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Community Answers

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Around 1/3 of this set is from the database, i've made the rest of the OFFICIAL AES releases to finish it off (and redone a few existing spines), quality varies based on available artwork but is better than what's available currently on the database. Let me know if you made the existing images so i can give credit.
  2. I noticed this a couple of times recently, not sure which cores but the startup screens shows then it goes back to bigbox as if it failed to launch but 3-4 seconds later the game pops up.
  3. Same on Vision and my own themes just completley blank.
  4. +1 on the remember zoom and window size. Or at least zoom as there is a full screen button.
  5. Thanks for the update Joe , working great now.
  6. I've noticed that removing the fanart background from gekirinden makes it work, the same with other saturn games removing FABG and box front reconstructed (added from a forum pack not in the database) also fixes things.
  7. I just made the log, im guessing it's no use now but it's here anyway. Debug 2025-02-15 11-37-07 PM.log
  8. Will only work on some of my games even though they all have ID's set
  9. We have this plug in now. Doesn't require reshade or anything else.
  10. Added some games to already imported platform PSP on my test build and they auto-imported, added GBA games (not imported platform) and they were not recognized, rolled back to Beta 3 and the GBA games platform was created and roms imported as intended.
  11. I just noticed the same thing that was happening with the console icons is also on the star ratings,the blue and yellow dissapears.
  12. The console icons have gone missing in game details, i noticed it appeared once then dissapears again.
  13. I just cropped the poster and added the logo for the square, I don't think the logo size or position matters too much it's going to differ the same as official posters will.
  14. Are these good examples? Poster Square Icon
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