached the PSD base file for those that may want to generate their own but use same background/style.  There is also a category level logo "Arcade System" that have included if want to use as parent level.
    I cannot take any credit for the platform logos used in these rings, those were done by others, some on this site, as well as around the web. 
    To make this easier to read have collapsed each major grouping
    Capcom Boards (13 Boards)
    Exidy Boards (6 Boards)
    IREM Boards (15 Boards)
    Midway Boards (8 Boards)
    Taito Boards (41 Boards)
    Other/Misc Boards (13 Boards) - Sega, AAE, Brezzasoft, Konami, MSX, Nintendo, PsiKYO  


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  6. Silver Ring Logos - Pinball FX3 and FX2 Category Playlist Logos

    Here was some logos I did for user request in this thread for some Zen Pinball category playlist logos.  There are versions for FX2 and FX3.
    Bally Tables Williams Tables Marvel Tables Star Wars Tables Universal Tables Movie & TV Based Tables Originals (Zen made) Video Game Based Tables


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  7. Category Silver Ring Logos - Controller Support

    These are some quick logos I have for my system for the new LB controller support feature. These use the same naming convention that LB uses for the category level:
    Gamepad Joystick Keyboard Light Gun Motion Controller Mouse Paddle Rhythm Trackball VR Wheel/Yoke A few alts were included with slightly different naming for the category level ring and:
    Controller Category and Controller Support Joystick (2 variations with different icons) Mouse & Keyboard Paddle (a grayscale version of the paddle icon) Spinner Touchscreen Wheel/Yoke (uses a Yoke icon) Wheel


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  8. Silver Ring Clear Logo Play Mode Playlist Set

    Three sets of player mode silver ring logos in following formats:
    Arcade - with arcade joystick pictogram modeled after Dragon57 style.  PC - with PC player pictogram Console - with XBOX controller pictogram  Each set contains 25 logos with from one player up to eight players for each of the following:
    Alternating Simultaneous Plain (just Player logo with no alternating or simultaneous text) A logo for each set is also present for more than 8 players.


       (1 review)



  9. Silver Ring Clear Region Playlist Logo Set

    The region set of playlist silver rings includes:
    Argentina Asia Australia Brazil Canada China Czech Republic Denmark Europe Finland France Germany Hong Kong India Ireland Italy Japan Korea and another logo that is more technically accurate map wise as "South Korea" Mexico New Zealand North America Norway Russia Spain South America Sweden Taiwan The Netherlands UK USA World x 2 different versions with one in ALT folder Inspiration for set was by Dragon57 for his original set of regional logos.


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