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8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. in the mame ui plugins section of the settings menu i saw that hi score was off, i turned it on, later i will go get a hi score and see if that fixed it.
  2. i was adding the lines to the wrong file, i went back, removed the lines, then put them in the proper place, and now when i launch into a game detail page i get this EDIT: ok i fixed that problem, but high score still isnt showing up heres my .xaml file top and bottom
  3. Yeah I know, but that's for online leaderboards, I'm looking for local leaderboards... Unless I'm missing something obvious
  4. i think ive done something wrong, im using critical zone v2 and my textgamesview file looks different, i also have two of them.
  5. i was playing some clone hero earlier today just fine, powered the machine off, came back and powered it back on, went to the restroom while i waited for it to start and the thing is a mess now. sound stutters, videos dont load, input is extremely laggy and my monitor keeps blacking out then coming right back on(almost like its changing resolution, but its not) any idea what the deal is? i noticed that i hadnt turned my speaker on and windows had defaulted to trying to use the lcd board as a speaker, could that have been it? EDIT: i closed BB and checked for any extra process's running in the background and their is nothing that isnt always running(windows defender, steam, epic) i switched the audio to my speaker and disabled all other audio devices, restarted BB and the stuttering starts right as the BB logo shows up
  6. ive gotten four of the EG starts usb encoders hooked up in my cab, they work fine in launchbox, retroarch, mame, and the windows controller settings page. but in steam they just have a fit, it lists the four controllers, but when going to assign buttons to them through steam three of the controllers do seemingly random things(usually clear all or back a screen) and the fourth seems to work like it should accept for the stick, when i go to map the stick up and right assign to axis, but then down and left assign to hats. after setting all four become unresponsive. anybody else experience this? am i going to have to use a third party app or something to map the controls for steam? hmmm, digging deaper this also seems to be a problem in redream EDIT: using joy2key and assigning joystick 1's buttons to the top row of keys on the keyboard, and joystick 2's to the z row, then changing input 0 and input 1 in redream to thekeyboard i was able to map the two controllers that way, so basically joystick emulating a keyboard, then redream reading the keyboard and emulating a controller lol this does not work with steam though, i was able to get steam to recognize the key presses in the controller configurator, using this same method, but it was still unresponsive in game.
  7. im confused, why isnt this working NVM, i sorted it out, thanks for the help
  8. thank you. another quick question, is their a way to lock a view mode? ive noticed if i let it sit in attract mode long enough it will start cycling through the different views for a given menu, like right now its doing a cover flow of my games list, but minutes ago it was doing a vertical wheel.
  9. im trying to figure out how to get playlist videos to play when im browsing through playlists in big box, i have no idea what im doing wrong, or what button/switch i have to enable in big box, im using the critical zone theme. ive downloaded the videos and they are in their respective location's, they play fine from windows explorer, but big box wont play them for some reason, i know its probably something simple that im missing, any help would be appreciated. here is the playlist view in big box here is the playlists menu in launchbox
  10. So it cant be done?
  11. ok, so me and my brother have been putting together an arcade cabinet running launchbox/bigbox, and everything seems to be working fine, for the most part. i got a couple questions a couple of his games require steam to be open for the controllers to work, mostly epic games junk, controllers dont like to play nice with them, and after fighting with the danged thing for a week it turns out adding the game to steam, and launching it through steam enables the controllers to work. so im wondering, is their a way to have LB/BB open a non steam game, through steam? im also getting fed up with the Xarcade he's using in the cabinet and want to go the route of using a USB encoder for the buttons, but im having a hard time finding one that supports Xinput, does anybody know where, or how i can get a usb encoder that basically acts as an xbox 360 controller? ive tried using x360ce to emulate dinput-xinput but the software is buggy and broken. any help would be appreciated.
  12. i had downloaded and installed everything to a 2tb external drive on my old computer, and now that ive built a new computer i can launch LB/BB from the external drive and all of it looks to be in order, accept whenever i try to load a game retroarch loads and then just loops over and over and over. would reinstalling retroarch fix this?
  13. An excuse, but no room
  14. thanks, ill get to this later.
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