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  1. Have you set the overlays via the menus in retroarch? Not via launchbox? Does it affect all Dreamcast games or just one? If you've accidently saved a game override for the with wrong overlay it will override the core overlay. Try saving the it as a game override and see if it saves on restart. On occasion I've managed to get corrupt configs in retroarch by messing around with things and this has stopped me saving correct settings. Unfortunately this usually means reinstalling a fresh version of retroarch and stating again! I always keep a backup version in case this happens. Re: shaders, they're re quite a personal thing. I was personality very happy with crt geom for a TV look but have recently switch to Mega Bezel reflection shaders as they offer the closest (in my opinion) to a crt screen and have options for realtime reflections around the screen, which sells the illusion a bit more.
  2. What shader does he use? Some shaders are only available to some gpu settings, ie vulcan, glcore etc? You can alter this in video settings? Also make sure your shaders are updated. Again what settings you have selected will alter this. You can just experiment with the others if you want.
  3. You néed to place the bezels in retroarch's "overlays" folder. They should come with a png file (the bezel or overlay) and a cfg file (config) , put both in here. Then boot up retroarch, launch a game, open the RetroArch menu and navigate to "overlays". Turn overlays "on" then select the bezel for the system or game you are running, save this as for either your game or core (System) as desired. You also might need to adjust your screen scaling and position to fit properly. As long as you've saved the overlays correctly, they will be applied by retroarch when you boot the game via launchbox. If you want an authentic crt screen look you'll need to apply a "shader" something like "crt geom" will give the screen a slight curvature and scan lines. Once again do this in retro arch's menu and save as core override. That way every game on that core (System) will use it. There are many youtube tutorials that would explain this better than I have though! If your new to this, it's a bit confusing, retroarch takes some getting used to but it's really not as complex as it first seems. Try some video tutorials.
  4. Thanks, I ve used archive to source some of the covers. Really hoped that a few of us out there might have some covers to scan and share but no response on that so I guess this project Is dead?
  5. It stopped on the first line when running version 2 of ahk, I deleted that line then it stopped on the next and so on, basically doesn't run on version 2!? It also did various weird things when trying 32 or 64 bit variation of the older version, not sure which one I'm using now but it's funny you said you edited the ahk file to use mame as that's exactly what I tried, (thinking it was a retroarch issue) and it seems to work perfectly now!? If be interested to see if anyone else has had issues with it and retroarch? You should probably edit your file and instructions as they specifically say it only works with retroarch.
  6. OK, got it working, sort of. My file association was set as notepad, so I changed that to autohotkey but then it started showing errors in the script when it tried to run it. I don't have much of an understanding of these scripts so I just installed an older version of ahk and now it works for some reason?... but with one issue. The first time I launch my game to activate the script it doesn't bring retroarch to the front, I have to alt tab and do it manually, then it doesn't close that instance of retroarch but goes back to Big box, selects another game and opens another instance of retroarch (though it does come to the foreground) and so on. So eventually I end up with multiple retroarch windows open!
  7. Thinking about it, I think my preference for opening the .ahk file might have been set as notepad.
  8. I hadn't at first but I did download it, still the same then noticed that It was already amongst the launchbox files anyway? Is there a specific location the file has to go? I've pointed to where I've put it. The only other thing I can thing of is that although I haven't changed any default settings in big box I have in retroarch, such as exit key binds, could it be that or would this override those via big box to close it?
  9. Had another try today, still no joy, all it seems to do is open the .ahk file as a text window and then the game but nothing after that? I've tried to edit the file to just do something simpler but still does the same thing, never used any launchbox add ons before so I'm sure it's me doing something wrong, can you explain how to use this in more detail? Any help appreciated thanks.
  10. This is so cool, I'm planning to build a bar top and this is exactly the sort of feature I'd like it to have. Trouble is so far I've not got it to work? I think I've followed the method correctly, I created a playlist and launched the game I've edited as you've shown, and that's all it does, launch that game!?? Any ideas?
  11. Version 1.0.0


    2d version of my Ultimate play the game big box collection. Those that remember the UK's gaming scene in the 80's with be familiar with the boxes of many of Ultimates titles. They released many in black cardboard boxes with the artwork stuck on as a sticker. These are faithful recreations and also feature games and alternative covers for some versions that came in normal cassette boxes. For a realistic 3d version go here...
  12. Ultimate play the game big box collection (2d version) View File 2d version of my Ultimate play the game big box collection. Those that remember the UK's gaming scene in the 80's with be familiar with the boxes of many of Ultimates titles. They released many in black cardboard boxes with the artwork stuck on as a sticker. These are faithful recreations and also feature games and alternative covers for some versions that came in normal cassette boxes. For a realistic 3d version go here... Submitter Djronz Submitted 02/20/2023 Category Playlist Media Packs  
  13. Yes, ultimate did end up as rare. I can provide 2d covers, I've already done them, I will upload them soon along with the templates.
  14. Ultimate play the game big box collection View File File contains authentic 3d recreations of the large black cardboard boxes that Ultimate games such as Knight Lore and Sabre Wulf used to come in. For those of you that remember the days of the old 8 bit micros in the UK, these boxes should be pretty familiar. I always loved the artwork on these boxes and that created a mystery about the games inside. I was not happy with the available art for these games so created these boxes using the highest quality assets I could find. They are authentic to the originals except a few that came in double casette boxes that I've converted those to the cardboard type. Anyway, wasn't sure how to catagorise this seeing as they aren't all one platform so I've put it as playlist media. If any one is interested I have 2d version here... Submitter Djronz Submitted 02/12/2023 Category Playlist Media Packs  
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