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Everything posted by Beetlejuice29

  1. If there's one contributor I miss, it's him! This inimitable style and this way of doing things which makes things so coherent and the ideas in terms of creation blows my mind every time! It's not perfect but so what work and this atmosphere! Frankly saddened by his departure but it's his choice! And he only shares with a small number of elected officials on patreon: we can no longer register in any case (probably to avoid leaks!) It must be said that for several months launchboxes full of ROMs sold at high prices have been abounding on the internet: it's a blessing in disguise. hoping for a hypothetical return, you never know. I think it deserved at least a little post!
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  2. Hi atalec! I think you were talking about pademonium at the start of your message but it is no longer part of the forum. Currently he is by far the one who built with his buddie Salt Trader the most impressive collection of animated marquee. To have been contributor I believe that in total I must have downloaded more than 1 terra of media (and I am only paid a symbolic 2€ to access it)! It's definitely worth it especially since the rest of the content is really above anything I've seen so far. and yet I am quite picky and quite critical.
  3. Worrying? no, others left overnight for no reason (others were also pushed to leave: either because they spoke too loudly or because they had different opinions) I have rarely seen so much moderation in 3 years that this year for example. Some people also decide to go it alone (often on patreon) Y2guru/ retrohumanoid / pademonium and it works very well for them. There can be many reasons and sometimes there are none. it could just be a break! Well, someone suddenly removes their contents, I've seen that a few times and it smells like vinegar! In my opinion I lean towards patreon I asked him the question in pm but no answer yet!
  4. I find that the sanction was relatively heavy compared to what was said and the consequences (The semi-banishment / the departure of pad from the forum) while in the end it was a benevolent message with a joke about "dramas" in reference to the live of jason which was badly interpreted I think. I've seen much worse on the forum and yet very few take moderation. I think you were a bit strong in my opinion for someone who was very involved on the forum and rather talented, and who I believe was part of one of your oldest contributors who in my opinion has contributed a lot and still had so much to show i think.Sad that your collaboration ended like this. We can't agree with everyone, that's kind of what the forums were originally for... Unfortunately even the forums are in the image of our society. You don't agree: control damaged: we silence you I believe that we forget too much that it was originally a passion for video games that brought us together. But it's like that ! everyone goes their own way! Despite that happy birthday launchbox!
  5. @PaDeMoNiuMif you go there If there is anyone who can help you, it's pad, I think he's the one who has gone the furthest on the subject (he even designs VR rooms)! I think look over here! it seems to me that he still has this psb in these archives! I had it but I can't find it anymore.. good luck to you! :;)
  6. A big thanks ! works very well I integrated it to complete the sonic collection of pademonium.
  7. Awesome, Love it ! Look forward to seeing what it could give on city hunter ! ??
  8. It seems logical for the Roms, but I thought for the older games some was considered to be abandonwares (just tapping arcade games and many are playable online via sites and seems rather serious sites) Ok good and well here I am fixed so all my competitors are illegal ... and can I sell my machines simply with the basic launchbox, free after to my customers to buy the license? What did you recommend to me to give people the chance to buy my machines? all bet on quality? Thank-you for your prompt response !
  9. Hello everyone I discovered the launchbox 2 years ago and it has become in my opinion the best frontend of the market. I have just started on my own, in the design of bartop (small arcade salon) and many are my competitors to sell their machine with hyperspin system, the launchbox being for much higher would be that visually. I was wondering if it was possible by having the license for life, to be able to sell my machines with a launchbox system pre configured with some old roms can be. And if no, is there an opportunity to do so by paying another license? I guess you should have the question but I did not find a subject that spoke about it. If @Jason Carrcan I answer this would be great ! thank you
  10. Love it ! In download soon? The end is epic!!!
  11. Hello I think you can find your happiness on the side of pademonium channel it's full of 80's theme and some mame including;)
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