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Community Answers

  1. Are you running it fullscreen? i ticked fullscreen in the options and it works fine for me in both LB and BB, didnt need any of these extra steps. Also added $ESC:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } to running script so it closes the program rather than just stop emulation.
  2. You can go into your images folder and delete any folders in that platform you dont want. So just keep Box Front, Epic Poster and Steam Poster for example. LB will make new folders if you decide to add anything.
  3. @erling1000 It still expands the column, this fix is for example you dragged Genres to the left next to Title it wont jump back after editing a game (i think i don't really use list view). I did notice if you pull the second column to the left a little it won't expand the first column when you scroll (until you close Launchbox), but i agree it should be fixed as default.
  4. Can also confirm, i new it was something in that panel because i swapped it with the old default panel and it removed the lag. Edit: Fixed in Beta 2 👍
  5. This happens in the Default theme (also Featherweight) when clicking on a game after boot. Tried Old Default and Big Details and they don't have this issue. Memory usage also goes up to 4GB. 2024-11-2916-42-47.mp4 Debug 2024-11-29 09-40-58 PM.log
  6. Rlad

    Sinden Light Gun setup

  7. Have you forced an update? Because the database is downloaded to your machine 'metadata.xml' and any changes wont be reflected until you do that (unless an update has been pushed).
  8. @cleverestI didn't do any converting, I just used 'cue to chd' in this program. Booted game and music is there. As I said 119mb, Alfred Chicken is 1mb without music. As what Joe said looks like you've converted the iso not the cue.
  9. I just converted Alfred Chicken, it works fine, went from 209mb iso and wav files to 119mb CHD.
  10. Left stick didn't work but did the same thing with the Dpad entries and stopped mine skipping 👍
  11. Im not sure you can do genres, you could make playlists for those if not, best asking in that thread though.
  12. You'll need to use this plug in for those.
  13. Im not sure either, have to wait for someone else to answer, that seems like the way to do it though.
  14. Can you use an m3u file? https://docs.libretro.com/library/vice/ If you scroll down to Extra m3u features it says Load a program instead of "*"
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