About This File
View and add images from the LaunchBox Games Database directly to your game.
Compare images you already have against the database.
Remove images from your collection.
Scenario #1:
You're looking through your collection and you notice a game is missing an image. (An Arcade Cabinet in this case)
Solution #1:
- Edit the game
- Go to Media < Images
- Click Download Media
- Click Uncheck All
- Check Arcade Cabinet
- Switch to the EmuMovies tab
- Click Uncheck All
- Click Download
- Arrow through the images until you get to the newly added images
- Find the one you want and click Remove Image on each of the others
- Click OK to save
Solution #2:
- Open this plugin
- Click Arcade - Cabinet
- Double-click which image you want to add
- Close the plugin
Scenario #2:
You have multiple Arcade Cabinet images in your collection, and you've discovered you can only ever see one-at-a-time.
Solution #1:
- Edit the game
- Go to Media < Images
- Arrow through the images until you get to the Arcade - Cabinet Images
- Arrow through each one until you decide on which one you want to keep
- Click Remove Image on each of the others
- Click OK to save
Solution #2:
- Open this plugin
- Switch to Local Images
- Right-click the image(s) you don't want and select Remove Image
- Close the plugin
- An internet connection
- An associated LaunchBox Games Database ID# for the selected game
Download and extract the contents of the download into your /LaunchBox/Plugins/ folder.
i.e. D:/LaunchBox/Plugins/LBDBimages/LBDBimages.dll
- Start LaunchBox
- Right-Click a game
- Select LB Games db Images *
*If a game does not have an associated LaunchBox Games Database ID#, the menu option will be disabled.
Switch between the LBDB Images and your games' [Local] Images (lower right corner)
LBDB Images view:
Select a filter on the left to view only those image types
Double-click an image to add it to your game
Check Hide images you already have to not show...yup...images you already have **
Local Images view:
Select a filter on the left to view only those image types
Right-click an image and select Remove Image to remove it from your collection
**This only checks for an exact CRC32 match between the database images and your local images. "Pretty close" is not an "exact match".
Click the DB Id # to navigate to the LaunchBox Games Database webpage for that game (opens into your default browser)
Mouse-over an image to see its image type and region (if available)
Plugin Updates:
If an (U)pdate for this plugin has been released on the forums,
a) the plugin title in the right-click game menu will show as: (U) LB Games db Images
b) At the top of the plugin window, it will show Update available
Click the Info/Support icon, then click the Update Available button. This will open the plugins download page in your default browser.
As always, all thoughts, views, suggestions, opinions and accolades are welcome.
"Be excellent to each other." (Bill S. Preston, Esq)
What's New in Version 1.1.0 See changelog
Fixed: Image Gallery would allow multi-select
Fixed: Plugin would not load if there was an error reading an image